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Everything posted by Will Carry
I bought one a few months ago. I had some problems at first. FTEs and double feeds. I contacted Diamondback and they said I was limp wristing or using cheap ammo. All of a sudden (after 150-200 rounds) it stopped jamming! After ten trips to the range it hasn't jammed once. Limp wristing, no problems. WWB, Remington and Federal Target loads shoot just fine. That's somewhere around 200 rounds without a failure. I have shot Kel-tecs, LCPs and Sig 380s and this little Diamondback shoots better than any of them (Though I really like the Sigs!). It's seems like every manufacturer of these little pocket rockets have had problems when they first came out. KelTec, LCP and even the new Smith and Wesson Bodyguard have had teething problems. Diamondback's reputation was very bad at one time but I think they are slowly gaining some respect. They are working on a pocket 9mm. I carry my DB380 with CorBon Powerball ammo. It's a summer carry gun of a BUG in cooler weather.
Man shot by 3-legged dog? | abc11.com This is the type of clabber that the local anti-gun TV station shows on the nightly news. They want people to believe that a gun is so dangerous and unpredictable that it's likely to go off at any time. I am trying to figure out which 32 pistol will go off like that. My first thought was that this guy is lying like a dog. Do you guys know what kind of 32 pistol will go off if dropped? I do not own a pistol that will discharge if dropped. There is no such thing as an accidental discharge, only negligence.
Vicious dog, Glock 36 w/CT laser guard with a XDm-40 as a back up and a Chief's Special in case my wife wants to shoot too. All my other pistols, shotguns and rifles are locked up. I don't own any tactical shotguns and the barrels of mine are very long and unwieldy in close quarters.
If the price was good it might be OK. I know people who own Taurus 44 magnums and love them. I used to own a model 85 UL. It is the only revolver I have ever owned that wood jam or fail to lock up. The center pin on the cylinder would get stuck "in" and would not pop out to lock against the frame, making the pistol useless. I could not trust it enough to carry or use for self defense. I sold it and bought a used S&W model 36, made in 1977. This revolver is a masterpiece. It's cylinder is tighter after 30 sum years than my Taurus was out of the box.
I have a 9mm carbine model 995. It is a hoot to shoot. From the first round it has never failed to fire. I would have to say that a Hi-Point is an affordable handgun for those that need one but don't have a lot of money. Poor people need protection too.
New Kel-Tec 12 Ga 14-Rd Capacity Bullpup Shotgun
Will Carry replied to TNRobocop's topic in Long Guns
Kel Tec CNC I want this gun in 20 gauge. -
Smith and Wesson makes some great .357 magnums. The 686, 627 and my favorite the model 27 are just a few of the Smith and Wesson offerings. If you have a lot of money the M627 8 round is the ultimate .357. But if you are like me and on a budget....Ruger GP-100. It's the poor man's Smith and Wesson. Every bit as rugged as the Smith and maybe even more so. After S&W and Ruger you are taking a big step down in quality. I couldn't recommend any of them though they may be just fine. I am not including Colt Pythons. They are not made any more and the prices have gone up a lot. Colt and Smith and Wesson were at one time competing agianst each other for the best .357 revolvers. Colt's had a few more parts than the Smiths and it cost more money to manufacture them so Colt gave up and left Smith and Wesson the king of the wheel guns. The only Colt revolvers made now are the over priced single action cowboy guns. With no transfer bar....
Gatco: Sharpeners This is the kind of set up I have used for 20 years. It will give your knife a sharp strong clean edge and it requires little skill.
I am an Orion, the hunter. I like Orion. He's hunting Taurus the Bull who is chasing the seven sisters of the Pleades. A group of scientist got together for the Nobel commitee. They determined the the relative positions of celestial objects had absolutely no bearing on human society or predicting the future. DUUUUHHHH!
I have been looking at El Paso Saddlery. I want a holster and a cartridge belt. Lined or unlined? They do that? That's what I mean. I don't know diddly about gun leather. Even though I will probably wear it mostly around the house in my underwear, I want a good quality rig that will do the Bisley justice.
I have a Ruger Bisley Vaquero .357 and I'm trying to find a western rig on-line. There are dozens of web sites that sell western leather rigs. I don't want anything fancy, just a good quality plain holster and belt. I don't want to spend more than $200-250. If any of you guys have any advice I would be greatful.
I may buy a Sub2000 if I get on a carbine kick. I choose the Hi-Point becuase I could mount my red dot scope on it. My eyes ain't what they used to be and open sights are kind of blurry. I have always used open sights even one my 30.06. The open sights on the Hi-Point are similar to the AR-15 style open sights, which I don't particularly like. I wanted a pistol caliber carbine so I could shoot a rifle at my indoor range. I live in a suburban jungle and don't get shoot outdoors much. It's hard being a country boy in the big city, but that's where the money is, I recon. My family still lives in rural Alabama. They don't make much money but they don't need much money.
I finally got a chance to shoot my Christmas present from my kids. A Hi-Point model 995 9mm carbine with a laser sight and a compensator. I did not know what to expect from a $250 gun but I was surprised to find that this little thing is great fun. Right out of the box (I did run a brush through the barrel) it never failed once in 100 rounds of WWB target loads (Winchester White Box). I adjusted the laser first, at 25 yards, then I used the red dot to adjust the open sights. 25 yards is supposed to be the same as 100 yards for sight adjustment. I understand that Hi-Point is working on a 20 round magazine, which I will purchase asap. It comes with only one 9 round magazine, which is kind of lame but what do you expect? My wife thought it was an AK47 LOL! But I have heard these little rifles referred to as American AKs. I wouldn't go that far, but it is a lot of fun for the money.
It's becuase we live in the SOUTH. Where the winter sun shines warm. When my nieghbor moved down from Boston, the first time it snowed he was out with a shovel, shoveling his driveway. I told him, "Dude! It will be 70 degrees tomorrow and it will all be gone." Now, after 5 years, he has stooped doing that. He's a great neighbor! Talks funny but otherwise is a good man. I can drive very well in the snow as most Southerners can.
I am very happy with my Glock 19 gen 4. I didn't buy it as an expression of art. I bought it for self defense. It's easy to carry and shoot plus it has never failed to fire. It is the only 9mm I own since I gave my Sigma away, for free, just to get rid of it.
I bought a used Ruger Mark II today. I wasn't looking for one but a very old friend of mine was out of work and needed the money. So now I have a Mark II and a Mark III. I was wondering what the difference between the two was. Thanks I just Googled it. The Mark III seems to have a few useless extras. With the acception of a Weaver style scope mount tapped into the barrel. The loaded chamber indicator on my Mark III has been removed. The magazine safety is new, and the mag release was moved from the butt to the left side. Maybe the Mark IV will be easy to dissassemble.........
You'll never see me wearing camo.
Whatever happened to the NAA 32 magnum revolver? I guess it didn't pan out. I really like the NAA mini-revolvers and one day I will have one. It's the pistol you would want to bring to a knife fight...with your knife.
Congradulations on your new GP-100. I have the same gun and love it. It's my woods gun and my car gun. I carry full house loads in it. You have good taste in hand guns. I own 5 Ruger hand guns. Two Mark IIIs (a ss Hunter with the 6 7/8" fancy bull barrel and a Basic Blued 5") . Two Single Sixes (A SS 6.5" and a blued 9.5") and the GP-100 (SS 4", Hogue monogrip). When you save up and buy a good quality gun, it will retain it's value and you will get the money back if you sell it.
Congradulations! Welcome to the club. It is a lifestyle change, or it was for me. It took me a couple of years to get comfortable with carrying concealed and I am still learning new things about carrying and self defense. TGO is a great place to learn, although you have to be able to take the wheat from the chaff.
I started to get the book over Christmas and didn't. Don't let my opinion spoil the movie. My wife thought it was great! I guess my main problem was that I expected another Unforgiven or Lonesome Dove. The critics think it's a great movie and many of my friends do to. Hopefully this may be the start of a comeback for western movies. Is That a MP-38 in your avatar? Mt brother-in-law traded a German farmer two 1911s for an MP-38 he found in his field during the war. My brother-in-law bought it back to Tennessee and tried to get a judge he knew to give him a permit for it. The judge wouldn't do it so he sold it to a collector........
When I heard that the Coen brothers were going to do a remake of True Grit, I got excited . I thought the Coen brothers had seen something lacking in the original 1969 classic or that they had some new twist. I thought this movie was going to be great. Maybe it would spur Hollywood to start making westerns again. I was very disappointed. There are so many great stories about the old west that have never been told, stories that would make a great western, but they had to remake True Grit? Now Jeff Bridges is a great actor, better than John Wayne by far but John Wayne IS Rooster Cogburn. Jeff Bridges is just a great actor. In 1969, when Rooster Cogburn put his reigns in his teeth and said "Fill your hands, you son of a bitch!", the crowd cheered! In the 2010 version, the crowd was looking for the exits. The Coen brothers did nothing to improve True Grit. Rest easy Duke.
Ya'll know I was just funin' ya. I think they call it "trolling". John Wayne didn't really act, he just played himself. He won the academy award for best actor for his roll in True Grit, but I think it was more of a lifetime achievemnet award. I can't wait to see the new True Grit. Ya'll have a Merry Christmas, Ya here.
Matt Dillion was the toughest marshall that ever was! Plus, he was banging Kitty! If he and John Wayne ever got in a fight, I'd have to go with Matt. As much as I like John Wayne, Matt Dillion was the man. Every week on Sunday night we watched Matt do what was right.
For all of you guys, who have come out of the closet and admitted that you do not like John Wayne movies, "Good on you"! That takes a lot of courage to speak out like that and in the same spirit as when Obama resended the " don't ask. don't tell" policy, thanks for coming out! I'm sure you were just born that way.