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Will Carry

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Everything posted by Will Carry

  1. If you want a smaller concealed carry pistol I can recommend a Glock 36. It's a slim single stack 45acp. The only single stack Glock makes. I have an extended magazine so I can hold 7+1 or 6+1. The 45acp is a fight stopper. If you don't have a 1911 or a .357 magnum 4". The .357 magnum is the King of one shot stops. The 1911 has been defending our country for 98 years. You can hardly go wrong with modern handguns. From Hi-Point to high dollar (Kimber). The Colt New Agent and Defender series 90 (WTF? series 90) are on my list for concealed carry guns. These are fine guns at a reasonable price. They just feel right...........
  2. I don't trust people that I don't understand. That's human survival instinct. I haven't figured out what the Democratic party is up to or who really calls the shots. Pelosi and Obama are puppets on a string. I want to know who is pulling on those strings! Do you think that our party doesn't have puppets and string pullers? Right now I don't trust either parties becuase I don't understand what's going on but I'm smart enough to recognize propaganda when I see it. I'm just a mechanic, a blue collar worker, with a family to look after, "Just don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining."
  3. I really think a lot of Democrats are having second thoughts. One of my best shootin buddies voted for "URP!" Oh-bama. We had a huge argument over it and dang near ruined our freindship. Now he is beginning to question not only our president but his party too. I don't hate democrats. Jesus said to love our neighbors and he made that very clear. It's hard sometimes.................
  4. My "up close" vision has gone with age. The white U of the Glock back sight is easier for me to see. The XDm sights are dim even for a three dot sight, but that's easy enough to fix. I have put high viz green dot sights on my XD-45 and I can see them well. Even with a blur I can still center the sight picture.
  5. I'm sorry guys but Glenn Beck is a douche nozzle. He's an embarassment. I have been a member of the Republican party since Gerald Ford. I have never once voted for a Democrat. BUT I have never seen this country more devided than it is now. It's a shame we have let politics get in the way of running this country. I believe if we make a big showing this November that the Democrats will get the message and stop this socialist-like behavior.
  6. but they had this Springfield XD-M 40. After comparing the two pistols I bought the XDM. I liked the Glock sights better and the Glock was lighter. Typical of Glocks it was a no frills simple pistol. But something about the Springfield XD-M caught my favor. The man at the gun shop was a big Glock fan, but admitted that the XD-M, with the match grade barrel, was more accurate and that's why I bought it. It's my first and only 40. I bought a 40 becuase every time I go to Walmart or Dick's, then only thing they have is 40 caliber.
  7. I truely believe that all you guys that opt to "clear" your house are putting yourself in danger. Take SWAT teams. They dress in full body armor with bullet proof shields and enter a room en masse with guns blazing. At least that is how they practice day in and day out. The reason thay wear armour, go in en masse and practice all the time, Is that clearing a house is the most dangerous thing they do. Ok if I can't talk you out of it, maybe I can help you. There is a place called by Tsun Tsu , "Fatal Terrain". it is a place you want to catch your enemy but you do not want to be caught in. Do you know the fatal terrain in your house? There is a place in my house that if you stand there you can see out the front door, the back deck, the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom and the hallway. That is fatal terrain. You do not want to be caught there, move quickly past it if you must. Ambush the enemy when he is there would be better. Tsun Tsu writes. "When you are close, make the enemy think you are far away. When you are far away, make them think you are close. When you are few, make them think you are many. When you are many, make them think you are few. Be like fog, impenetrable, so your enemy won't know you. When you attack, be like water." Bruce Lee studied Tsun Tsu. Grass Hopper!
  8. I have to agree with Mike Wood. The Sigma is THE best training pistol I have owned. You get used to the trigger after practice. It's accurate too.
  9. There's nothing wrong with carrying a 9mm. If I had to choose from these four pistols it would be the Glock. 1. Glock 26. Ugly but reliable and simple. 2. Beretta PX4 Storm SC. There are some fans of the storm out there. 3. Kahr PM9. I won't buy any gun that takes 400 rounds to "break in" 4. Walther PPS. The new Walthers have gotten bad reviews. James Bong carries one.
  10. Forrest! The most feared man in the Confederate army. His tactics are studied in every military institute in the modern world. I think if Forrest had been given command he would have been a nightmare for the union forces. Forest once consoled General Stephen Lee after Lee got his ass kicked. "Don't feel bad general. If I had me a West Point education, the yankees would be whoppin' me too."
  11. If you want a real 1911. Get one with a horsey on it. Colt makes a fine 1911. I can see there are not many Colt fans out here but they have been making 1911's for 100 years. You can get a basic Colt 1911 for under $1000 and trick it out any way you want to. My Colt 1911 has never been altered. It will hold it's own with the more expensive guns. My 1911 guru says not to spend a lot of money on a 1911, just get a good frame and start from there. He builds 1911s. I just shoot them....
  12. I went to the indoor shootin' range today and for the first time, shot at the targets without using my sights. I was surprised at how well I did. At 3 yards and 5 yards I was able to hit the center mass of the target with my snubby, just by pointing the dang thing at the target. I switched to my Ruger Single Six with a 6.5 inch barrel and shot a hundred rounds cowboy style. I didn't do too bad. I think I'm going to start practicing point shooting and see how much better I can get.
  13. Will this pistol shoot 38 special +P ammo? I was made in the 1960s but is in excellent condition. I would like to be able to shoot the +Ps but I don't want to screw up this fine example of gun craftsmanship. Being as how this is one of the best web sites for fire arms discussions on the whole dang internet. I figure someone will be able to answer that. "It's good to be alive and in Tennessee!"
  14. The Army of Tennessee gets a bad rap. Tennessee had been the frontier just a few decades before. Them easterners did not understand that moving an Army around in Tennessee was next to impossible. Virginia had roads and railways. Tennessee had mud and high water. Pines barrens where horses and cattle couldn't feed. Canyons and gullies, bad roads and little or no fodder. Not to mention huge rivers like the Cumberland and the Tennessee River. Our boys had to fight the terrain more than the yankees.
  15. There is a marker on the side of the road noting the postion of rebout #4. Here is the marker number I got off a google search. N 1 7 Lumsden’s Defense Dec. 15, 1864 0.3 mile west was Redoubt No. 4 in Hood’s detached supporting works. Garrisoned by Lumsden’s Battery of smoothbore Napoleons, supported by 100 men of the 29th Alabama Infantry under Capt. Foster, it was finally overrun by the assault of 12 infantry and 4 dismounted cavalry regiments, supported by four Federal batteries. Location: TN 106 (Hillsboro Pike), at Hobbs Road It is written (A History of Lumsden's Battery) that Capt. Lumsden stayed with his guns even as his men began to run. It wasn't until someone grabbed the bag of fuses and ran with it, that they convinced Lumsden to leave the battery. The 29th did a fine job in staying in line until Lumsden got clear.
  16. DOOOH! I thought I was on general off topic.
  17. Sorry for putting this in the Handgun section. Isaac Mason was his name. He was 15 when he joined as a Tuscaloosa Volunteers. During the Battle of Nashville, Lumsden's Battery was overrun by Yankee infantry. They lost 23 men and all of their guns. That took place less than 1/4 mile from where I lived in Nashville. Isaac Mason was my Great Grandfather. He surrendered in Meridian Mississippi after the battle of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely at the age of 18. After the war, Isaac said that the only time he held a rifle in the war was at the battle of Fort Blakely, the last battle. When the fort was overrun he escaped up into the swamps with a few hundred others. He settled in Stockon Al. along the very path of his escape. The old home place is still their in Stockton.
  18. To Kill a Mockingbird. Slingblade. The Life of Brian. High Noon. The Outlaw Jossey Wales. Full Metal Jacket. Mr. Roberts. Old Yeller. The Seven Samuri. The Bedford Incident. (If they fire one, we'll fire one). The African Queen Treasure Of the Sierra Madre (We don't need no stinkin badges) Last of the Mohicans. You Younguns need to watch these if you ain't seen 'em.
  19. They shoot Bobcats 'cause there easier to play with when they're dead.
  20. When you read posts where shooters brag about shooting 1 inch groups a 50 yards with a handgun. Do you believe it? I've heard guys tell fishing tales where the fish gets bigger every time they tell the story. Do shooters do the same thing? Ya think?
  21. Starbucks coffee is bitter. I much preffer Eight O'Clock Columbian. Smooth rich MMMMM.
  22. Isn't the 45acp a relitively low pressure round compaired to a 9mm or a 40s&w? I always thought a 45 acp was a "slow moving, big bullet". I own a Glock 36 as a CC gun. It isn't my favorite pistol but it works for me so far. I like my XD-45 much better and my Colt Government is a dream.
  23. I could do it with a Glock 36 but I'm thinking XD-45. (13+1) All I have to do it talk my wife out of here Betty Crocker Cook Book.
  24. You have a good point Gunsablazin. That's why I asked. I'm thinking about carving out a bigger book for my XD-45 maybe even my Colt 1991. My eyes, as I have gotten older, will no longer focus well on pistol sights. I have found that Crimson Trace help a lot. I have them on several of my pistols. 1) First you find a book that you will never read again that is big enough to accommodate the pistol. 2) Place a piece of waxed paper in the front of the book and glue the outside of the pages with Elmers glue. The wax paper will enable you to open the book after the glue dries, the glue will hold the pages together while you cut. 3) Draw an outline of the gun on the first page, then start cutting the outline with a sharp knife or box cutter. Make the outline 1/4 bigger than the pistol. 4) When you finish, you can put the book on a book shelf and it will look just like a book. It's the oldest trick in the book, but a crack head ain't read the book. Hopefully.
  25. Crimson Trace. and lots of range time. When I went to San Francisco I had a decoy wallet. I wasted three days of my life in that town. Hated it. Too dad gum crowded for my likes. People were smoking pot on the street! Smelled like a college dormatory. A concealed handgun would be useless on those crowded streets. You couldn't walk one block without some poor homeless dude asking for money. It costed me $40 a day just to park my car. I was so glad when that plane touched down in North Carolina, I wanted to kiss the tarmac,


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