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Everything posted by DavidD

  1. I have contacted my Rep. Susan Lynn. She has been very Pro 2A in the past. I'll post her response as soon as I get it.
  2. DavidD

    Ruger LCP Recall

    My buddy sent his away on the 9th and just got it back today. Yes Natosha, he got a hat along with a new magaizine with finger rest.
  3. Wait just one minute there. You mean it is $999.99 without the Accessories? No thanks, I'll just stick with my trusty flashlight.
  4. "We’re talking about the gifted Michelle Obama whose intellect and superior legal sense makes her a shoe-in for the first First Lady to receive compensation for what is sure to be an unparallelled contribution to the focus of our new administration." Oh please
  5. DavidD

    Ruger LCP Recall

    Congratulations! I just hope mine is that fast. Question, does yours now have a "Diamond" stamp under the hammer?
  6. DavidD

    Ruger LCP Recall

    I think I'd send them seperate. They are paying any way.
  7. Hey now you might be on to something. Everyone would get to use it 18.25 days per year?
  8. I can see it now, "Honey, I just took out a second mortgage to buy another gun.........."
  9. Yes, that does look nice. It looks even more comfy than my Hogue!
  10. I would also highly recomend it as it teaches gun safety (with your input of course) and passes our sport/hobby on to the next generation.
  11. Yee ha! I will now be legal.
  12. Put me down for a couple as well. Let me know when and where to send the check.
  13. Always carry (even at home). Always Concealed, and Always one loaded in the chamber with no safeties on no matter what I carry. On the rare occasions I carry a 1911, it is not cocked.
  14. DavidD

    Ruger LCP Recall

    UPS came and picked mine up today. I received the box, packaging and instructions day before yesterday at my house. I had SPECIFICALLY given Ruger my work address for this recall but I guess since I registered it (filled out warranty info on line) and gave my home address, it was already in their system. I called them yesterday to let them know I was ready and reiterated that it must be picked up and returned to my work address since it would need to be signed for. So far not so good.....
  15. DavidD

    My Custom Colt AR15

    Awesome! I like the Drum Magazine and YHM Silencer the best. How many rounds have you put through her? BTW, nice first post.
  16. DavidD

    Dang gunshop!

    I understand, you want it to be sparkling for its debut.
  17. DavidD

    Dang gunshop!

    Let me be the first to say Or, as someone else said "Photos, or it never happened! "
  18. "We think they are people who already have more than enough guns at their homes to protect themselves and are buying more." Ok, he got me on that one
  19. The prices I used on the last calculator reflect Reloaders Bench & Mid South Shooters supply prices. Any other suggestions?
  20. My plan is to order once fired AA,s. Is it realistic to expect 10 reloads out of them (on average of course) ?
  21. I'm with creeky. I would however highly suggest #3 when you are not home in case of a break in or other unforeseen event (wife's friends with kids stop by, etc.). It just seems like the prudent action to me. Kudos' for you as the responsible gun owner and protecting your family on many levels. Oh, and one last thing, take the wife to the range as often as you can. It is important that she respect the gun and be able to use it proficiently in the event you are not around or incapacitated. It should lessen her fear of it as well.
  22. DavidD

    AR Sighting

    Cool, those are very nice. I am by no means the AR guru as I have just been bitten by the bug in the last several months but I'd do the iron sights first, then sight in the Holo. This is how we did my buddies Eotech.
  23. I understand completely. It is pure lazyness in my opinion. Cleaning a gun up after shooting is not work and I rather enjoy it. To me, it is just part of the whole shooting experience but what do I know. I also wipe my a$$ after I take a dump.......
  24. Good point and as misicman said, a dirty gun is less valuable than a clean one so it may actually be a win win for you.
  25. DavidD

    AR Sighting

    Does your flip up rear have an adjustment for elevation?


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