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Everything posted by DavidD
I gave Mr. Uselton the benefit of the doubt yesterday by saying this quote ""In this era, the idea that there are places criminals can go and buy guns with no accountability, it doesn’t do my business any good and it doesn’t do law-abiding gun dealers any good,” Uselton said, referring to the loophole." could have been misconstrued or misdirected by the reporter in the end of his quote. Upon pondering this further in the interest of trying to give a fellow Tennessee Gun Owner a break, I have no doubt Rick put his foot in his mouth and is now back stroking. It's clear to me now. The "doesn’t do my business any good and it doesn’t do law-abiding gun dealers any good" part reaffirms my original reaction that this is a greed driven stance. Furthermore, this quote in the same article “Not only is there no background check on the person purchasing the gun, there’s no record on the gun itself,” Rivergate Guns and Knives owner Rick Uselton said. “So the gun could be stolen and the person buying it back would never know.” confirms how Mr. Uselton really felt at the time he was interviewed. I believe he would have had a better chance of coming out and saying " I goofed when being interviewed by the City Paper and retract both my statements and stance on the so called gun show loophole" rather than trying to convince the world he was simply mis quoted. Sorry Rick, I'm not buying it. Now If you actually do in fact sue the City Paper and/or it's reporter for grossly mis-quoting you and win, then I will be the first to not only make a public apology on this forum, but will come into your place of business and purchase a gun, even at your "Franklin" prices.
Now he's talking about the Photo with his finger on the trigger. Hum, Rick must be lurking around here.
His Quote: “In this era, the idea that there are places criminals can go and buy guns with no accountability, it doesn’t do my business any good and it doesn’t do law-abiding gun dealers any good,†Uselton said, referring to the loophole. Sooo, maybe the paper did in fact twist his comments around, or he could be backstroking because word has gotten out and he wants OUR business........
Found It! http://www.nashvillecitypaper.com/news.php?viewStory=59815
I'm trying to find the old post with the Article in which he said he supports the gunshow loophole but can't get the Seach to work. Anyone know where it is?
Buy'em while you can boys.
Like K191145 above, I'm shocked this report, which seem to be right on and on our side, was by Lou Dobbs and on the Comunist News Network no less. Maybe, just maybe they will start to wake the hell up and see our rights are under attack.
Not around here my friend. Nashville Wal Marts have been out of .380 for well over a month now. They may have received one or two boxes but they have been going fast. I have been unable to catch them when they have any in but I'll keep trying.
Right on Mike .
Funny, it took me a minute to figure it out though.... Either way, I'd go. If it is true and materializes, we should have a TGO delegation.
My first new toy of 2009. Decided I would hold off on the .270 I want and am going to focus on the "bottom feeding assault weapons" I have on my list before you know who does you know what. My first Springfield and must admit, I'd been eyeing the Stainless slide purely for looks but got a good deal Saturday at Guns and Leather in Greenbrier ($20 cheaper than Buds on line). Put 100 rounds through it and surprisingly, I really like the trigger. It is slightly harder than my G34 but more solid if that makes sense. Anyway, here’s the pics:
Ann in 2012
I am so going to use the hell out of this Thanks man
I have not shot mine since it has come back but I do notice the reset is a little further forward than it was when dryfiring. As far as feel, I don't notice a difference.
Don't sweat it. It's good enough for a repost
Sorry, I must have been looking at "chiefs" post above . Nice job again Bonker.
Got mine yesterday. Nice Job, thanks OS!
Thanks all. I have read about the 5.56 variances as well as problems with mill surplus. So far, I've collected a few hundred Remington and 200 or so Monarch, all .223. The Monarchs of course are Russian and I wasn't sure if they could be re-loaded or not. I just bought some digital calipers ($20 from Midway) when ordering shot gun supplies (have been reloading 12 ga. on a Mec 9000G and 20 ga. on a 650) and I have a very nice Dillon Digital scale. Now all I need is a 550, caliber conversions, dies, heads, tumbler/media separator, media, bullets, powder, primers.......... You think if I just charge it all Obama will bail me out????? PS: Glockster, I Love the signature line!
But I'd bet they'll be offended that your not offended when they're offended....
I do not recall his name- Big guy, late 20's early 30's, light brown hair... Yes, I know a couple of LEO's and they've told me the same kind of stories.
Though I'm not the OP, thanks to all. I plan on reloading many pistol calibers and the only rifle caliber I plan on reloading with the 550 is .223 for my AR. Do they have to be trimmed down as well?
Thanks for posting Glock2340. Keep us informed of any progress you make.
Was this your first press or did you start off with a single stage? Like the OP, I'm considering starting off with a progressive, specifically the 550.
I live outside city limits in Wilson County and shoot in my backyard all the time. I live in and on the outside edge of a neighborhood but have 6 acres and back up to hundreds of acres. Yesterday, A friend and I went to the Stones River range to shoot his new Bushmaster AR among other pistols and my AR only to find a long line and an hour plus wait. We decided to just go back to the house and shoot in the back yard. Well, after about a half-hour and 150 or so rounds a Sherriff’s Deputy showed up. He walked down from some houses on a parallel street that back up to the neighborhood side of my property. Anyone of these homeowners could look out their back windows and see us as it is only around 300 hundred yards or so to where we had parked a truck. I asked if someone complained and he said yes, they just wanted to be sure sue everything was on the up and up (kind of funny as I would think something was awry if I only heard ONE shot, not 150+ ). I told him I was the property owner, we weren't violating any laws as far as I knew and showed him the target and direction we were shooting was into a large incline so all safety precautions were being taken. He agreed, was extremely polite the entire time and left after a couple of minutes. This was the first time they have ever been out but honestly I had never shot that many rounds at one time before. We probably shot another 200 or so rounds after he left. I sure didn’t want to give anyone any idea they could stop me from shooting in the future by calling the Sherriff. So the point I've taken soo long to get to is that even if it is legal, you may still be visited by the local Sherriff.