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Will Carry

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Everything posted by Will Carry

  1. I keep all my weapons clean I spend more time cleaning my firearms than shooting them. The self defense ammo was 240gr Winchester Supreme elite XP or something or other and Golden Sabers in 185gr. The ammo I have seen defective out of the box is Winchester White Box. I found distorted 45acp round once. The feed ramp is polished nicely. I keep the slide rails lunbricated with just enough grease but not too much. I'm very particular about cleaning and lubricating my guns, although nobody is perfect .... at least I'm not. I have blown through most of my self defense ammo so I will try some HST and Hydro-Shoks. If that doesn't work I will replace the recoil springs and mag springs, or just get some new mags. I was at a gun show about ten years ago and was planning on buying a Taurus 1911. It was new then and claimed to have features you would only find in a custom 1911. I found the Taurus 1911 and picked it up to inspect it. The blueing looked awful! Red flags went up and I put it down. Then I looked over and saw this Colt Government model series 80 in stainless. A bigginers 1911. It was Purdy! and only a couple hundred bucks more than the Taurus. It was so uterrly reliable and accurate I never bother to try and customise it. I did learn how to reassemble it blindfolded. (from field stripping not total disassembly). I greatly appreciate the advice and do not assume I know anything about 1911s. I would rather you tell me things I already know (it never hurts) than have people think I know something I don't.
  2. I usually run my self defense ammo through my guns when I go to the range, just to see if they would feed. Yesterday my 1911 had two failures in two magazine of high tech high dollar self JHP defense rounds. One round jammed in the top of the barrel. Another round failed to return to battery. I poked the first one with my finger (holding the slide) and the second I just pushed the slide forward. I then shot 200 rounds of WWB FMJs without a hitch. For 10 years that pistol has not failed to fire once, using all different kinds of ammo. What should I check? Magazines I use are Chuck Mcormick and Colt. I did not check the ammo. These high dollar rounds go in and out of all of my 45acp handguns. I have seen distorted casings and bullets before. Hmmmm? I had the range all to myself. It was great. I get a little nervous when the range is crowded. They don't have a Range Warden, they have cameras, which isn't the same. My shooting was terrible! I couldn't figure out what I was doing. Finally I figured it out while shooting my single action .357. By then I have 10 rounds left. I put six in a two inch circle and then 4, at 7 yards. That mo better.
  3. Everybody and their brother seems to have an LCP. After I shot one, I lost interest. I got a Sig P-238 Equinox and it's a honey. I remember when the PMR30 was selling for way over it's list price. I friend of mine came up to me and said "I guy wants to sell me a KelTec PMR30 for $650. Is that a good price?" I told him that is was a $300 pistol and not to buy it.
  4. I just sent my P320SC off to Exeter NH for the voluntary recall. Since my first post I have been shooting my P320SC, making sure not to drop it. I shoots great and it is well made! It will make a good carry weapon. I have found a guy who makes pinky extensions and found a guy who makes nice holsters. I am now thinking about going outside the waistban with a holster that sits up high on my hip.
  5. Zarate is the illegal immigrant that shot and killed that young lady in San Fransisco. He claimed he found a bag with a gun in it and it just went off all by itself. The jury believed him and aquited him for manslaughter but gave him 2-3 years for being a felon with a firearm. The key to this "trial" was the defenses premise that the pistol, which was stolen from a LEO in Oregon, had been modified and had a "Hair Trigger". In my mind a "Hair Trigger" is not a measure of force. I would have liked to have known (had i been on the jury) how the pistol was modified. What the trigger pull was and has a gunsmith checked out this weapon to see if it had any defects that would have caused the pistol to discharge. Why the DA did not go down this path? Maybe the pistol was modified and they didn't want to go there or maybe it was a politically motivated trial to get back a Donald Trump. I also thought that cops did not modify their weapons because of potential liability in a court of law. Masaad Ayoob touches on that often in his writing.
  6. I love those "slice of life" stories! Tennessee has changed so much in the last 30 years that it is important to write these stories lest they be forgotten. If things had been different, I would still be in Tennessee. Instead of the New New Jersey, suburban hell I live in now. They are gobbling up farmland at an alarming rate. Poor country folk are selling their land to the gentry and moving to the cities to find work. In Scotland, 97% of the land is owned by 3% of the people. North Carolina is doing the same. Tennessee ain't far behind. The Cumberland Plateau was once inhabited by poor country folk, now I see a lot of retirement communities of retired Yankees and Country Clubs. I want to tell a story now! I'll write it this evening and post it.
  7. I bought the P-320 sub-compact because I wanted a small double stack 9mm. It was one of those impulse buys. Then I found out that they didn't make a pinky extension for the magazine or many accessories at all and I'm having trouble finding a good IWB holster. It is also hard to get that 12th round into the magazine. I am overall dissatisfied with it so far. I hope our troops are not. Sig E-Mailed me a few weeks ago and said they would let me know when I could send it back for the voluntary recall.
  8. Mine runs like a swiss watch. I don't have 1000 rounds through it though. I love the pistol but I have started carrying the Ruger LC9s or a S & W model 36 so it has become a safe queen. I need to take it out and start running some ammo through it.
  9. Wicked! I want one! One of the engineers I work with has an Obsessive Compultion disorder and has gotten in to knife edges and sharpening. He bought me a leather strap, a ceramic stick and a pocket microscope. The Microscope is a big hit with me. It has a 60-120 power lense and a small LED light. I can look at an edge that appears really sharp and see all kinds of distortions. Take the same edge and work it with a leather strap and ceramic rod and you can see the difference in the edge through the microscope. It cost $11 for the microscope. if you are interested and have OCD, I can send you a link for the pocket microscope.
  10. Nate Squared or N82 holsters are made in Lexington NC. When I got my Nate Squared holster I put all the others away. They got it right! I highly recommend them. I recently purchased a Sig P-320 (should have got the Glock) and I wanted a holster for it because it would not fit in my N82 holster I use for my pocket 9mms. Nate had one and it's his new model called the twist release retension holster. It's made the same way as my old holster accept it has this twist release function. You cannot draw the weapon unless you twist it slighly clockwise, then pull. It's has gotten some good reviews. I practiced for a week in front of the mirror. If I did it right, the weapon was released just fine but if you pull first then twist you will not be able to draw the pistol. Then there is my spare tire. I have put on a little weight in the past few years and the fat hanging over my belt got in the way of my twisting. I had to send it back. I wasn't able to draw it 100% of the time in my living room mirror. I would hate to have to draw it under stress. No worries now. My Sig P-320 evidently can be used as a hand grenade and I am waiting to send it back to Sig for the recall work.
  11. I have found an N82 holster that is so comfortable you can't even feel it. I leave it in the holster because sometimes I spill my water on the night stand and I do not want my little friend to get wet.
  12. My CZ-75 is all metal accept for the guide rod, which is plastic. I thought that was kind of cheesy for CZ to go cheap on the guide rod for and otherwise well made pistol. I was going to order an aftermarket guide rod until I read that the plastic guide rod was installed on purpose. It has something to do with preventing wear or something another. I has never given me any problems but every time I strip it for cleaning it bothers me. My CZ-75 SP-01 is my range gun. It's a honey! I bought a holster for it from Israel that has a spare mag pouch on it. It's like wearing an anvil on my side. It pulls my pants down so much I don't use it. It's in a bag with all the other holsters I have bought and don't use.
  13. My favorite range 9mm is the CZ-75 but it's too heavy for carry. I have two Sigs, the P-320 and P-238. The P-320 is waiting to be recalled so SIG is on my bad side right now. The Ruger LC9s has a sweet trigger but the mag release has given me trouble. I have one 9mm that doesn't stand out at all. It has a weird trigger, the sights are odd and it has a grip like a 2 x 4. It's the one I go to. I call it the Barvarian Brick others call it a Glock 19.
  14. Wait! It does have night sites! I just have had it in the safe (unloaded) and never checked. So it's got that going for it. I may take it back to my local gun shop and ask if I can trade it in. He took my DB380 back and gave me more for it than he charged for a new DB380. I put the money down on a Sig P-238 (which I love). So you like your M&P. They have a big fan club.
  15. I signed up for the Sig voluntary recall upgrade. It could take months. I am so disappointed! I should have gotten a Glock, an XD or an M&P, but NOOOOO. I had to have a Sig. I wanted a striker fired double stack 9mm sub-compact with no manual safety. This Sig is not that nice of a pistol. It doesn't have night sites, or a loader, or any of the nice extras that Springfield includes. It's near impossible to get the 12th round in the magazine and they do not provide a pinky extension for the magazine. I've been carrying my J-frame model 36 and I'm really liking it.
  16. When I was a kid, we never missed a Jerry Lewis movie. I was never disappointed. Rest In Peace Jerry Lewis.
  17. Every since I was a kid, when I was dove hunting, I would pretend I was at Pearl Harbor shootin' down Japanese Zeros. I use a Remington 870 (40mm Bofors) or a CZ 20 gauge (20mm Oerlikon).
  18. I too would like to see a Colt .357 magnum. They could call it.....a Python.... no a Copperhead!..... King Snake?
  19. I looked on Sig's web site and they haven't mentioned a 45acp P320 sub-compact but I swear I have seen something about them on the internet. Unless it's fake news.
  20. I love my N8 squared holster too. The most comfortable IWB holster I have ever tried. When I bought my Sig P320 sub-compact I bought a new N82 Pro Holster with the new Twist Release Retention System. This is a system where the holster will not release the weapon until you grab the grip and twist it clockwise then pull. I sent it back. The last thing I want is to need to draw my pistol and in the excitement forget to twist or pull first then twist (That won't work either you have to twist first then pull. If you pull first then twist, the holster will retain the pistol.) A lot of people like it though but I'll bet none of them have had to draw their pistol to stop a threat.
  21. I like talking about WWII planes.....   The Mitsubishi A6M Zero could climb like a kite and turn on a dime. It was a fighter pilots dream in 1940.  We got a break when they found one in tact Zero in the Aleutians. The Japanese pilot had some problems with his plane and tried to land on what he thought was a meadow. It turned out to be a quagmire. When the wheels hit the mud they collapsed and the plane nosed over. The pilot broke his neck and was killed instantly.  We put the plane one a ship and sent it to San Diego and within 6 weeks it was Flying with American markings. They got a Hot Shot navy pilot to take it up and find it's strengths and weaknesses.  He found that at speeds higher than 250 miles and hour, it couldn't turn as tight as the Grumman F4F Wildcat. It also had no pilot armor or resealing fuel tanks and it was built light to save weight. After that the Zero was a flying coffin.   They story about the US pilot shooting down a Zero with a 45 is true.  The Germans had a policy. They wouldn't shoot enemy pilots in parachutes if we didn't. The Japanese had no such policy.   On March 31, 1943, while stationed in British India, Baggett's squadron was ordered to destroy a bridge at Pyinmana, Burma.[4] Before reaching their target, the B-24 bombers were intercepted by Japanese fighter planes. Baggett's plane was badly hit, and the crew were ordered to bail out. The Japanese pilots then attacked U.S. airmen as they parachuted to earth. Two of Baggett's crew members were killed. Baggett, though wounded, played dead, hoping the Japanese would ignore him. One Zero approached within several feet of Baggett. The pilot then nosed up, almost stalling, and opened his canopy. Baggett shot at the pilot with his .45 caliber pistol. The plane stalled and plunged to the earth,[7][8][9] and Baggett became legendary as the only person to down a Japanese airplane with an M1911 pistol.[1][4][10][11][12] He survived and was captured by the Japanese. This account is not consistent with Japanese records - discussed in the book "B-24 Liberators vs Ki-43 Oscars" by Edward M Young on page 57. This dogfight was between 13 Ki-43s of the JAAF 64th Sentai and around 12 B-24s of the 7th BG. There were no Japanese pilot loses. Regarding his pistol, his obituary states he shot down the Zero with a revolver. The statement that his pilot, Lloyd K. Jensen was "summarily executed" which appears in some articles regarding this event is untrue. Lloyd Jensen survived as evidenced by Baggett's own statements in the book "Guests of the Emperor" at page 187 and National Archives and Records Administration: "World War II Prisoners of War Data File, 12/7/1941 - 11/19/1946"
  22. We call them Redeyes around here but they are Roanoke Bass (Ambloplites Cavifrons). The males guarding the bed are black. Pound for pound this is a fighting little critter. I just spent the last three days wading this little stream in North Carolina catching Redeyes, River Robins, Blue Gill and Largemouth but the Redeye is the prize. A one pounder is a trophy and the world record is 2Lbs 11oz. I caught several that were better than one pound, This Black Bull was just under a pound (they are thick). They are native to only three river basins, the Chowan, Roanoke and Neuse and only grow in the upper reaches of the river where there are rapids and swift water.
  23. You can tell he's a baker by the bun on his head.
  24.        Anyone who thinks that they can escape out into the wilderness and live off the land by shooting squirrels and such, is making a huge mistake. In SHTF scenario the people who organize a well regulated militia based on a faith in God, or some kind of moral guidance, are going to survive.  If you are going to be in a militia, you'll need an AR.
  25. "We didn't loose it. We sold it."


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