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Everything posted by DavidD

  1. What a load of crap. I really like the maps some of the commenters inserted below this bs. They show exactly what parts of the country voted Republican...., err I mean are racist.
  2. Ohhhhh, I see said the blind man! I was using the conversion from drams of BLACK powder to grains whereas I'll be using SMOKELESS powder to reload. My results are much better and well worth reloading to me now. Thanks a bunch Mike!
  3. Ok, I knew there must have been something I was missing. I read somewhere that 1 dram = 27.34375 grains and that a typical 12 ga. skeet load was 3 drams. Is this information flawed?
  4. Awesome calculator, thanks Mike! It confirmed waht I'd already figured manually. Yes Hidalgo, this is the conclusion I've come to as well, just for the fun of it. What I don't get is why I keap coming up with $9.92 per box. It appears to be in the powder and shot however shopping around both of these numbers seem to be in order. Any ideas anyone?
  5. I've been buying 12 ga. Winchester Game Loads at Academy for $4 per box. I only shoot sporting clays and I've been thinking about reloading and have tried to justify this "expansion" to my hobby by thinking I might save a little money but Can I reload 12 ga. shells for $4 or less per box (excluding reloader and equipment)?
  6. Nice replys Tower. Tell'em like it is.
  7. In my humble opinion, the sig is worth wayy more than a $100 compared to the Ruger P95. Go with the Sig.
  8. Thanks strickj, I like that much better!
  9. We've discussed this before and everyone thought it looked great but they were wondering why it waan't going to be available in .40 or .45. I'll search for the thread. Edit, here's the link: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13913&highlight=hornady
  10. Upadte: Wal Mart has boxes of 20 round Remington for $8.49 per box.
  11. I requested my packet today as well.
  12. Yeah, it's like they really believe that such signage will trully make them safe.
  13. Yes, this is exactly how one might imagine the end of our freedoms would begin.
  14. I wish Rosie would go. Maybe she'll fall into a deep depression now that her show was cancelled:)
  15. Im afraid we will be seeing more and more of this. I wish there was a way to assemble a large group of law abiding, gun toting citizens to protest whenever another mall/store post signs.
  16. Now can you picture some guy coming to the range and pulling one of those out?
  17. Yes, I've always liked Suzanna Hupp. She definately has a real perspective. While viewing this video, I also saw the Penn & Teller BS episode about gun guntrol. It is quite long (3 parts) but well worth the time. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfObDFVnfp0[/ame] [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnAEvqI6V9E[/ame] [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS0hKNuS8zU[/ame]
  18. I really liked that show until the last 3 or 4 episode. They have become way too politcal (read left leaning pansies) for my taste.
  19. DavidD


    *Insert another joke about the small diameter of the Glock Trigger guard*
  20. Good Read.
  21. DavidD


    Yeah, I guess if you carry it up front it darn well could. Yet another reason I carry in the small of the back In reality though, while using this setup if the gun is tucked in the waistband, your finger couldn't touch the trigger until the trigger cleared the waistband so it really isn't much different in that regards from a typical IWB holster. Now I guess you could make the argument that while tucked in, something could snag the trigger thus causing it to fire. I don't think this would be very likely however I'll stick with my IWB holster.
  22. DavidD


    Be ready, here they come....... You're going to shoot your arse off!
  23. Yes IMHO, as long as it is not posted otherwise on the doors of the hotel. My understanding of casino layout/Architecture is that they are required to have entry points that seperate the casino from ALL entry and exit points. The casino, though attached to a hotel, is considered seperate for many reasons.
  24. DavidD

    30rd AR Mags

    Wow, that is a hellofa deal! Those usually go for $65 to $75. Are you sure they were new? Either way, I hope you picked up a few.
  25. You sir should be a Republican strategist


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