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Everything posted by Sidinman

  1. When I took mine you could only load 6 rds. shoot, then reload 6 shoot, ect. Shot 50 rds. total no time limit. When each person finished you either dropped the mag. or flipped the cylinder out. When last person to finish shooting was done the instructor would say reload, and so on. No hurry, no worry. That was about 15 or 16 mons. ago.
  2. American Rifleman, like Model69A I like the Armed Citizen stories. The Guns of the Old West, I ran across one of those the other day. I guess I let that expire a couple of years ago. Maybe I need to reup that one again Mike.
  3. I have a Ruger P95DC with about 400ish flawless rounds through her. It is my nightstand weapon. Never held the cougar, but if it is owned by Beretta it too will be a nice handgun. I don't think either would be a bad choice, but like mousegunner said if you ever want to or lord forbid need to sell it, it might bring a little more.
  4. [/url] I used this one, this past year and got my first deer with a handgun. Ruger SBH 44mag. 7 1/2 barrel, with 250 gr PTHP. At about 60 yds. Dropped right there
  5. Nice start
  6. I guess if you can't see them, then you ain't skeered. hum
  7. If a man walking down the street with a rifle or shotgun scares you. Then what about all the people walking around with "loaded" handguns on their hips.
  8. I've shot some of their 44mags. last year w/o any problems.
  9. I have one he made for me a couple of mons. ago and I wear it every day. Very comfrontable and well made. +1 to TnGreg, very good person to deal with. He makes some very nice holsters no doubt.
  10. Sidinman

    Funny video

    pretty good
  11. FTF/failure to fire FTF/ failure to feed or FTF face to face just depends can mean any of the above.
  12. Sidinman

    A Good Day

    Have fun and be careful
  13. rise and shine
  14. The guns are not (registered) to you or anyone else in TN.
  15. Step daughter (15) not home, is at church. Wife and step son thought that was funny as h**L. Printed one will show her later. Thanx
  16. Well, this is kind of how and why I got my HCP last year. At one of the distributors that we buy from (been doing business there years) we talk guns, and hunting, during the seasons. Alright now we're talking one morning I ask one of the ladies if she had done any hunting this particular weekend. She said no, but that her and one of the other women were going take thier HCP classes that week. Now I knew a couple friends that have their permits, but I just never thought that much about really. A week or so later I went and took mine. Took nearly 5 1/2 mons. I received it first of June. I have handed it and the DL to purchase a firearm and both times they handed back the HCP and used DL, thought about using for ID but never have.
  17. In Madison cty. you make an appointment with the UPS store on Higland across from the mall.
  18. I have both a Ruger and a Heritage, they both go bang when you pull the trigger. I did have to have a new hammer put in the Heritage after 7 or 8 hundred rounds. Other than that is has been flawless since then.
  19. not good feeling
  20. I finally broke down and done this, this past year. For the price of a nice new gun I bought a safe, and I feel better about it, every time I leave home. I don't have alot but what I do have, I don't want to walk off while no one is here.
  21. snowin here also
  22. Thanks Mike for the quick response, that was faster than google. lol
  23. Hey Mike where do get that ammo "440 for 90 bucks"? Thanks


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