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Everything posted by DavidD

  1. Cool. KNow what you mean, going to Fl soon an wanted to know as well. Funny thing is I will have more rights as far as 2a goes away than I do at home.
  2. And florida is similar. Apparently, contrary to the dreaded adam, it is actualy legal in a lot of states.
  3. My appolagiees as well, wish we could.......
  4. Never heard of Colbert or have i seen the show before......and proud to say it!
  5. I understand the dilemma regarding the lack of differentiation between a bar and a restaurant in TN. Like you, I believe that is at the heart of the current problem. It was my understanding that the closest the House Sub committee could come to making a differentiation was the age restriction since "generally speaking", that would apply to places such as bars. It is hard to argue with that logic in my opinion. I am glad that the ridiculous curfew of 11:00 PM was removed as I have been at places such as Ruth's Chris and the Palm past that time enjoying desert after a fine meal. I sympathize with your plight in the Phil Williams case however do not see where that has any bearings regarding my statement. I by no means want to show any disrespect towards you as you have done wonderful things for me personally in your long fight for my second amendment rights. I truly appreciate all that you and your organization have done and vow to support TFA financially by becoming a member in the very very near future. You have my word. I also have the utmost respect for Senator Jackson and his fight in the Senate. Frankly, I'd vote for him anytime if I had the chance even though he is a Dem . I still stand by my statements above. Call me paranoid, but I do fear that "they" have a chance, even if ever so small, of jeopardizing this new law.
  6. I'm not a big Glen Beck fan but : YouTube - Glenn Beck "Global Warming Is A Fact" NO Says Dr. Alen Carlin's EPA Report
  7. Now I'm posting to dispell the evil number post count
  8. Well, congrats, I guess . I'm really only posting here to get my 666th post. .
  9. Yes, Thank You Sir , we appreciate your extensive efforts.
  10. It is a shame. Hickory Hollow was THE mall in the late 80's and early 90's. I forbade the family from going there 5 or 6 years ago and just recently did the same with Rivergate. They are nothing but gang hang outs now. Funny thing is Rivergate has properly "posted" basically saying they do not want my business. Good luck to them surviving on the thug's disposable income for purchases.
  11. I too am very skeptical. Doesn't the build up of lead and/or copper present a much larger problem? I really doubt Hoppes #9 is really bad for steel, much less stainless.
  12. All very good points, and I really like wjh's reasoning here.
  13. Hex, it really pisses me off too. Like you, I believe thay have a good chance of finding a judge to put the brakes on this thing then gain momentum in getting it nixed. However, we cannot turn into criminals just because we don't agree with the laws. They are what they are. We my friend are the minority plain and simple. We must suck it up and keep on putting up the good fight. I'm starting to wonder if the striping of the age restriction wasn't going too far........
  14. I saw a George Washington quote in another thread and it made me think of some of my favorite Thomas Jefferson Quotes. Here's my (Dave's ) top ten: 10. If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour? 9. A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine. 8. Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper. 7. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. 6. No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. 5. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. 4. The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. 3. When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. 2. Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. And Dave's number 1 Favorite Thomas Jefferson Quote is The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
  15. DavidD

    Colt 6520 CAR 15

    Nah, your getting screwed. Tell you what, tell him I'll take it though...
  16. Whew, , I thought maybe you were refering to what some in the hood would call the female......., well maybe I better digress. Either way, Poutine sounds pretty damn good. Happy Independence Day!
  17. Yep, it's fixed. Congrats on the new AR!
  18. I'm not a big fan but saw them earlier this year and loved it. Waht a great park!
  19. DavidD

    New Colt WWI 1911

    Very Nice hickok. I too would not call it a reproduction., maybe a commemorative.
  20. I have to agree with Falcon. It is not legal IMO. In fact, I was informed that "if" I were to go to say a school play and left my weapon in my car, it would be illegal. These are the only listed defenses and remember you can be arrested and charged with almost anything 39-17-1310. Affirmative defense to carrying weapons on school property. It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under § 39-17-1309(a)-(d) that the person's behavior was in strict compliance with the requirements of one (1) of the following classifications: (1) A person hunting during the lawful hunting season on lands owned by any public or private educational institution and designated as open to hunting by the administrator of the educational institution; (2) A person possessing unloaded hunting weapons while transversing the grounds of any public or private educational institution for the purpose of gaining access to public or private lands open to hunting with the intent to hunt on the public or private lands unless the lands of the educational institution are posted prohibiting entry; (3) A person possessing guns or knives when conducting or attending “gun and knife shows” and the program has been approved by the administrator of the educational institution; or (4) A person entering the property for the sole purpose of delivering or picking up passengers and who does not remove, utilize or allow to be removed or utilized any weapon from the vehicle.
  21. DavidD

    G17 or XDM9mm?

    I have an XDM .40 as well as a G19 (and G34 for that matter, not a G17 however I used to have one and stayed at a Holiday Inn with it once....). Both are excellent guns. As others have pointed out, the XDM has better ergonomics, looks and sex appeal IMHO and even a smoother trigger until you get to one feature and that is trigger reset. The Glocks trigger reset is about 1/8" and the XDM's is 5/16"+. I just measured my G19 & G34 and compared them to my XDM .40 as well as my business partners XDM 9 I just happen to have in front of me. As TGO David said in another thread, "By way of comparison my Glock 19 has a superb trigger reset. It is firm and authoritative. You feel the trigger reset CLICK smartly against your finger and it happens at a very small fraction of the trigger's full range of motion as you remove pressure after the previous shot was fired. Aside from being damn near indestructible, amazing trigger reset is probably the Glock automatic pistol's secondary claim to fame." The trigger reset is awesome, and for what it's worth, the Walther P99 AS is very similar. Another thing that drives me crazy about the XDM's trigger is the noise ( I know, picky picky). I wear electronic hearing protectors which amplify the sound however you can hear them without in a quite room. When depressed, the trigger safety spring makes a "tinking" noise. If I could get rid of that, modify the reset to that similar to the Glock, the XDM would damn near be the perfect pistol. Or, I guess you could say modify G17 to match the Ergonomics and looks of the XDM and it truly would be perfection
  22. I actually like them. To each his own I guess.....
  23. Excellent advice! Barry is right on. I'd hope your company does not meet the requirements of FLSA. If they in fact do, you are due allot of overtime back pay and the company will be fined heavily. As Barry suggested, get legal advice. Even if that advice says they are in their legal rights to do this, you at least know you are not being on illegally. Lastly, Talk with your Supervisor about the whole "they get Friday off and you've received no response". Sometimes, face to face conversations command respect.
  24. On the flip side, if they are "wanding" everyone, then even the crooks won't have guns. One less reason to carry. Just tryin' to find something positive here...
  25. Update: I called Smith and Wesson yesterday to find out the status of my PPK. Spoke with a really nice Customer Service Representative who told me they were waiting on springs. She could not offer my any estimate on how much longer it would be. I sent it off 12 weeks ago today.....


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