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Everything posted by Sidinman

  1. That is why I like the 223, even if you hit it in the shoulder he wouldn't have gotten to far. Last year I shot one at that distance, he was jumping around. Hit in the hip didn't go to far to fast, got to him he was dragging himself away. Pulled 22mag revolver out shot in the head finished him. End of story, I've got cows also. Good luck.
  2. nothing on TV
  3. I don't know how many you have made, but it looks like you've been doing it for quite some time now. I'm sure I will be pleased. Thanks again!! Randy
  4. some guns KICK
  5. some guns roll
  6. Hey fellas the one in the first picture is going to have a new home soon. Greg payment sent today, hope it likes my RIA as well as it does that Colt. lol Looks like it will be a nice holster.
  7. beer on ice
  8. that good thing
  9. looks good lets know how it handles, maybe range report
  10. Gunamerica.com has three right now:cool:
  11. no pics you know... lol
  12. need evidence no pics, no gun.
  13. It ain't so without da pictures
  14. Greg you have a PM
  15. to the next
  16. from one decade
  17. Hello and WELCOME
  18. Looks good enjoy, I have a RIA never had an issuses with mine. It's my primary care weapon, thinking about one of the compacts next. Birthday coming next month maybe then.
  19. I likey
  20. I'm saying it will hard to find a larger cal handgun for under 200. Probably not impossible but not easy. Good luck to ya
  21. we like it
  22. sloowly approching 3ooo
  23. I agree with Jamie, about what trouble you could be subjected to. Now if a .22 cal is something you are thinking about, then the Heritage might be someting to look at. I have one and it's alot of fun, comes with a .22 cal and a .22mag cylinders and you can get some shotshells for snakes and such. The one I have, I gave like 160. just over a year ago.
  24. +1 Mike


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