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Everything posted by DavidD

  1. DavidD

    Taurus PT809

    Anyone seen one of these yet? I know, Taurus's Cutomer Services Sucks But I sure like the looks of it and it has a Hammer to boot (Call me old fashioned but I like pistols with hammers). Link to site http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-details.cfm?id=602&category=Pistol
  2. UGLY . Is the trigger guard made for a "gloved hand" or what????
  3. +2 on Weapon Shield, I even love the smell
  4. Sad. I always have loved Pink Floyd. May we all wish his family well.
  5. DavidD

    Check for stolen gun

    That's a good idea Reef, I never thought about that. Last used gun I bought FTF I had the Rabi run it.
  6. Economic Left/Right: 0.00 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.64 I guess I'm pretty easy going as well
  7. DavidD


    The list does seem to be growing here of late
  8. DavidD

    New Indoor Range

    He made it very clear during an interview that he was all for doing away with allowing private sales of firearms between law abiding individuals, also known as the "Gun Show Loophole" by the anti gunners. That is what my response is based on.
  9. DavidD


    :rofl: Oh now you've done it, mentioned HE of who we are not to speak! A "Brazillian" squirrel?
  10. DavidD

    New Indoor Range

    Yeah, a reall Gun Rights Advicate, err, no, maybe a Gun Store Owner's Rights Advocate, no wait, His Gun Store Rights Advocate, yeah that's it!
  11. And even if he did, so what? He's obviously getting a little worried
  12. I understand where you are coming from, and agree with you. Kind of like the mobsters in the movies, killing, selling drugs, getting prostitutes etc. then going to confession to ask for forgiveness. I believe a true Christian, or true believer in any religion will have a good heart and there in lies the difference. What you are describing is not a true believer in my eyes however who am I to judge? I am a Christian and I also sin but I assure you, not without guilt. We Christians do not have a monopoly on this guilt OR good hearts, nor are we to judge. We should however do our best to live by Gods law and his word EVERYDAY.
  13. I also carry at Church, concealed of course. I do not make it widley known and I'm sure there would be several that would scoff but I believe God has given me the common sense to defend myself as well as others if the need were to arise. My church does not have a policy against carrying while on the premise, there is no school on the grounds and there aren't any postings prohibiting wepons at the entrances.
  14. Well said Nate! I do agree with StrickJ in his observation "This country was not founded for Christians," but the You Tube link of the nut case is out of line. I'd post a "This is what I think of when it comes to homosexuals" You Tube Video but then I'd be labeled as "Bashing Gays" and it would be an obvious and un founded attack. I would probably then be banned and I really like it here so I'll keep my stereotypes to myself ......
  15. It appears to me that he really was trying to say "John McCain hasn't criticized or accused me of being a Muslim" but that's just how I see it. Please give me a moment to go puke as it appears I'm "taking up" for Obama. Remember, there wasn't a teleprompter to read so it could have been a mistke. Do I care either way? Not really, even though I am a Christian. He is still a liar (like most if not all politicians) and will do or say anything to get elected. I will not vote for him because of one reason only, his politics.
  16. What can I say but
  17. I've only been once (a week ago) and know exactly what you are talking about. Imagine a bird in a dense tree 30 yards down hill, 3 guys surrounding the tree "waiting for him to pop out," and to top it off one of the three is a trigger happy 12 year old........
  18. Better stock up on bandages and prepare to blow your @#% off.
  19. Thanks Reef, I needed the visual!
  20. Funny, but shouldn't the monkey be turned around?
  21. What the heck is going on over there? You'd think they'd have it down by now .
  22. Yes, Vince looked great...............forJacksonville:mad:
  23. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-PpU8MUbHE[/ame] Works for me.
  24. Funny. Hard to blame the old guy
  25. Link came back "No Match" ?


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