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Everything posted by DavidD

  1. Glad it all turned out. I felt your grief and as a long time customer of SunTrust, I had my doubts they would do the right thing. These banks have just gotten soo big.
  2. From the Authorized Vendor Section:
  3. Please tell me that are not selling .380 for $1 per round.
  4. What's up with all the Representatives and Senators from Memphis? They seem to ALL be anti HCP?????
  5. Never thought about that. Thanks Joe, you probably just saved me $500
  6. I registered on line via the website on February 22 thanks to S&W Forty's original post. I received an email on March 26 letting me know that the next email I received from S&W would be the mailing label. It came a couple of hours later. First thing I noticed right off the bat was it was UPS 2nd Day Air. Now dealing with BROWN in the past, I know their Company Policy is to send all Firearms Next Day only so I called S&W. They confirmed that they had worked out special arrangements with UPS. So I proceeded to box up my PPK as instructed and took it to the Massman Drive UPS hub since it is 1/4 mile from my office, waited in line and listed to two customers in front of me swear they would never ship UPS again. I finally get my turn only to get the run around from the retard (no offense to the mentally disabled as they usually have more tact and mental capacity than this nimrod) behind the counter once I informed him there was a firearm in the package. He then informed me that it was their corporate policy that all handguns must go Next Day Air. I told him what S&W had said and asked that he confer with his manager. He walks in the back room, calls the supervisor on the phone and says " I've got a customer here trying to send a handgun 2nd day, isn't it our policy that all handguns must be shipped next day?" I then hear "that's what I told him" and he hangs up and comes back out front in informs me that he is right, I'm wrong, and they they cannot ship this package 2nd day. I told him I heard is whole conversation and asked why he didn't inform his supervisor about the S&W agreement. He aid point blank" It doesn't matter what anyone else told you, this is our policy." I ask to use the phone so I can call S&W back and he points out one across the room. I dial the number and am waiting to speak with them when the little prick come over with a printed piece of paper with the UPS Policy Highlighted. He points to it, and gingerly whisks it on the table in front of me. I damn near lost it. I said "HEY!, dummy bring your highlighter over hear and allow me to finish highlighting the last line so maybe your feeble brain might be able to understand." That last line read "In certain circumstances where prior arrangements are made, firearms may be shipped 2nd Day Air" He said "uh, wa, uh, da" and I left. Once I got back to my office, I called the number for UPS Pickup that was on the email (800 654-3848) and the nicest lady answered. I told her about my troubles, informed her that this is the last time I'll use UPS (I already switched to FED EX years ago ) and she apologized and told me she was faxing the Supervisor now and that If I gave them about a half hour, I could go back and they WOULD accept the package. When I went back 29 minutes later, retard was wasn't anywhere in sight but a nicely dressed lady (most likely a supervisor) was there. I told her I was shipping a Handgun and she smiled, looked at the package and said "No problem". Scanned it, printed out my receipt, smiled and said "Is there anything else I can help you with?". I should have complained but by this time it was 5:00 and I was ready to head to the house so I said no. Anyway, I sent my PPK off on 03/26 so I'll post when it arrives to give everyone an idea of the time it took. My advice to everyone else is to call the number above and either schedule a pick-up or be sure the place you are going to drop off your pistol knows what the hell is going on.
  7. My response to this has always been "Yeah, just like we have done to drugs. Oh but wait, my daughter can go to her High School and get those."
  8. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it matters whether or not the Governor signs the bill. As long as he doesn't veto it it will automatically go into law on a predefined date.
  9. Oh come on, give the guy a break. After all, he says "PLUS: 2 - 20 round magazines, pachmayr signature series wraparound grips, and a double shoulder holster, gun on one side, 2 mags on the other, black nylon. What a package!" Sad thing is, guy says he's an FFL Dealer so he obviously knows better . Makes me wonder if some of these people just put crap like this out there thinking that if someone bites, the just tripled their money......
  10. DavidD

    Deal or no deal???

    Dude, you got taken. I'll be nice though and give ya' your $600 back for it......
  11. Forget free healthcare. The vast majority of Americans will spend far more on food in their lifetime than healthcare (looks like Canadienmike beat me to it above). I think we should just vote in free food for everyone. Then, with all the money everyone would save they could go out and purchase health insurance like everyone else right? Uhm no. Then they'd go out and buy a new car, 20" rims, 52" flat Screens, new clothes, new cell phones, hot tubs, shiny and sparkly new grilles etc. Point is, most people who say they can't afford even the most basic health insurance without all the fancy co pays and what not CHOOSE to spend their money on other non essential expenses. I'm self employed and pay almost $500 a month out of my pocket to protect my family. In the past, during times between jobs etc. I went to my insurance agent and purchased one of those catastrophic health insurance policies for $100 a month. It only covered major illness/hospital stays with a large deductible ($5,000). It did not pay for anything else. Why can't others dump their cable/satellite TV's or cell phones and do the same thing??????? Socialized medicine does not work anywhere. For years, Japan had the model everyone strived to achieve but look at them now. They have the save problems every other country with socialized medicine has- poor healthcare due to under qualified/paid doctors, long waits for essential procedures and the government bureaucracies choosing who lives and dies. Right now in America, no mater who you are or how much you can afford a hospital must treat you as they would someone else who has insurance no matter what your age or health. Try that in Canada!
  12. I got mine yesterday. Sent in the Application February 9th, it was returned to me Feb 26th (I didn't fill in the blank for the $30 Application Fee), and I re-mailed it the 27th. So it took almost 6 weeks including my goof. I am now an Official Collecter of Curio and Relics
  13. Get the Stainless version to avoid the reported finish problems. Other than that, they are great. I have fired my buddy's and can't really tell any difference in it compared my S&W or a Springfield 1911. They averege $150 or so cheaper.
  14. Probably more like adding $40 to their price AND sending one less Magazine...... I guess when you have a product in high demand, anything goes.
  15. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SIG SAUER® Commercial Pistols Now Shipping with Single Magazine EXETER, NH SIG SAUER, the leading manufacturer of military, law enforcement, government agency, and commercial firearms, has announced effective March 20, 2009, that all commercial pistols with a standard configuration of two magazines will now ship with a single magazine. This change in configuration is a result of the critical shortage of magazines throughout the industry. SIG SAUER's decision to ship commercial pistols with one magazine will allow existing and new orders to be processed without interruption. Without this change in policy, magazine availability would severely hinder SIG SAUER's ability to meet market demand and ship product in a timely manner. Distributor and dealer single magazine pistol shipments commence immediately. For more information on SIG SAUER, or any if its products, visit www.sigsauer.com.
  16. I can see everyone's points and now believe it depends on the context used. As noted in my example on the original post, the old guy used the term "hand Loading" his rifle brass (already fired-not new) since he wasn't running it through his progressive reloader but was actually hand measuring the powder and running the cartridge through a single stage press. It's still a reload by definition but I guess the hand measuring of powder for a more accurate charge justifies the difference in terminology to him. He's been reloading for 35 years.
  17. Thanks jmac, same old crap. Glad I didn't click and make them think I really gave a damn what they print.
  18. Ok, I'm sure I'm splitting hairs here but is there a difference between Handloading and Re-Loading? I ask because I'm at that stage where I'm pretty sure I'll be getting a reloader soon (Dillon 550b) and asking a bunch of questions and something stood out while talking to an old guy the other day. He mentioned he doesn't run his rifle rounds through his re-loader but "Hand Loads" them. Then, from time to time here I see the term Hand Load used. Are the two terms generally interchangeable?
  19. I refuse to click on the link so there is no confusion about how I feel about the Tennessean. Can you post the article here?
  20. Excellent points Strick. I just cancelled my subscription to the Tennessean and will not even look at it online. So now the only way I can read any of these rags is if one of youe guys (and gals) post the article on here. I won't even so much as follow a posted link. Wonder how long I can last.....
  21. Thank you for calling the Tennessean, how may I help you? I'd like to cancel my subscription to yor newspaper immediately. May I ask why sir? Bill cooks up a recipe for Death Excuse me sir? The reason I'm canceling your Liberal rag and what I'd like you to type in is Bill cooks up a recipe for death. Who's bill? It's a proposal in the state legislature, but that's besides the point. Did you type that in? No sir but I will if you insist, can you repeat that one more time.....
  22. DavidD

    Deal @ buds

    Yeah, I usually say and do the same thing. Now I do not qualify for their discount as stated in the email (I get the same emails) but wow, that is a heck of a deal and Just so happens I'm in the market for an M&P. I have bought several handguns from Bud's and even recieved the same 10% off they usually give to LEO's etc. in the past but it is only on certain items or when I bought 2 at once. Bud's are generally pretty good to deal with BUT I'd rather buy from Guns & Leather, Goodlettsville Gun shop etc. and both have in the past come close to or matched Bud's. Though I then have to pay Tn sales tax, with Bud's I consider the FFL transfer, sending a cashiers check and not getting to handle the exact gun I'm buying. These things may be worth less to some, but it is worth something none the less.


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