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Will Carry

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Everything posted by Will Carry

  1. Welcome to the world of concealed carry. It has taken me several years and several handguns to learn what to carry and how to carry. I am still learning. My carry guns change from day to day depending on the weather, my dress and the threat. Lately I have been carrying a Smith and Wesson Model 36 3"(IWB) with a Diamondback DB380 as a BUG (in my vest pocket). I really like my little Diamondback. No matter what guns I'm carrying, the pocket 380 is always my back up. I use Cor-Bon Powerballs in my 380.
  2. 5.11 clothing is probably as good a quality line of clothing as you can find. Plus they are not made in China. They are made in Bangladesh, which I think is near Cleveland............
  3. Hi-Point is working on a 20 rounds magazine. I am getting a 9mm Hi-Point for Christmas, with a "laser". Hi-Point is selling these guns as fast as they can make them. I plan on using it as a range gun, but the ballistics from this 16.5" barrel are pretty impressive. Imagine, a 9mm round achieving 600ft/lbs of muzzle energy! The 40 will be even better! I have heard people call these little carbines "American AKs" or "Planet of the Apes gun". I looked at the Kel_Tec carbines and the Berreta carbines and selected the Hi-Point. I choose a pistol caliber carbine because I can shoot it at my indoor range. I will post a review after Christmas. Right now all I can say is that it is heavier than I thought.
  4. I'll never forget. Our future generations should study this war. THAT is how Americans fight. Our soldiers today are even better.
  5. I'm really liking my Ruger Bisley Vaguero. It's as accurate as any pistol I own. It gets hot enough to iron my shirt after a while.
  6. TGO David I cannot believe you. The Grand Canyon is top natural wonder of the world. The drive alone is worth it. The forest south of the canyon is worth it. There is so much to see out there. You have a problem with Europeans! They are our ancestors! Hell the Japs will out number the Europeans two to one! But the Japs are polite and respectful! There is a great big world out there to see and very little time to see it. The Grand Canyon should not be missed. Every American should see it at least once. It is a National Legacy. One of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. I have been there three times. North Rim , South Rim and I've paddled the Colorado River through the canyon in a kayak. I hope to go back again soon. The Eurpoeans, Japs, Germans, French and Chicoms are a lot more polite and respectful than a lot of us Americans.
  7. I forgot about Sunset Crater! +1. The drive from the Flagstaff to the EAST entrance in wonderful.
  8. Get a Navajo Taco! Just ask any ranger at the Grand Canyon. When you go to the Grand Canyon go in by the EAST entrance. Do not go in by the south entrance. You will not regret it. By going in by the EAST entrance you get to see the Little Colorado River Canyon and you get a view of the canyon as it is forming. You see desert and awsome panoramic views in a wild setting. If you go in through the south entrance to will see hotels, woods, then canyon. Arizona is awesome for us Tennessee boys. The people are freindly and the scenery is spectacular! There is so much to see in Arizona that you can only scratch the surface in just a few days. All I can say is rent a good car, get a tank of gas and just go where you will. You will only want to come back for more! The Grand Canyon will put you in a trance, you just can't take your eyes off of it. But the forest to the south of the canyon is like being on another planet. Very few people venture in to that forest. The Mountain Lions are Elk fed and big as tigers. You can run up to Monument Valley, the Escalante Staircase, Zion Canyon, Bryce Canyon, The Mojave Desert! My wife and I are going back next spring, if we get our bonus at work. Did I say the people were friendly! They are great! The Navajo Taco: After paying $120 on a "gourmet" meal at El Travor resturant at the Grand Canyon, it was the worst meal I have ever payed for, I asked a park ranger where we could get a good meal for a good price. The all said "Navajo Taco" There is a place on the Navajo Reservation that serves a Navajo Taco. You drive back out the EAST entrance but instead of turning right to go back to Flagstaff you turn left into the desert. I thought this was going to be a dive, but it was truely a first class resturant. $10 for a simple flat bread taco with fresh ingrediance that was the size of your plate. If you look on my avatar, you will see what I could not eat. Very cool place! Out in the middle of the dessert. Did I say the people were frindly? Arizona is awesome!
  9. I never said they were FOS. I said "I admire a young man who is cocky as long as they are NOT FOS." But from reading their posts they are, in my humble, Al Gore loving opinion, misguided to think that when a man has a gun pointed at them with his finger on the trigger that they are not in a tactically precarious position. That may not be FOS but it is cocky.
  10. I have enjoyed this. Very few people will talk trash to me in real life, you guys are great! Punisher84 I have a great attitude towards life, it has gotten me this far. One of the things I try to be is humble. You and Dave could use a little humility but I do admire a young man who's a little cocky, as long as he ain't FOS. I may have made you and TNDave angry, But you will get over it. I know I'll get over being called an Al Gore lover, but it will take time.
  11. DaveTN. The shooting in the hips thing I got from Massad Ayoob. You don't know me so you can only speculate on my skills in martial arts or small arms. You are welcome to form an opinion of me by my posts. I certainly have an opinion about you. I don't pretend to be an expert on handguns and self defense. I'm just a student. From your posts you must be an expert in guerrilla warfare, a man who's the best, with guns, with knives, with his bare hands. A man who's been trained to ignore pain, ignore weather, to live off the land, to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. Rambo! Wait! You ain't Rambo. You said in the previous post that you were faster than a speeding bullet. You are Superman! Sorry Dave, but that Al Gore remark was a low blow. Look at minute 6:32 that's when Massad Ayoob mentions the pelvis shot. Massad is a humble man, not prone to bragging.
  12. Punisher, why do you carry? I carry for self protection. I have a permit to carry a concealed handgun. When I was your age I did not have the option so I had to depend on my brain, my brawn and my feets. I have talked my way out of trouble, fought my way out of trouble and run my way out of trouble. I'm still a big man but I'm 55 years old. I can't run any more and I ain't sure how a kin fight hand to hand. Carrying concealed just evens the playing field. I hope I never have to draw down on anyone. I joke about soiling my pants or having a heart attack becuase I don't feel like I need to strut like a young rooster. I try to be good natured when I can.
  13. DaveTN says "you really can out move and out shoot the other guy -- even if he does have the drop on you -- and survive." Yes and Monkeys can fly out of my ***. Dave you are a good man and don't think I'm saying anything without a smile. This is a discussion and anyone can say anything and I won't git mad. We are freinds. BUT 1) If I pull a gun on someone. It's shootin' time. You can dance all you want but before you can pull your pistol, you will be meeting Saint Peter at the Holy Gates. 2) there is always the chance I could miss...........Do ya feel lucky? This is a discussion that needs to be talked about. Feel free to jump in and say what you feel. You will not offend me. We are just talking.
  14. I will agree that the derringer guy was in the wrong. Several of you guys say you would have drawn your weapon on the guy even though he had the drop on you. THAT is a tough call. You have a pistol pointed at you and you don't have your hand on that smoke wagon you're packing. I don't know that I would draw my weapon in that situation. That's just begging to get shot. I know a lot of self defense instructors who will tell you that when you have a gun pointed at you all bets are off. You may be the greatest pistol fighter the world has ever seen but you are crazy if you think you can draw your weapon, while putting distance between you and the threat, aim and fire, before the bad guy can squeeze the trigger. That's why I made up the term Keyboard Cowboy. I'm to old to think I'm Billy Badass. I would probably have a heart attack or my pants. While the bad guy was laughing, then I'd draw and fire. You always need an edge.
  15. http://media.causes.com/604250?p_id=42563578
  16. Mr. Coastie, Thank you for protecting our shores! I wouldn't worry in the least about passing the shooting portion of your concealed carry class. You will pass. It's really easy. It's so easy it's fun and stress free. I also like the Taurus PT-22. It's on my list. While a single shoot from a 22 is not considered very powerful, that little pistol will empty the magazine in 2 seconds.
  17. It was a bad situation. Adam and his buddies, by his own admission, were behaving badly inside the place. They were loud and probably using bad language, by the fact that when asked not to return the guy said "kiss my ****." If they could have drawn their weapons and killed the old man without getting two .22 rounds pumped into them, then their would have been a jury trial. In a rural Tennessee town. All your martial arts training would be of no help then, you'd need a good lawyer. Then you'd have to convince the jury that you were not at fault and hope this old man didn't have many friends or family in the town. The lesson to be learned here is: When asked not to come back to a restaurant becuase you were too rowdy, don't say "Kiss my ****." Adam is not a bad guy. He's just a little young and rowdy. This is a great thread and I thank ADAM for starting it. It shows that there is a gray area where training and tactics meet the human aspect. There is no clearly defined line. A friend of mine got into trouble in Polk County back in the 80's. It costs him $2500 to get out of Polk County becuase he had a six pack of beer in an inner tube floating down a river. "It doesn't pay to do wrong" in rural Tennessee.
  18. It seems a lot of you fellers would have killed the old man with the derringer. That's bold talk comin' from Keyboard Cowboys. ADAM was able to walk away with nobody getting hurt. ADAM did the right thing.
  19. I use a Lansky sharpening kit. I use my knife all the time and I like a sharp knife. The Lansky kit is easy, quick and only touches the edge of the blade do it won't scratch the finish.
  20. What does "sittin there cutting up and shooting the ****" mean? I want to know so I don't get a pistol pulled on ME! Ya'll had been out hanging deer stands. Do ya'll look scary? Are you Charles Manson look alikes? Were you hittin on the waitress or cursing? I ain't never had a gun pulled on me for unruly conduct in a restaurant. If your buddy is crazy enough to walk up to a man and disarm him does he look crazy? I think it comes down to the fact that the man with the pistol is mentally unstable. If you looked THAT scary he should of let you go on your way. Your buddy is a good man to have around. He should have told the man to kiss his arse.....but I understand.
  21. I own and carry a Glock 36. I have one standard magazine and one +1 extended mag. I also put a CT laser guard on it. It's a very accurate, reliable carry weapon. As I'm typing this I'm looking down at my right pinky finger. That's the one that gets a blood blister on it if I shoot too many rounds with the standard magazine. The extended mag doesn't do it. The standard mag is a pinky pincher. It's a small price to pay for a reliable compact 45acp that fits IWB like a 9mm.
  22. Will Carry


    I want to shoot one. Cool looking gun. I wondering if they are not having problems with it. It was supposed to be in guns stores by now.
  23. There is one way to find out. Get a box of .357 and give them a try. You really should try .357s in your snubby. In a self defense scenario the .357 would have much better stopping power, but it's no fun to shoot. The question is, is the recoil of a .357 going to make your snubby less effective? If so try 38sp +P then 38sp standard pressure loads. I carry a 38 special sometimes and I use standard pressure loads. They generate around 180ft/lbs of energy at the muzzle. A +P will give you 200-230ft/lbs (maybe) and a .357 will give you 300-400ft/lbs. Depending om the load. A 9mm delivers around 300ft/lbs. A 22lr might do 100-120. But I ramble too much......... One thing about SD with a .357 snubby, if you don't hit him, he'll be blind, deaf and singed.
  24. GREAT ZEUS! That's a fine looking GP-100! I love mine too.
  25. A buddy of mine said today, "Well winter is coming, I guess I'll have to put my 9mm up and get out my 40." I asked why and he said,"That 9mm just don't have the power to go through winter coats or heavy denim and still get good penatration." I have never shot my winter coat to see if it will slow down a bullet enough so that it is no longer lethal but do you think this guy has a point? Should I put up my 9MM up for the winter?


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