About 10 years ago my wife and I had about 2 weeks before the divorce was final. She was living with someone already and I was looking to move to Texas.
Jesus really helped me a lot at that time and when I finally lade it all down for Him to take care of. Things changed then the one big thing was my wife came to talk to me, and she had not done that in over 6 months. I was thinking she was there to tell me she wanted custody of our son and some other things. I had really prayed that day that Christ would help me.
The first thing she said was she was wrong even though most of it was my fault. Then the words I will never forget. She said I don’t love you like you and I get sick when I’m around you, but this is where God wants me to be right now.
She moved back in a week later, that was August 6 1998 Things have not always been easy but it has been great. I love my wife and kids so much and praise God everyday for them.