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The Scullinator

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About The Scullinator

  • Birthday 09/01/1979

Profile Information

  • Location
    Jackson, TN
  • Occupation
    Health Care


  • Carry Weapon #1
    Sig P226 9mm

The Scullinator's Achievements

Just Getting Started

Just Getting Started (2/5)



  1. Thats the same price I was paying for that same ammo 2 years ago.  I've never shot a more accurate 22 round.  You did fine. 
  2. Welcome from Jackson!
  3.   Yea and I agree.  My post was a vent too.  It may have sounded like I was in disagreement with the OP but I share his frustration.  Please take my comment as just added conversation and an additional vent, not as a defensive argument.  There may have been some things that I could have worded differently and still conveyed my added frustrations.  
  4. I'm a devout Christian.  Growing up I was always taught (as I'm sure most of you were) that one of the reasons some of the original people that made the trip to this continent was to seek a place where they could practice their religious beliefs without persecution.  We all know that many of the laws our founding fathers put in place was to protect freedom of religion.     I make all of the obvious statements above to say this.  It has puzzled me that some "Christains" have gotten so offended when other religious groups want to have equality.  Or maybe not equality but are seeking a society that isn't so dominated by Christianity.    Many say "you can't pray in schools anymore!"  I prayed openly in school and was never persecuted or told I couldn't.  If a muslim teacher started every class with a muslim prayer or religious practice there would be an absolute up uproar by some "Christains" but they expect other religions to just sit quietly in the back ground when we have some public religious ritual.    The whole "Christian Nation" thing is a little far fetched too.  Were many of the founding fathers Christians?  Absolutely, but not all.  It doesn't take much reading of the writings of Thomas Paine to see that guy was not a biblical christian (I don't know that he ever claimed to be).    I absolutely believe that if, as a nation we fell on our knees and repented of our sins and cried out to God for his love, grace and mercy that we'd be in a much better state... But I just don't see that happening as a nation.  I don't understand how people can expect things to get better (in a christian since) when we are promised persecution.  And not just that but many of the same people that grumble about these things don't live a life anything like what Christ was like, or even try!  Going to church and walking an isle doesn't make you a christian.  If you don't believe me go read the bible.  We've got it made in America, Christain persecution is at an all time high across the world but most of us here in the states don't even appreciate the freedom we have.    I will fight to protect our religious freedoms but not in a venomous or hateful way.  If we want a "Christian Nation" then we need to enforce laws that restrict the practice of other religions... but thats not what America is about.  I'm not really sure what America is about these days becuase it's not the place I grew up being taught it was.  I think if "christians" continue to lash out in hateful ways with exaggerated responses to certain things then we are only going to quicken the persecution and increase our enemy base.  We are to publicly BUT humbly make our stand and hold fast to what we know is true.  Christ reserved his venom for the religious hypocrits that claimed to be on the outside what they were NOT in their hearts.  He loved the sinners and pointed them in the right direction telling them to repent.    I'm not wanting to start a heated argument and won't participate in one.  I'm not argguing that swearing someone in on the koran is the right thing to do either.  I agree with Tricky, Hand on the constitution because regardless of religion, that should be something we're united on.  Just some thoughts and my opinion.  I welcome discussion and will gladly agree to disagree. 
  5. I own 2 lcp's one for me and one for my wife.  If for some reason we lost one, I'd buy another.
  6. Just saw this on FB.  Thought it was funny so I figured I'd share.   Everyone should start carrying $2 bills! I'm STILL laughing!! ♥ Like & Share ♥ READ THIS... I think we need to quit saving our $2 bills and bring them out in public. The younger generation doesn't even know they exist! STORY: On my way home from work, I stopped at Taco Bell for a quick bite to eat. I have a $50 bill and a $2 bill. I figure with the $2 bill, I can get something to eat and not have to worry about irritating anyone for trying to break a $50 bill. Me: 'Hi, I'd like one seven-layer burrito please, to go.' Server: 'That'll be $1.04. Eat in?' Me: 'No, it's to go.' At this point, I open my billfold and hand him the $2 bill. He looks at it kind of funny. Server: 'Uh, hang on a sec, I'll be right back.' He goes to talk to his manager, who is still within my earshot. The following conversation occurs between the two of them: Server: 'Hey, you ever see a $2 bill?' Manager: 'No. A what?' Server: 'A $2 bill. This guy just gave it to me...' Manager: 'Ask for something else. There's no such thing as a $2 bill.' Server: 'Yeah, thought so.' He comes back to me and says, 'We don't take these. Do you have anything else?' Me: 'Just this fifty. You don't take $2 bills? Why? Server: 'I don't know.' Me: 'See here where it says legal tender?' Server: 'Yeah.' Me: 'So, why won't you take it?' Server: 'Well, hang on a sec.' He goes back to his manager, who has been watching me like I'm a shoplifter, and says to him, 'He says I have to take it.' Manager: 'Doesn't he have anything else?' Server: 'Yeah, a fifty. I'll get it and you can open the safe and get change. Manager: 'I'm not opening the safe with him in here.' Server: 'What should I do?' Manager: 'Tell him to come back later when he has real money.' Server: 'I can't tell him that! You tell him.' Manager: 'Just tell him.' Server: 'No way! This is weird. I'm going in back. The manager approaches me and says, 'I'm sorry, but we don't take big bills this time of night.' Me: 'It's only seven o'clock! Well then, here's a two dollar bill.' Manager: 'We don't take those, either.' Me: 'Why not?' Manager: 'I think you know why.' Me: 'No really, tell me why.' Manager 'Please leave before I call mall security.' Me: 'Excuse me?' Manager: 'Please leave before I call mall security.' Me: 'What on earth for?' Manager: 'Please, sir..' Me: 'Uh, go ahead, call them.' Manager: 'Would you please just leave?' Me: 'No.' Manager: 'Fine -- have it your way then.' Me: 'Hey, that's Burger King, isn't it?' At this point, he backs away from me and calls mall security on the phone around the corner. I have two people staring at me from the dining area, and I begin laughing out loud, just for effect. A few minutes later this 45-year-oldish guy comes in. Guard: 'Yeah, Mike, what's up?' Manager (whispering): 'This guy is trying to give me some (pause) funny money.' Guard: 'No kidding! What?' Manager: 'Get this. A two dollar bill.' Guard (incredulous): 'Why would a guy fake a two dollar bill?' Manager: 'I don't know. He's kinda weird. He says the only other thing he has is a fifty.' Guard: 'Oh, so the fifty's fake!' Manager: 'No, the two dollar bill is.' Guard: 'Why would he fake a two dollar bill?' Manager : 'I don't know! Can you talk to him, and get him out of here?' Guard: 'Yeah.' Security Guard walks over to me and...... Guard: 'Mike here tells me you have some fake bills you're trying to use.' Me: 'Uh, no.' Guard: 'Lemme see 'em.' Me: 'Why?' Guard: 'Do you want me to get the cops in here?' At this point I'm ready to say, 'Sure, please!' but I want to eat, so I say, 'I'm just trying to buy a burrito and pay for it with this two dollar bill. I put the bill up near his face, and he flinches like I'm taking a swing at him. He takes the bill turns it over a few times in his hands, and he says, Guard: 'Hey, Mike, what's wrong with this bill?' Manager: 'It's fake.' Guard: 'It doesn't look fake to me.' Manager: 'But it's a two dollar bill.' Guard: 'Yeah? ' Manager: 'Well, there's no such thing, is there?' The security guard and I both look at him like he's an idiot and it dawns on the guy that he has no clue and is an idiot. So, it turns out that my burrito was free, and he threw in a small drink and some of those cinnamon thingies, too. Made me want to get a whole stack of two dollar bills just to see what happens when I try to buy stuff. Just think... those two will be voting soon!!?! YIKES!!! Too late, we already have a nation full of them.
  7. I have the same problem.  Fit hot wife with tight cloths  :rock:  lol.  And she is very small framed.    We wen't through this a few years ago.  I could not get her to decide on one gun.  she liked the Ruger lcp, Lady smith, and the Taurus slim.  She was very good and comfortable with semi-auto but didn't want to eliminate the revolver.    Very long story short, we'd been shooting for a while.  She was opening up her business at 6 a.m. and in my PHO (paranoid husband opinion)   :taunt: I could see 10 places for a BG to wait for her if one wanted to cause trouble.  I bought her the Taurus slim because it was inexpensive (why spend a lot of money on a nice pistol that she may end up not liking) and our only other handgun at the time was a 9mm.  2 months later I bought myself the LCP ... and you could probably finish the story.    She decided she liked the LCP better the moment I brought it home so my new "pocket pistol" ended up being the taurus...   She wears the LCP in an iwb holster and you wouldn't even know it was there unless you knew what to look for.  I've just told her if anyone asks what the bulge is to tell them it's an insulin pump. :rofl:   Other's will tell you no because it's a 380 but she wouldn't carry the taurus because it was too obvious ("big").  The LCP was perfect.
  8.   lol this reminds me of a story my grandfather used to tell me.  He had an office on a busy road in mid town and he and my grandmother lived in an apartment/house that was attached to the back.  Every day a lady would walk her dog by the office and more often than not the dog would stop and take a crap in the front yard and she would never clean it up.  After my grandfather cleaned it up day after day he got tired of it and decided to put an end to it.  One morning as the dog stoped to do his duty my grandfather stormed out the door, walked right up to the lady and put his finger in her face.    "Mam how would you feel if every time I needed to take a $#*! I came to your house, droped my pants and took a $#*! in your yard."    The lady looked horrified and hastily drug her still dumping dog out of the yard (still not cleaning it up of course) never to be seen around those parts again.    The even funnier part of this story is this.  My grandmother and I were talking/laughing about this story a few months ago.    She said "now son don't tell anyone this but you know when your grandfather was hallucinating on the cancer drugs/morphine the few weeks before he died?  One day he woke up and immediatly started cussing and pointing at that same lady about letting her dog poop in our yard"    RIP Grandpa! 
  9. I've grown up/still live in Jackson but went to school in STL. When I left Jackson (in my very early 20's with a bad attitude) I swore that I'd never come back but after living in STL I realized I like the medium/small town atmosphere. Were close enough to Memphis and Nashville that a day trip isn't bad. I don't have much need for big malls, concerts, pro sports, etc. so Jackson suits my needs. There are very nice areas to live and not so nice areas. Jax970 and Rockytop gave very fair descriptions. I'll pm you with my contact info in case you want to talk more.
  10. ROFLMAO yea cause crap like that never happens in NY. Oh that's right they don't have room for sheds...
  11. Momma Bear 1 : BG 0 Momma Bear 1 : BG -1
  12. I lean more toward this way of thinking than going there to buy everything. I have bought ammo there in the past but have been buying from my locally owned stores the last year or so. I try to shop my local farmers market more than the big chains even though I do shop those as well. The produce and meat is much healthier than anything you get at the chains. I have grown much more aware of the benefit of supporting locally owned businesses since we lost The Great Outdoors Store. Much better prices than Gander even if it wasn't Wal-Mart Prices...
  13. I was probably allowing 2-3 minutes between shots. whether or not it cooled off or not I'm not sure. I have yet to have a certified gunsmith look at it. I talked to one on the phone and he said that his experience with these rifles are that if you get one that shoots straight then keep it because they are few and far between. This is the second scope that I've had on the gun. The first one was the one that came with it. I replaced it with a True Glow I bought at Dicks for about $50. With the new scope and the Federal Fusion 95 grain (which I've read seems to work well in this rifle) I was able to get all shots on paper... I just couldn't get a consistent grouping tighter than 8 inches. That day I know I wasn't allowing the barrel to cool down completely. Maybe it's time to take another trip to the range. I'll take the scope and mounts completely off and reassemble before I go out to eliminate the possibility of a loose screw. I will do this as well! Thanks Guys!
  14. it seems like they are tight. the only thing I haven't done is take everything apart and put it back together


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