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Everything posted by Will Carry
Now I got nothing against gays. I think they should have to fight for their freedom as much as any man or woman. My liberal friends think I'm old fashion but I have this vision in my head of two gay grunts in a fox hole on a listening post, forward observation post or just on guard duty. I won't go into anymore detail than that. But it just seems to me you could have some problems that could get soldiers killed. So I have one question. Would you feel comfortable putting an 18 year old male soldier in a fox hole with a really hot sexy female soldier? I rest my case.
Soooo.....You're not gonna tell us why Japanese swords are not great swords?
I vote for the 40. I bought an XDm 40 recently becuase over here on the east side of the Smokys, 40 is all you can find. Am I impressed by the 40? Not really. I like the 45ACP. I am impressed with the way the 40 shoots in the XDm. The XDm shoots great, without that snappy recoil that 40s are noted for. It's liable to make a believer out of me yet. My carry gun is neither a 9mm or a 40. I'm just so used to the comforting "THUMP" of my 45s. I have an XD45, Glock 36 and Colt 1911....
You mean I supposed to clean this gun? Just kidding! Thanks for the feed back and links. My 1911 is THE best shooting pistol I own. I got my Crimsom Trace Grip dialed in DNO at 15 yards and it's a blast.
It sure looks like the barrel split open. That is ugly. I'm glad no one was injured. Whether the plastic had anything to do with it or not.....I'll leave that to the experts.
I have yet to buy into the plastic revolver concept. I want my wheel gun to be steel if it weights a little more, so be it. A light weight gun is only an advantage when you don't need it. I am wondering why she was using +P ammo instead of standard pressure 38 loads.
All of you guys that said, "It's not the gun, it's you!".....were correct. I let an expert shoot my XDm40 at the range today. At 21 feet he shot one jagged hole through the center of the bull's eye. He said. "If you are used to shooting a 1911 you are going to have problems with the XDm 40. The way it's made and the sharp recoil of the 40 caliber round causes your finger to move slightly to the left so that instead of pulling the trigger with the tip of the finger, you will pull with the meaty part. This will cause your shots to fall to the left." He suggested that I reset my finger on the trigger after every shot until I get use to it. I tried it his way and got better groups but not one jagged hole...........
Deranged gunman opens fire in a shooting range
Will Carry replied to Chucktshoes's topic in General Chat
WHAAAA HAAA HAAAA! That's funny. Brilliant......... I hope you don't mind but I copied that and posted it on my kayaking furum for all the liberal's to see. So far they think a crime was commited. I'll wait a while before I break it to them..... -
Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks dog. #1. Governor starts to intervene, reflects upon the movie "Bambi" and then realizes he should stop; the coyote is only doing what is natural. #2. He calls animal control. Animal control captures coyote and spends $200 testing it for diseases and $500 upon relocating it. #3. He calls veterinarian. Vet collects dead dog and spends $200 testing it for diseases. #4. Governor goes to hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote and on getting bite wound bandaged. #5. Running trail gets shut down for 6 months while wildlife services conduct a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is clear of dangerous animals. #6. Governor spends $50,000 of state funds implementing a "coyote awareness" program for residents of the area. #7. State legislature spends $2 million investigating how to better handle rabies and how to possibly eradicate the disease. #8. Governor's security agent is fired for not stopping the attack and for letting the Governor intervene. #9. Cost: $75,000 to train new security agent. #10. PETA protests the coyote relocation and files suit against the state. Alternative anywhere else: Governor shoots coyote and keeps jogging. Governor has spent $0.50 on a .45 ACP hollow point cartridge. Buzzards eat dead coyote. Any wonder why California is broke????
I personally like the 45acp cartridge. I sometimes carry a little Glock 36 that holds 6+1 rounds or 7+1. I use the latest hi-tech zombie killing 230gr JHPs. I can hit targets well at self defense distances. I'm by no means a 45 caliber snob. My favorite carry gun is my Smith and Wesson Cheif's Special with a 3" barrel, shooting 38sp standard pressure loads. I can also shoot this gun well. I kinda like wheel guns for some reason.
I have fired about 1000 rds through my Colt Government series 80. Mostly 230gr FMJ. It is shooting like a dream. When should I start replacing parts that typically wear? Like the recoil spring and such. Any advice or web site links would be greatly appreciated. This is my go to gun at the range but I don't use it for self defense or concealed carry.
I have fired about 1000 rds through my Colt Government series 80. Mostly 230gr FMJ. It is shooting like a dream. When should I start replacing parts that typically wear? Like the recoil spring and such. Any advice or web site links would be greatly appreciated. This is my go to gun at the range but I don't use it for self defense or concealed carry.
SAME THING happened to me! This discription is going to make me sound like an idiot cause I don't know that name of the parts. The manual is 50 feet away from me but it may has well be a mile. My back went out today and I'm laying on the floor and can't get up. If you like I will post again with a better discription. There is a kit you can order for the Mark III that allows you to break the gun down easily. It's a Majestic Arms Speed Strip kit. http://www.majesticarms.com/id10.html Anyway, here is what I did to free up my Mark III..... Took it apart, made the classic reassmbly blunder (That little hangy down thing on the hammer was not set correctly) and I could not get it apart again. I took a small hammer and tapped the top behind the rear sight (The little knob that sticks up). When I tapped that knob it freed the lever, which easily came out. You can try tapping that lightly with a brass hammer so you don't damage anything. Though I was able to fix the problem I broke the rear sight. But I use a BSA red dot sight anyway.
It's a compromise. A NAA revolver in 22mag and a can of mace wouldn't be too bad. Magum Research makes a tiny little 380 that might work too. Then there is the two shot derringer.
When I first started carrying I bought some 9mm Glazer Silver Tip Vampire killers. I loaded the first few rounds of my magazine with the Glazer then had the rest FMJs. After a while I decided against mixing ammo and now carry all 45 ACP JHP Zombie killers. You carry'em like you want to but these guys have a very good point. The bad guys won't notice the difference until it's too late.
I saw the movie last weekend.......wait till it comes out in DVD. Russel Crowe's face would crack if he tried to be merry. Ever since Saving Private Ryan, which was a great movie, it's seems that all movie combat scenes have to be jittery. It worked in Private Ryan.
I carry a Glock 36. It's a single stack so it's slim. It's reliable, accurate and light weight. I have a CT sight on it. It ain't glamorous like a nice Kimber or Colt, but it's the smallest 45 I own.
Colt. It has a horsey on it. I bought a Colt becuase they were the original maker of the 1911 and make a fine pistol. Plus I got a great deal on it. It is absolutely reliable and very accurate. It is factory spec. I have not done any modifications to it. All the CBOB fans will tell you that you need $1800+ to have a good 1911. All that talk don't mean diddly squat. One thing about a 1911 is that it is a hobbie gun as well as a personal protection weapon. They are also fun to shoot and fun to dress up... Like a Barbie doll of shooters.
I would say that 300 bucks would be a good price if the gun has been shoot a lot. If it has been laying in the bottom of granny's closet for 50 years and has only been shoot a few times, then $400-$450, or more, would be a good price. Cop guns usually have had a lot of rounds fired through them but those old Smiths were made well, by skilled gunsmiths, with top grade metals. They don't make'em like that any more and probably never again. The Model 10 is a classic but they made tens of thousands of these guns over the years so they are not rare by any means.
That's a good price for around here. You may could talk him down a little but that seems to be a reasonable price for an XD40.
"Red on Yellow...kill a fellow. Red on Black...Johnny comes back." I see few reasons to kill non-poisonous snakes. They are not a threat and they taste terrible. Although I killed all I could find when I was a kid, I leave'em alone now.
I carry a SOG Flash II spring assist folding knife. It's legal becuase you have to manually thumb the blade, then the spring "assists" opening. I use it becuase it can be opened "in a flash" with one hand.
Thanks for your post! Any anecdotes of your trek on the AT are most welcome. How much water do you consume in a day? Is it readily available or do you have to ration it?