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Will Carry

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Everything posted by Will Carry

  1. England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, USA, Austrialia, New Zealand, South Africa. The English speaking countries of the world. Did I leave anyone out? I'm proud of my Scots-Irish/English heritage. I'll try to take your rant to heart next time I meet a Bri.....an English speaking cousin.
  2. I have that book. I haven't read it yet. It is hereby moved to the top of my list.
  3. In no particular order. Here are ten of my favorites. If I had to write another list, it would be different. Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon. Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison Doc Watson's Greatest Hits Fleetwood Mac Rumors Beatles Revolver Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin I Creedence Clearwater Revival's Greatest Hits' Jimi Hendrix Band of Gypsies Rolling Stones Beggers Banquet Patti Pages Greatest Songs.
  4. Good on ya mate! Thanks for posting. You will have something to tell your grandchildren. I like hiking alone to for the very reasons you gave. I hope you took a shower before gettin' on the bus home.
  5. It's the end of the world as we know it................and I feel fine.
  6. It wasn't a straight up trade. It was $200 out of pocket. Plus I bought a IWB holster and some ammo. I used my dremel tool with a felt tipped bit and some 6000grit polishing rouge to clean up the cylinder, plus a brass brush and lots of solvent. It looked like new, but in reality it was a POS. I bought a Smith and Wesson Chief's Special that was made in 1968. It is a much better snubby than the Taurus.
  7. The guy at Fuquay Gun and Gold in Fuquay Varina NC was very impressed with the condition my M85 was in. He gave me what I wanted for it and gave me a sweet deal on this Glock 19. It is my only 9mm. I am so glad to get rid of that M85. It is the only pistol I have ever seen that is uglier than a Glock. I will post a review after I get some range time on it. I have a Glock 36, but it is not particularly enjoyable to shoot. It is a pinky pincher, But it throws out 45acp 7 or 8 times without fail. Plus my wife can shoot the Glock 19.
  8. I was looking at ammo on line and saw some .380 +P. What next? 22 short +P? I talked to a guy from a (Gun manufacturer that I will not mention) about 380+P and he said it was just another way to market over priced ammo. They don't recomend it in their 380, but people have reported shooting them with no problems. I'm like you, I stick to standard pressure loads except 38sp+P in my snubby.
  9. Has anyone ever shoot this ammo? I thought .380 +P was called 9mm.
  10. I own a Taurus M85. It shoots OK. Ya know some people don't have the money to lay down on a Sig or Kimber. Taurus is an affordable handgun for those on a budget. Same with Hi-Point and Charter Arms. I have no problem accepting that. I am greatful that I have the money and the liberty to even buy a gun. Think of those poor British subjects. They have to call a "Bobby" to come and rap the perp on the knuckles with a stick. God Bless America where even a poor man can arm himself.
  11. The 600 Nitro revolver.
  12. Will Carry

    Is it just me?

    LOL! Now that's funny I_Like_Pie! You're OK with me.
  13. I personally like the option of using tha hammer for single action. BUT The hammers on revolvers are notorious for hanging up in your pocket or when drawing from under a jacket. If you are going to carry it concealed you may want to consider a hammerless version. Shooting a Smoke Wagon DAO accurately takes a lot of practice. To be honest, I suck at it but I'm still learning. I have a GP-100 with a 4" barrel. When I shoot magnum loads double action, it ain't pretty. When I shoot the same loads single action I can hit my target well. I just need to put down my semi-automatics and practice DAO until I get it. I would recommend getting a .357 if you can. To me the .357 is the most versatile pistol made, in that you have so many choices of ammo from 38sp wadcutters that your grandma could shoot, to 38sp +P that have good ballistics (Similar to a 9mm) but with a tame recoil. to .357 magnum personal defense loads like the Black Hills 125gr semi-jacket hollow points (king of the one shot stops. 625fps of energy at the muzzle) to the 200gr hunting loads that will stop a bear. Of course those old police issue Smiths can be a great deal. It would be hard for me to walk away from a good Model 10 for under $300. I would be interested to know what you do. How about posting when you've got one?
  14. Will Carry

    Is it just me?

    You will never have trouble finding ammo. Walmart always seem to have plenty of .40. I have a XDm in .40 and don't find it snappy at all.
  15. You will need to clean the cylinder pin. The ejector rod will unscrew, reverse thread (Small channel locks), There are three springs in the cylinder. One comes out with the rod, the second comes out before the locking pin and the third on stays in. If the center pin gets dirty it will get stuck in the "in" position. If this happens the cylinder will not lock up and the gun will not fire. The center pin must be clean so it sticks out and latches into the frame. Unsrew the ejector rod, tip it so that the center pin spring falls out, push the center pin out, then clean with solvent and a pipe cleaner. Check for corrosion on damage. Then reinstall. I have an M85UL and this is one of the problems I have. It is easy enough to fix rather than sending it back for warrenty repairs. Other than that and the sloppy cylinder, my M85 is an good revolver. I put a crimson trace laser grip on it and shoot 125gr SJHP +P ammo. It will put 5, center mass, at 21 feet.
  16. 1941. If they had more Slim Pickens scenes in that movie, it would have been a better movie. Slim Pickens stole that movie. He was hilarious.
  17. Thanks Mike.357. I wish I knew how to post videos like that. That scene scared the living daylights out of eveybody in the world. It's hard to make kids today understand how close we came to an atomic war. When I was in the first grade we had atom bomb drills at school. We all had fall-out shelters in our basements with canned food and water. Even as a first grader we knew that if the Russians attacked the US that we would be doomed. We would stand around the playground and talk about where the bombs would fall. Atlanta, Birmingham, Nashville, Fort Cambell, Benning, Bragg would all be ashes. Hell of a thing for 6 year olds to be talking about.
  18. Dad Gum Trigem! Did you write that dissertation! That was very well written. You eliminated many of the myths about stopping power and stuck to the facts. I have nothing to add to that. You should get that published. You should omit those pornographic pictures. Oh wait! That ain't porn....my bad.
  19. I was finally able to shoot my DB380 with no failures last Saturday. I was shooting PMC Starfire and Cor Bon Powerballs. CA-CHING! I shot 3 magazines, rapid fire. 18 rounds, ~$20. The pistol has been having problems extracting the spent casings out of the barrel. The people at Diamondback suggested I stop shooting cheap target loads and stick to personal defense loads. It has never failed with Cor-Bon Powerballs and Starfires. The Powerballs are awesome. I went to the range again yesterday and fired 24 rounds as fast as I could, with no failures. I will continue to test this pistol with different types of ammo. So far Cor-Bon Powerballs, PMC Starfires are good. American Eagle target loads: not good.
  20. I don't think the bad guys would know the difference. The 40 has good ballistics. I don't carry a .40 but it has nothing to do with stopping power. I try to keep it simple so I own mostly .45acp, .357/38sp and .22s. I do have an XDm .40 but almost never shoot it. And of course my DB380.
  21. "I've got no problem going back to prison." WHAAAHAHA. I have to remember that one!
  22. Tell her you really like him and you want to take him hunting and fishing. She will break up with him within a week. If you tell her you hate him watch out.
  23. Great song! I did some work out at Johnny Cash's Home on Old Hickory lake back in the early 80s. He came out and talked to us for a minute or two.


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