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Will Carry

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Everything posted by Will Carry

  1. who has a gun safe full of "full capacity" tactical hand guns, but defends his home with a 5 shot 38sp snub nosed revolver? The first place a burglar looks when he breaks in a house is the bedroom closet, then the night stand next to the bed. They will even look under the bed and between the mattress. Next to jewelry, fire arms are the most desirable item for a thief. My gun safe is hidden behind a false wall in a closet. You don't even know it's there. Everything in my home that hints I am a gun owner is in that safe. If someone were to break in my home while I'm out working for a living, they would have no indication that I was a gun owner. No holsters in my top drawer, no bags of brass casings, nothing. A burglar may notice that I keep books on my bedside table, but I figure a burglar has no use for books and maybe he won't notice that one is hollowed out with my snubby in it. Maybe I need a bigger book? Recon?
  2. Charter Arms Rimless Revolver This sounds interesting. A 9mm revolver that will also shot 380s. No moon clips needed.
  3. My best fixed blades are my Linder Toothpick and Hunter. My favorite is one I made myself with a handle custom fit made from marine grade expoxy puddy.
  4. HI-POINT the American AK47. I like their "Planet of the Apes" carbine.
  5. Does anyone really know what the guns laws are in the Windy City. A friend of mine wrote the quote below, but he must be wrong. He must be talking about another city called Chicago in another country. "You cannot own a handgun. You can have a rifle or shotgun, but the ammo must be in a separate unavailable location and the gun must be locked or broken down at all times. You can not ever have the gun in an operational manner for even a moment. In addition, you cannot take it outside or transport it in a vehicle for any reason. (Unless of course you are a gangbanger). Chicago cops like the law because it means that they all get to moonlite at the bars and clubs as well paid armed security"
  6. I was young once and strong. Ok not strong like a through hiker but strong like a whitwater kayaker.
  7. Will Carry

    S&W .40 Sigma

    My Sigma failed to fire enough to where I would not carry it. It was accurate, It had a comfortable grip, and it most of the time it was reliable. I shot about 2000 rounds through it and may have had a dozen FTFs. That's 1 FTFs in 167 shoots. As many of my buddies and family who shot this pistol, not one of them said "WOW that is a nice pistol!" The only comments I got on it were about the looooong trigger pull. For the price they were selling it at that gun show, you can't go wrong. It was a good deal. Many people love the Sigma as you can tell............
  8. Will Carry

    S&W .40 Sigma

    I gave my Sigma to a friend who wanted to get into shooting. It was a forgettable pistol. I don't miss it at all. It's built just like a Glock.....but it ain't.
  9. Carry a bar of Ivory soap. It will be worth it's weight in gold when you meet those hot Canadian chicks. You can smell a through hiker a mile away. I have stayed in hostels with Threw hikers on the Nolichucky River, the French Broad River and the Nantahala River. Gamey ain't the word for it. You don't need a gun. The smell will stampede cattle. ROF
  10. Will Carry

    22 mag vs 38+p

    I'd go with the 38 special. I wouldn't waste my money on snake shot unless you just enjoy shooting snakes.
  11. I think the problem is that the 22 mag is so long. The magazine and the action has to accomodate a long slinder round. Plus you don't get a lot of extra power from a 22 mag unless you have a long barrel. The 22LR stinger is only slightly less powerful than a 22 mag when shot from a 6 inch barrel, however the rifle ballistics of 22 mag is impressive. The AMT has a bad reputation for being a jammiester. The best 22 mag pistol would be a Taurus 9 shoot revolver model 991 (DA) or a Ruger Single Six (SA) or a Charter Arms 6 shot revolver. I really like the way the Taurus looks and a 9 shoot cylinder will give you some fire power.
  12. JERRY MATHERS ! The Beav is packin heat!
  13. 1973 Gremlin X with a 304cu/in V8. Yellow with Orange stripes. That car kept me out of trouble. The sheriff knew where I lived. Any time someone would report a speeding yellow Gremlin full of drunk, dope smoking red necks, the sheriff would just go sit in my driveway an wait. It didn't take but a few run ins with Sheriff Pearson to straighten my ass out. I thank God for that every day!
  14. 1) Cleaning kit with a cut up old T shirt 2) Tool kit (Gunsmithing tools) 3) first aid kit (Simple basic stuff. Not to treat bullet wounds) 4) Extra glasses and ear plugs. 5) Gun lube 6) White Scotch 35 electrical tape for hanging paper targets or filling holes. 7) Magic marker (Sharpie) 8) Printer paper for targets 9) Mini LED flashlight that clips on my cap. 10) ammo 11) pistols 12) Plastic bag for collecting brass 13) extra magazines (not the kind you read) 14) Ink pen. That's the first time I have ever listed that stuff. Thanks for the post!
  15. Holy Handgun! A 454 casul Judge! I will have to admit that Taurus is a wide open firearms manufacturer with innovative ideas. They are not afraid to manufacture "outside the box" weapons. The 454 Judge is way crazy. They will sell these things.
  16. The GP-100 is a tough hard hitting wheel gun. The SP-101 is a little smaller and lighter but still is Ruger tough. If it's a truck gun then size isn't as big of a factor, so I would go with the GP-100. If you were going to conceal carry then the SP-101 would be better. Ruger isn't the only manufacturer of revolvers. There is Taurus, Rossi, Charter Arms and many more that make cowboy pistols. (I like me a cowboy gun). But the best of the bunch is Smith and Wesson. They make somewhere around 33 models of revolvers. The only problem is that Smith and Wesson cost 200-600 dollars more than other revolvers.
  17. The test pistols were a Taurus M85 Ultra-light SS with Crimson Trace Grips and a Smith and Wesson model 36-1 with a 3" barrel. M85: Bad points: Sloppy cylinder. The CT grips are kind of slippery. Good points. It's light and the CT laser makes it more accurate. S&W M-36-1. Bad points: No defects Good points: It's tight and well made, with a 3" Barrel. Test parameters: Pick up the pistol off the bench as fast as you can and with one hand fire 5 rounds at a target 12 feet away as fast as you can. Results: Both pistols were fast on the target. Even though the S&W has a much lighter trigger, I didn't notice the difference. The Taurus put all five rounds in a 2.5 inch group. The Smith put 4 rounds in a 2 inch group but the first round was 4 inches high. Conclusion: Without the Crimson Trace Grips the Taurus would have been out classed by the Smith. I like the narrow grips on the Smith over the Crimson Trace grips. I would rate them as equals today. But overall I like the Smith and Wesson simply because it doesn't need batteries. If you include the CT grips, the Taurus cost about the same as the Smith or at least comparable in price.
  18. The serial number is J6327XX. I'm taking it to the range when they open today to test it against my Taurus M85. I want to see which one fires three shots on target at ten feet the fastest. I see a lot of people take their little pocket pistols and take careful aim, take their time, wait for it, then fire. That's not good practice in my humble opinion. I like to shoot these little guns like my life depends on it. With due safety of course.
  19. [/img][/img] I'm think it was manufactured in the mid 60s.
  20. I'm trying to post a photograph from my computer. I picture of an old S&W model 36-1. Under the "Posting Rule" it says cannot post attachments. I sure would like to share my pictures and I am not dery computer savy. Thabk in advance!
  21. I have this .410 shotgun from Brazil that I used to carry canoe camping. I used it for canoe camping because it's worth next to nothing and if it gets wet or lost on the river, it's no big deal. I stopped taking it canoe camping because I had no use for it. If the banjo pickin' gay rapist ambushed us, a .410 single shot ain't gonna help. My question is. Could I shoot a 45 long colt round out of this smooth bore shotgun? It has an 18.5 inch barrel. I wonder if the shotgun could take the pressure. I have paddled many a stream and lake in Tennssee and never had any problems with anyone we have met.
  22. Isn't there another Tennessee Sour Mash besides Jack Daniels?
  23. "To hell with them fellers. Buzzards gotta eat same as worms."
  24. Does anyone have any opinions on the Wilderness Tactical Safepacker? I'm new to concealed carry. I've been trying different ways to conceal my handguns and I'm wondering if concealment in plain sight would work for me. When fanny packs first came out a decade or so ago a lot of outdoors, tree hugger type, people began to wear them. We called them Fag Bags, no offense intended. Now a lot of concealed carriers wear these bags. So I'm lookin for feedback. Note: I got nothing against tree huggers. Being an avid ourdoorsman, I too am all about preserving nature. Therefore I have found common ground with tree huggers. Once you get to know them, they ain't bad people, just different.
  25. Taffey 3. That may be the greatest, most heroic charge in history. Three destroyers and a destroyer escort attacking 27 Jap ships including the world's largest battleship, heavy cruisers and a gaggle of destroyers.


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