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Will Carry

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Everything posted by Will Carry

  1. Morris Greer? Will Greer?
  2. I would just get a good semi-automatic hunting shotgun and not worry about whether it looks "tactical". As a matter of fact I don't want my shotgun to look tactical at all. An overzealous district attorney could misrepresent that to a jury. It has happen before. I do agree with you on semi-autos. You need two functional hands to operate a pump quickly, if you are injured or wounded in one arm, you can still use a semi. The Remingtom 1100 is a fine shotgun.
  3. My heart goes out to the man who shot those boys. It will be something he will never forget and I'm sure riding that bike will never be the same. Those boys got what was coming to them. He probably saved someone's life by doing it, besides his own.
  4. Stupid is as stupid does. I don't like big cities. A handgun won't do you much good their. It's too crowded. I would be near impossible to get a clean shot with nothing behind the target. It also close quarters. They would be on you before you could draw. A handgun in a crowded city like that is nothin'but trouble.
  5. Range report. I don't mind the tube feeding, it's simple and easy. It is a little barrel heavy. It shoots great! I shot 38 specials, 38 sp +P, and .357 magnums through it today. I was shooting 3 inch groups at 25 yards off hand and for me that's pretty good. I want to take it out and shoot it outdoors with a bench rest and really see what it can do. The recoil was nothing, even with the magnum ammo. The action is smooth and the trigger is light.
  6. But I already have every handgun I ever wanted. Then I saw the Henry Big Boy in .357 magnum. I can shoot it at my indoor range. It can deliver over 1200 ft/lbs of muzzle energy, over 600 ft/lbs at 175 yards and Drops 10" at 175 yards. It doesn't cost any more than a handgun and it will compliment my .357 handguns. I like the open sights but it is tapped for a scope mount ! Yippi Yi Aye Ky Yay! Very sweet. I shoot it tomorrow.
  7. I sent my Mark III Hunter 6 7/8" to Carroll Iowa and had Volquartsen farfegnugen it. It came back with the fancy grip, a trigger pull if less than 3lbs and I can shoot groups inside the holes left by my 45acp (On a good day). I know I have way too much money in this pistol and it is far more accurate than I will ever shoot, but it is the coolest pistol I own. Here is my Mark III before and a picture of the fancy grip. It is now a Mark II accurised by Volquartsen.
  8. "I don't care to belong to a club that would accept people like me as members" Grocho Marx. Welcome. This is one of the best forums of it's kind in the world.
  9. For your first 1911 I would go with one that has a pony on it. They were the first to make it and since the 1911 is a nostalgic icon I would say Colt. I have a Colt Government series 80 that works flawlessly. It cost me $650 a few years ago. I am looking at getting another 1911 myself. I would consider another Colt but there are so many to choose from it boggles the mind. Remington, Ruger, Smith, Springfield, RIA, Taurus, and then there is Kimber.
  10. I just want to know how bad of a shot I am. I cannot shoot 3" groups with my little pocket 380 at 30 feet nor at 21 feet. Yet I was chastised by a friend who says, "It's only 30 feet.I can shoot 5" groups rapid fire with my LCP at 30 feet".
  11. Will Carry

    Ruger SP101 4.2

    That is just the pistol I have been waiting for!
  12. Nice Coyote! I have a United States Air Force artic parka that my dad wore in Korea. It has Coyote fur around the hood, or so I was told. Does anyone know if that is true.
  13. Although knives are brutally effective weapons at close range a gun can still be utilized at danger close distances. It is not useless in a knife fight. Also, if you are not trained in how to use a knife, you will probably not do well in knife fight against a trained opponent. I would hesitate to say that at arms reach distances (danger close) the man with the knife wins 100% of the time or even 50% of the time. There are too many other factors.
  14. I would say which ever one you can deploy the fastest with the best accuracy. For me that would be my model 36 38 special. I do not shoot +Ps in it. The standard pressure ammo is good enough. The great thing about the 380 is the pocket pistols that shoot it are so small they can go with you anywhere. I carry a DB380 as a back up. According to this chart below there isn't much difference between the two. Handgun Cartridge Power Chart - Condensed Version The .357 Magnum is still the King.
  15. I just watched this old black and white Japanese movie made in 1954. It was in Japanese, subtitled in English. I didn't know what to expect but it blew me away. Hollywood copied it when they made The Magnificant Seven, but I think the original was better. I laughed my butt off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnRUHtSgJ9o
  16. Those Ausies just crack me up. He told the Muslims to adjust or leave. Oz PM angers Muslims with his `right to leave'' remark | TopNews
  17. I believed in Santa with all my heart. I believed he flew in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer. I believed he gave presents to every child in the world in one night. I believed it because my mother, father, grandparents and Television and department stores said so. THEN I FOUND OUT THEY WERE ALL LYING! These same people who lied to me about Santa then told me about a man who was born of a virgin, walked on water, healed the sick, was crucified then rose from the dead and he ascended into heaven. So here I am, a six year old kid thinking, "You fooled me once, you won't fool me again!" So I say, BAN SANTA and tell your children the truth.
  18. "What do you want me to do? Draw you a picture? Spell it out? Don't ever ask me! Long as you live, don't ever ask me more!!". Ethan Edwards. The Searchers. True Grit: Ned Pepper: What's your intention? Do you think one on four is a dogfall? Rooster Cogburn: I mean to kill you in one minute, Ned. Or see you hanged in Fort Smith at Judge Parker's convenience. Which'll it be? Ned Pepper: I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man. Rooster Cogburn: Fill your hands, you son of a bitch!
  19. I don't know how it is on the west side of the Appalachians but over here, on the east side, the media seems to be on an anti-gun blitz. Every day they are reporting every time a gun crime takes place or a negligent incident happens. I get suspicious when I start seeing that. I just wonder what the anti-2nd people are up to, they have not given up on banning firearms. Be safe out there. Don't give'm any fuel to burn. I wish I could tell those crazy people that "if your going to commit a murder/suicide, do the suicide first!"
  20. Bill Dance. What else would a Tennessee boy wear?
  21. OK, You guys have convinced me. Trap it is. I'm hard headed but not stupid.
  22. The big advantage of a J frame revolver is the speed at which it can be grabbed and deployed. For that reason I carry my model 36 IWB on my strong side. It is that fastest pistol I own to grab and fire three rounds and get good hits. If you don't believe me (I own over two dozen handguns and I have had a contest to see which was faster. The little wheel gun won) try it yourself.
  23. Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming. Right now I'm thinking a box of 22 shorts and some rat poison. That darn Crossman Pumpmaster 760 is a POS. It has a telescopic sight but it won't hit the same hole twice. I missed two good shots, now they are getting gun savy. Money is really tight right now, I've been working overtime lately just to pay the bills. I ain't letting no furry tailed tree rat ruin my Christmas but I have to be safe and smarter than the Squirrel.
  24. I have found the nest and where they are getting in at. It's a mother and two younguns. I have called professional Critter Gitters and they want $400-$500 to get the three Squirrels out of my attic. THAT AIN'T HAPPENING! I live in the suburban jungle called Research Triangle Park. I am not suppose to shoot firearms in my neighborhood. My Crossman Pump has missed twice today, I think the barrel is bent. I need a Squirrel Killing BB gun or a way to shoot my 22 quietly. I have been looking at some Benjamin air rifle that delivers at 1500 fps and 24 ft/lbs of energy. What about a 22 short in my rifle with some way of silencing the report? I am not shooting in my attic, I'm shooting in my back yard.


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