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Everything posted by FrankD

  1. I think you mean 25GAP
  2. nice pistol, personally I think the painted on "1" is a great touch.
  3. I would also pick up some heavy leather elbow length gloves to wear while wielding this death machine.
  4. It may be ugly as all hell, but I kind of want to shoot it
  5. I don't have a 458 but I have to imagine 300 BLK is cheaper per round that 458
  6. Just watched some reviews yesterday from the gun folks on youtube, seems like an interesting option vs the P365. I especially like that it comes with a plate to mount a red dot on, if I had more faith in the RMSc I would likely get one. Hoping that the sig Romeo 0 has some better reviews
  7. I read a couple articles but couldn't find anything that clarified what MGM's responsibility was in this. I don't agree with the logic of holding a business accountable for the actions of one of their customers, nor do I think that business are obligated to provide a safe environment for people within a bullet's radius of their grounds. I wonder if this will change the mentality of other businesses especially in more populated areas.
  8. I always laugh when media blows up over someone having "hundreds" of rounds of ammo, thats only a shoebox full of mags!
  9. My first reaction when I saw this post in the hunting/fishing section was that someone is about to get a visit from TWRA.
  10. I have one of these for my S&W Shield and I cannot get the fit just right with it. I am actually thinking of adding a wedge to the inside down by the barrel to get the grip to tuck a little more at the top.
  11. I knew a guy that did this same thing, just pulled them into the water. If you are quick maybe shoot them in the cage and then drag the cage under not sure how much time you have between hit and spray.
  12. Not sure the Toyota setup, but I found for my old car the cheapest option was to buy a blank chip key off ebay and have a dealership cut/program it.
  13. What were you results in swapping the slides? Were you able to get the Brownells slide to function on your factory glock frame and vice versa? From what I have seen the vast majority of issues with these come from the guide rod channel not being cut deep enough. Do you have any pictures looking down the channel to see how deep you went?
  14. This is going to be confusing as the names overlap. The shield RMSc (optic that comes on OPs walther) is narrow enough to fit onto a single stack 9mm (Like my S&W Shield or a Glock 43). I am waiting to hear some reviews on the optic before spending the cash on it.
  15. after one range trip with the dot I am sold for all purposes. The main reason I am really interested in this optic is the ability to mount it on a single stack as my primary carry is a shield 9.
  16. I put a holosun 507C on my TP9SFX and it is a great combo. I am cross eye dominant and I have found that the dot is easier to work than irons with my non-typical setup.
  17. A methed out squirrel sounds absolutely terrifying.
  18. I am curious how you like that red dot, been thinking about one to get mounted on my shield
  19. I was actually thinking the same thing when I saw one of these braced for the first time a couple days ago.
  20. I got a crossbreed crossover belt about a year ago and it has been an absolute champ. with infinite adjustment options you can really fine tune your belt size to your gun/holster or what you had for lunch. Highly recommend this one. https://www.crossbreedholsters.com/belts/crossover-gun-belt.html
  21. whats the waiting list like here? Is it a multi-year waiting period?
  22. FYI I have thrown a knife in my locked handgun case before with no issue. Although if you are checking a bag anyway you could always just put it in the bag if anyone raised a stink about it.
  23. did you upload a picture for them to laser onto the leather for you? I will be curious how leather works for IWB, seems like it would get flattened making reholstering tricky.
  24. Warrior Poet Society on YouTube did an excellent comparison of the common CCW insurance providers out there.
  25. Well it took a minute with my older drill bits and hand drill but I was able to get a decent enough dimple on the barrel that I am not too worried about the gas block moving. Now just gotta do some test shots and I'll put some rocksett into the set screws and we should be good to go.


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