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Everything posted by DavidD

  1. No. When I went through the class at the Mt. Juliet Police Department 4 years ago, the officers told me it WAS LEGAL. Someone since showed me an old copy of 39-17-1305 which originally stated Served/Sold.
  2. Thanks Tungsten. I found out that the code in question was amended and the "/SOLD" was removed effective July 1st, 2001. When I took my HCP class in 2003, the officers directing the class told me it was legal however recently someone showed me the code that was obviously outdated.
  3. TCA 39-17-1305 states: "It is an offense for a person to possess a firearm within the confines of a building open to the public where liquor, wine or other alcoholic beverages as defined in § 57-3-101(a)(1)(A), or beer, as defined in §57-6-102(1), are served for on premises consumption." I have been told and have always assumed this to mean: 1) I can go Legally armed into a convenience store, gas station or grocery store that sells beer. 2.) I can go legally armed into a Liquor Store. Am I correct?
  4. Just to show how cynical I've become, I'm always prepared for this exact scenario when I walk in the door. Make no mistake, I'd be slinging lead and the family knows to duck:eek: Mine also. She and I have have an appointment this Saturday to go through the Handgun Safety Course hosted by my local police department so she too can get her permit. Though I have already been through the course and have my permit, I'm going through it once again with her. I had so much fun with the local officers last time, for $25 I figured what the heck. Now, If I could only convince the wife......
  5. I always carry. This is surprising since 4 years ago when I got my carry permit, I had the idea that "I wouldn't carry all of the time, only when warranted such as going downtown or other dangerous places." I am now more cynical, believing that the world is a dangerous place and "stuff" can happen anywhere anytime. I even find myself carrying around the house and yard. As far as obeying the asinine laws we are currently subjected to, I do.
  6. Classic. I'd come as well. Dave
  7. Nice and definitely a one of a kind. What type of dremel end did you use? The reason I ask is that I have a Stainless Steel Walther PPK that I very rarely carry that has some dings I was thinking of buffing out. Dave
  8. Thanks KahrMan. I think that is what I've decided to do. My buddy says it will also be fine for Turkey Hunting which is about the only hunting I see myself doing these days. Dave
  9. Thanks for the reply. I'm kind of at a cross road since I have not fired it yet and am currently able to exchange it for a 28" barrel. My "gut" tells me I should but I'm really looking for others "opinions" who have the experience. I'll take a look at the links you've posted. Dave
  10. I have been interested in getting into skeet (I use the term loosely) shooting for a couple of years now. I had done some with my grandfather during several summers more years ago than I care to admit and really want to get back into the sport. Though I am ignorant to all the different types of sport shooting (Skeet, Trap, Sporting Clays etc.) I am intrigued and am sure I can find at least one variant that suits me. I had been looking (more like drooling) at the Benelli shotguns both on the computer and with my best friend at the Franklin Gun Shop. I had really been looking at the SBII since it could also shoot 3 1/2" shells but was really admiring the Benelli Super Sport however it was more money than I'd spend, especially to start off with. Well, to make a long story short, my wife surprised the crap out of me for my fortieth birthday Friday and bought me the 12 ga. Super Sport. I'm in shock. Number one, it was a lot of money and number two, she says I have too many guns already (hand guns). Just goes to show that even after 17 years of marriage, you can't figure them out. Anyway, the guy at the store told her that since I was looking for a "sport" gun and not a "hunting" gun, the 30" barrel was the way to go. I got this second hand so I'm sure something was lost in the translation. I had previously decided that I was probably going to look for a 26" or 28" Remington to start off with AFTER I had gone to the range and spent at least a couple of weekends. My Question is: Is a 30" barrel what I want for Skeet, sporting Clays, Trap Etc.? As a side questions: Is the Benelli Super Sport a decent choice? The store told her I could come back and swap it out if I wanted the shorter barrel and Franklin Gun shop has always been excellent in the past so in the event I might want to swap it out for another model, I'm pretty sure they'd work with me on that as well. I have contemplated exchanging for something cheaper but my wife said It's paid for and If that is truly the one I'd like, she'd be mad if I got rid of it just because of the price. I must admit, it is the lightest shotgun I have ever handled and I like it allot, but I have not fired it yet. I have shot a SBII and could not believe how well it shot with such little recoil. Any help and guidance for this newbie would be greatly appreciated. Dave
  11. Not that I am advocating suing the KPD, but you should obtain legal counsel before posting anything else or commenting further as the most serious charge you have levied has been dismissed by the KPD. Beyond that, it would be nice if you could get a copy of the Officers Patrol Car Video and post it here for All to draw their own conclusions regarding the excessive force you mention. From your accounts, it sounds that Officer Greene was not only ignorant of Tennessee law, but plain STUPID for bringing up Ohio's law where he worked 7 years prior. It is absolutely rediculous that this "excuse" was reiterated in the IAD report. Further more, I believe Officer Greene is a criminal for his statements about fabricating charges and should loose his badge if your accounts are substantiated by several witnesses or the video/recording mentioned in the IAD report. Either way, the reprimand and apology is some Justice, no matter how impotent it may sound. I can say without doubt that the incident was blown completely out of proportion by Officer Greene and this is a true testament of Officer Greens professionalism and lack of respect for those he is charged and sworn to "Protect and to Serve". You were definitely mistreated here and the Knoxville Police Department as well as the City of Knoxville should truly be ashamed. I have been asked once for my ID after a Metro Nashville Officer noticed my weapon in the small of my back and it was handled quietly and very professionally without disrespecting me OR bringing the situation to the attention of others. It can be done professionaly without use of force. Food for thought: Should a citizen with a HCP "OFFER" to surrender his weapon prior to reaching for Identification and/or his permit if it is in the general vicinity of the weapon to at least attempt to put the Officer at ease? David
  12. I understand the unsupported chamber, but what exactly is "Firing out of battery"? Dave
  13. I must admit, that's why I bought one. I stumbled upon a deal on the P22 "kit" with the long barrel and a Red Dot Scope in a hard case. The scope mount is plastic so definitely not what you'd call "competition grade" or anything but really cool and fun to play around with. I also added the $80 laser for fun, just couldn't resist. No doubt it is not as accurate as a Buck Mark but fine for target and plinking with the long barrel. I have never had any problems with CCI ammo and that is what Walther recomends. It is also fits really nice in the back pocket without the short barrel. I sometimes carry it when the wife and I go walking. As an added bonus, the laser keeps the dog occupied at night.....
  14. DavidD

    Glock 35?

    Yes, I saw it and it is nice. Even had a nice set of aftermarket sights but he was asking $680 (plus tax & TBI). I can order a new one from Buds in Ky for around $600 delivered (including shipping & $25 transfer) and the Rabi has quoted me $660 "out the door" for new. If I were going to spend $600, I'd go local and get a new one from the Rabi however, I'm really looking for one to play around in the woods with so $450-$475 sounds perfect. Any other suggestions? Dave
  15. DavidD

    Glock 35?

    I'm in the market for a G34. Any help on where to find a deal on a used G34 would be greatly appreciated. Dave


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