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Everything posted by DavidD

  1. I do not know anything but what I've heard and it has not been all that great. I have heard good things about Zander. Zander Insurance ? Dave Ramsey Identity Theft Program ? Data Breach Protection Plan
  2. Yes, but there is a big BUT. Depending on the varient it is now and the variant you are changing too, you can order the parts and do it yourself however, it may void the warranty. I think it is around $180 (including return shipping) to have H&K do it.
  3. +1. Welcome to TGO! Variant 1:
 Double action/single action with "SAFE†position. Control lever (manual safety/decoking lever) on left side of frame. Variant 2: 
Double action/single action with "SAFE†position. Control lever (manual safety/decocking lever) on right side of frame. Variant 3: 
Double action/single action without "SAFE†position. Control lever (decocking lever) on left side of frame. Variant 4: 
Double action/single action without â€SAFE†position. Control lever (decocking lever) on right side of frame. Variant 5: 
Double action only with â€SAFE†position. Control lever (manual safety) on left side of frame. Variant 6: 
Double action only with â€SAFE†position. Control lever (manual safety) on right side of frame. Variant 7: 
Double action without control lever (no manual safety/decocking lever) Variant 8: 
Double action without control lever (no manual safety/decocking lever)
Double action/single action with control lever (manual safety/no decocking function) on left side of frame. Variant 10: 
Double action/single action with control lever (manual safety/no decocking function) on right side of frame.
  4. My H&K is the same way, It's not really that big of a deal. Apparently has to do with the polygonal barrels (right one on image below) since there is nowhere for the lead buildup to collect. I do know of some that do fire lead bullets (Not FMJ's) however the 11/07 version of the Glock Instruction Manual says "Glock does not recommend the use of unjacketed lead ammunition" yet the 2009 Armorers manual says "Use of non-factory loaded ammunition or ammunition loaded with non-jacketed (Lead) bullets will void the warranty." I certainly wouldn't let this dissuade me from buying a Glock.
  5. +1. I'd gladly give up some post to see him go away. It's kind of like a car wreck, I just can't help but look
  6. DavidD

    first gun glock 23

    Great offer Phillip,very nice. Joey, I'd take him up on this even if you aren't going to get your Hand Gun Carry Permit. You could learn a lot.
  7. Cool Terry. I'll trade you a plane ride for a sailboat ride where you can bring your gun too .
  8. 1-800-GOOG-411: Find and connect with local businesses for free from your phone.
  9. This video is 6 or 7 years old I believe and has been posted here numerous times. It is however a good thing to keep fresh in our minds here in America.
  10. "Here every case will be on one side guns, on the other side human life. Statistics, balancing life versus guns." Well, he is right. On one side you have those who would take away my guns and the other side is my right to protect my life and those whom I care for. All the while the criminals still have their guns, especially in Chicago. See, It all comes down to how you look at it.
  11. I really liked this paragraph: "Sometimes liberals sneer at the idea we might keep arms against government tyranny, because a bunch of pistol-packing Tea Party types have no chance of repeating the success of the Revolution against a modern military force. This completely misses the point. A disarmed populace has little choice but to obey orders. If the population is armed, a tyrant’s forces have to do more than just brandish their weapons… they’d have to start pulling triggers. Victory for a righteous populace would come in the military’s refusal to pull those triggers. Tyranny should never be easy. Of course, it should never come to that again, in the United States. As long as the population is armed, this is an understanding, and a duty… not an assumption" Must say, I've never thought about that way.
  12. Good Luck my friend. It is truly mind over matter and they only way you can quit is to get your mind to say the horrible cravings don't matter..... Quit 4 years ago after smoking for 20+ years. Was the hardest thing I have ever done. Tried Zyban for a couple of weeks but it made me want to smoke more. . Stopped taking them then ran out of smokes one day and instead of buying another pack, bout $2 worth of gum. Wife said I was a real a$$ for a couple of weeks but hey, that wasn't the first (nor last) time she called me that .
  13. Looking good for us soo far...
  14. Because you are smart.
  15. Where's Kwik when you need him......
  16. I thought I'd heard all of the arguments and pros/cons for & against Full Length Guide Rods in 1911's before but this one is new to me and appears to be a valid on face value at least.
  17. Always Nikki, always
  18. Hadn't heard that before, Why?
  19. I used to watch Real Time years ago but it got to the point of being unbearable. He definitely kept going further and further left and crossed many lines not only regarding politics and religion, but the country and it's principles. Humor is one thing but he is something else all together. Now I detest him.
  20. That does sound pretty fun.
  21. +1. I came to the same conclusion and chose Golden Sabre for my .45 EDC.
  22. I had really ever thought about it so I went into my "gun closet" and tried it with several different pistols that have night sights. No matter which hand I used, my dominant eye (left) still prevailed.
  23. Do they have to have stock sights on them in order to compete?


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