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Everything posted by DavidD

  1. So I guess they don't care about .17 hmr.....This is exactly how the anti's will get more restrictions through, by claiming it's an emergency action to prevent something. Let's hope this attempt fails.
  2. Hate that the victim is further victimized but that is the way it should be.
  3. DavidD


    Squirly Little beasts aren't they.
  4. I'm with you here. You'd think that is exactly what they'd be looking for through the X-ray machine. Guess their more interested in box cutters and knives.....
  5. That always amazes me. Woman calls for help but then doesn't want anything bad to happen to the ________ when help arrives.
  6. +1. Happened to me at PF Changs in Cool Springs yesterday. Looked when I went in but didn't see anything. As I was leaving the mens room after lunch, noticed a sign (with old TCA code) on the entrance from the patio and thought "Oh crap!" Sure enough, centered on the 4'-0" wide +/- window to the left of the main entrance left door is a 2" round brass colored ghost buster sign. Not only was the size cause for missing it but the color kind of blended in. Bummer, I loved Changs........
  7. Excellent posts! I couldn't agree more with the whole "avoid trouble" mindset Guy and Dave are speaking of. I see (and read) so many that get the whole "Don't mess with me I've got a gun and will shoot you" attitude and believe that these people are just this side of the people which give us the reasons we all carry. Oh, and the whole "Punisher is a meany head" thing really got me going...Dude
  8. DavidD

    True Grit,

    I think you are right on. Growing up, he was THE MAN. Tough & honorable and a true patriot in private life.
  9. DavidD

    True Grit,

    Me neither. Some remakes in the past have given a new perspective to the original and have turbed out better IMHO. I will watch this one but may wait on HBO.
  10. Congrat's man, you should be very proud.
  11. I just had to look......
  12. Some time ago, while discussing the weak penetration of .380, someone (Molonlabetn I believe) brought up the suggestion of alternating between JHP's (Jacketed Hollow Points) and and FMJ's (Full Metal Jacket's) in the .380 magazine. The idea was the JHP's would make the bigger hole and the FMJ's would penetrate deeper. Made since to me and such I have both of my .380's (PPK & LCP) loaded that way. The PPK has an added benefit that after all of the rounds have been discharged, one could simply through it at a threat since it weighs as much as a brick..... This is the only round in which I personally have alternated between types of bullets.
  13. Unless you are a movie/tv actor, one in the chamber is the only way to go IMHO. Try searching for Surefire
  14. DavidD


    +1 however the Kel Tec would be second.
  15. Gobble Gobble
  16. Isn't reality scary? Truth be known, the wife and I watched it and I HATE reality television. Afterward, I actually came away thinking better of Palin. Though she may not be POTUS material, she seems to be one heck of a lady.
  17. It appears they made the right call. Glad to see my faith in people to do the right thing is not naive after all.
  18. You might have a point......
  19. I certainly hope not but as Alan Brinkley said "Running on a third party line is usually a kind of vanity candidacy, a kind of megalomania. It won’t make a difference” and one thing is for sure, Bloomberg thinks he's it.
  20. We can argue personal responsibility all day long but here is a different take for you. Why are the people suing? Weren't they personally responsible enough to have insurance to cover their car, passengers and themselves? Kind seems like the pot calling the kettle black to me. "It is Joe Shmoe's fault for making a mistake and leaving his keys in his car and he should pay!" Doesn't seem right to me but as a lawyer friend often reminds me, "Anyone can be sued for anything anytime, doesn't mean they'll win."
  21. I know, it is amazing that Buds is soo cheap. One thing I often do is to use their pricing as a guide and make the local shops cash offers. They usually get close & I've had G&L even beat Buds price on several occasions. I still have to pay tax + NICS but avoid the wait, get the gun I'm holding and support the local guys. If I can't get close, I order from Buds. BTW, one thing you left out is Insurance. I always pay the extra few $ when ordering from them for the insurance but that's just me.
  22. Have you tried Guns & Leather in Greenbrier? Bet they save you $20 or so. Either way, I have bought from Buds and for the most part have had positive experiences. Hard to beat their prices but still prefer to buy local when I can.
  23. Funny, I just heard at a gun store today that the Wal-Mart WWB ammo wasn't the same, inferior and dirtier.


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