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Everything posted by Sidinman

  1. huntin again today
  2. I guess so
  3. Wild Turkey/Honey
  4. who is dat
  5. WELCOME and thanks for your service.
  6. :wave:WELCOME be careful over there
  7. WELCOME yank enjoy your stay
  8. Around here they don't have time to rot. You shoot one in the afternoon, and go back the next afternoon and nothing is left except the skeleton, and a little hair.
  9. welcome
  10. what you said
  11. WELCOME from thr other side of the state
  12. When I took mine about this time last year. We shot 18 times at 3 yds., and 18 times at 9 yds., and 14 times from 15 yds. that was it.
  14. All I've seen are a few does, but a friend said he seen 3 bucks all together a couple of days ago. So I would say that it hasn't started yet. I'm taking my daughter on her first deer hunt this weekend,maybe that is if it ever stops this d*** raining.
  15. Welcome
  16. tired of rain
  17. WELCOME from Madison County
  18. There are alot of things to be considered,property, flat, two story, or maybe a basement. You need a good framer, brick mason, electriction,plumbers or a good contractor. Then you got painting, interior trim, cabinets, counter tops, floor cloverings, and light fixtures. I like the central vaccum systems, security system. Maybe a safe room for storms, and firearms. If the house in going to be out in the county you may want to think about a back up generator for some of those winter outages. Just to name a few.
  19. WELCOME from Madison Cty.
  20. Hi my name is Sidinman I'm a addict. I've done pretty good at controling mine, only brought home 5 handguns and 3 rifles since Jan. 5th. Thats not too bad. They just followed me home. What can I say?
  21. I bought A 10/22 a month ago at a local pawn shop, Stainless w/scope for 255. Also bought single-six off GB with s/h and transfer and TBI check all for 315. Both are pretty nice. Both are great little shooters. Those 22s are alot of fun.
  22. I checked that out but no info.


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