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Will Carry

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Everything posted by Will Carry

  1. I have this t-shirt that has an Israeli flag on it and says, "Proud to support Israel." My church has had a long relationship with a synagogue in town. I was wearing this shirt yesterday when my wife and I went to the grocery store. I had 4 people in the store walk up to me and thank me for wearing the shirt. One lady and I talked for a while about what this country has become. Then this man walks by pushing a cart and says, "You know you are supporting baby killers, don't you?" The snarky look on his face, the fact that this was happening in a Piggly Wiggly, one of the last bastions of rural American culture, I snapped back, "Hammas are the baby killers, hiding behind women and children like cowards." I guess he wasn't expecting this, not being from the South and all. He went on a mad tirade about the history of the middle east and how much he hated the Jews. Then he walked up into my face, with is chest all bowed out. He didn't seem to notice when I dropped my right foot back a little. He probably didn't know I was thinking about the best way to take him down if he touched me. Then he finished by saying "You shouldn't be wearing that shirt!" My response was calm and subdued, "I will wear whatever shirt I want to and you can kiss my LARGEMOUTH BASS!" He decided to walk away suddenly, and I turned around and saw the security guard walking down the aisle. I said, "There is something wrong with that guy, I think he's on drugs, you might want to go talk to him." Which he did. Thus ended the confrontation. Some may say that I was asking for trouble, wearing a shirt like that. Maybe I should have turned the other cheek. I didn't want to hurt the guy, but I will make my stand to live and die a free man, as long as my wife approves.
  2. The blueing on the Taurus 1911 was terribly flawed. I think that salesman put those two 1911s together on purpose.
  3. I went to the gun show many years ago to buy a Taurus 1911, when they first came out. I found the Taurus 1911 next to this Colt series 80. The Taurus was a POS so I got the Colt. I saw no reason to buy another since this one works 100%. Now I want a Rock Island! I paid $600 and some change for it.
  4. I had a terrible experience with the DB380 when they first came out. Each time one would break, they sent me a new gun. After 3 guns failed my LGS gave me a full refund. I am sure their arms today are better quality.
  5. I have owned a GP-100 six shot. It was built like a tank. You could shoot hot .357 ammo until the cylinder got so hot you could iron your shirts with it. When I got the Bisley Vaquero I sold the GP-100. That Vaquero was an awesome revolver.
  6. Oh yeah! I didn't run the Ocoee much because West Virginia was only a 5 hour drive. We used go to Frozenhead State Park every March. I was driving out of Durham NC. Thanks for the replies, my brotha!
  7. It was back in the 80s-90s when section IV was class five. Then they made a rule that whenever Will Carry runs a class V rapid, it automatically becomes a class IV. I had a bad swim on the Lower Meadow in 2008. Dislocated my shoulder and broke my Glenoid bone. After three surgeries I had to mellow out and started canoe camping. That photo above is at Rock Garden on the Obed River, right above Mary's Crotch. I expect you and I have shared an eddy at some time during those days.
  8. Will Carry: I was on the Chattooga River, section 4, at the five falls section. One of the five rapids is called "Sock'em Dogs."This rapid has killed some really good paddlers. As we walked downstream to scout the drop at Sock'em Dog, I took one look and said, "I think I will carry this rapid." Then my buddy Joe says "Dang dude, I didn't drive 7 hrs to portage a rapid." I replied, "I didn't drive 7 hrs to die in one." This changed my attitude toward kayaking. I decided that I would portage any rapid I want to. I WILL CARRY! I used to paddle with these guys that were better than me, they were Hair Boaters and every time I paddled with them, I was scared witless. Knowing that I WILL CARRY any rapid I want to, allowed me to enjoy kayaking again. We ran some unbelievable creeks and rivers, my favorites are in East Tennessee, Daddies Creek Canyon, The Tiny Piney River, Crooked Fork Creek to name a few. angit
  9. I bought a Charter Arms Pitbull in .380 for my wife. It has a six-round cylinder and a 3" barrel. I love it so much that I kept it and gave my wife my Walther P-22. I like this revolver so much I bought a Pitbull in 45acp. I carry it on occasion. Pros: The trigger is as good as any of my Smith and Wesson revolvers in single or double action. It is accurate, holds 6 rounds instead of 5 and has a lifetime warranty. It has no recoil. Cons: The same device that allows you to extract an automatic casing makes it a little difficult to reload. You get use to it but I wouldn't want to have to reload during a gun fight. That is why I carry a backup gun.
  10. He's not now, nor was he ever funny. Which is strange because stupid people are often funny.
  11. I grew up in a small town in Georgia that had one theater. I remember the smell of fresh popped corn. I remember that before every movie they showed a cartoon. I loved me some Jerry Lewis movies and John Wayne westerns. My favorite was Elvis movies! He drove fast cars, got into fist fights, sang some rock and roll and kissed the girls! What's not to like? I was six years old and didn't really understand why colored folks got to sit in the balcony and we couldn't. They had an entrance on the side of the theater and had their own restrooms and candy machines. They were not allowed in the lobby but the man selling the popcorn would take their order and bring popcorn a Cokes to them. This is the Conyers theater as it looked back then. It has been condemned and will be torn down soon. I will always remember it as it was, 25cents for admission, a nickel for a candy bar, 10cents for a Coke and fresh popcorned popped in front of you.
  12. Since old Author has moved into my shoulders, I had to start wondering about my arm strength. OK, that was my excuse to purchase the Ruger Security 380. After finally getting the sights zeroed in, I took it out and ran a few hundred rounds through it. It was so much fun to shoot that I ran a hundred more. What fun! I shot at 10 yards and was very impressed with the accuracy, even though the rear sight is black, which I placed a white dot under the slot to make acquisition faster. The front sight is the day-glow green. The slide racks very easy and even though it is about as big as a Glock 19 it is much lighter, and the grip is smaller. The take down for field stripping is typical Ruger stupid. If you have a little Ruger pistol you know what I mean. (Not trying to bash Ruger, I'm a big fan). I have to remind myself that this is a $300 pistol and they had to cut corners somewhere. You need a small screw driver to pop out the takedown pin. That doesn't affect the way it shoots though. So now I have a 380 the size of a 9mm, with smaller, less powerful rounds that cost twice as much........I be cool with that. I would recommend this pistol. It will unleash a 15-round barrage of the mighty 9mm Kurz, fast and accurately with minimal recoil.
  13. I don't carry a light on my carry pistol od my home defense pistol. Ever since they build that stupid mall a couple of miles away, IT NEVER GETS DARK! The streetlight out front lights up the front of the house! I used to live in the country. Now I live in the suburbs. Yet I haven't moved. I envy you country boys and girls. Seriously though, I don't use a pistol mounted light for a couple of reasons.
  14. To a six year old kid, Elvis was cool. Sandra Locke? Yeah, you got that right.
  15. When I was a kid growing up in rural Georgia, the local movie theater was a magical place to me. This was when there were no color TVs, The TV screens were tiny. When you turned the TV on you had to wait a couple of minutes before the picture came up, the vacuum tubes had to warm up. There were only 3 channels to watch. The "picture show" was the best entertainment there was. I spent many a Saturday watching Elvis drive fast cars, get in fights, sing and get the girl. How great was that? Today I still enjoy the "cinema". I wish they made fresh popcorn today. I also need to take my ear plugs. Somehow they think that if it is really loud people will enjoy it more.
  16. Sounds like you are looking for a truck gun. Go ahead and buy the Taurus. I have a couple of Charter Arms truck guns that I would trust my life to. The only Taurus revolver I have owned was 20 years ago and it was a POS. I understand they have made improvements in their Quality Control since then. I also know some Taurus fan boys who love them.
  17. The TV show Myth Busters did a thing on quicksand and proved that you cannot sink in "quicksand" (theirs was just water and sand). I wanted to slap some sense in those guys. Quicksand is very real and you can sink to death in seconds if you step in it. I stepped in some while fishing on Majors Creek in Lower Alabama and the only thing that stopped me from sinking to my death, was that the Mar bottom of the creek was 4 feet under the quicksand. A Mar Bottom is a hard clay bottom. Quicksand is created when layers of leaves fall into the creek in autumn and get trapped in an eddy. Then sand piles on top of the leaves during high water events. Over the years in becomes a lasagna of leaves and sand. When the leaves break down, they create methane gas, which gets trapped between the sand layers. It's the methane that gets you. When you step in the quicksand the methane escapes and you sink in the hole it creates. I about $#!+ my pants when I stepped in this stuff. It took great effort to get out of it and if the Mar bottom was a foot deeper, I would still be there. I had to use my arms to sweep path through the quicksand and let fresh creek water flow in. That loosened the sand enough that I could belly crawl and swim out of it. I was exhausted after this and quit fishing for the day.
  18. I bought a Moel 36 3" like this in 1980 at the Donelson Hardware Store in Nashville. I still carry it with pride. Of all the handguns I owned before the boating accident, this is the fastest to draw and fire.
  19. I have a 1978 Model 36 3" in nickel. I can draw it quickly and shoot it accurately. It is my favorite carry gun. I carry a back up with it and two speed loaders. I bought it at Donaldson Hardware in Nashville. The advantage of this old wheel gun is the square butt grip. One of the critical parts of a fast draw is to get a good grip before you draw so you will be able to shoot accurately quickly. The square butt is easy to grip correctly. I stand in front of the living room mirror and practice drawing and dry firing, (with an empty gun). I didn't want the Chief's Special to win but it beat every handgun I own.
  20. Every dog in my neighborhood and back then there no leash laws, stopped barking at me, at night. I only did this one time and it worked for the rest of my stay there.
  21. Throw those barking dogs a raw hot dog. Soon they will be wagging their tails at you instead of barking. It worked for me. There was this German Shepard down the road I lived on and evey time I walked by he would bark furiously. I threw him a raw hotdog and he kept barking as I walked by. The next time I walked by at night, he came out wagging his tail and never bothered me again.
  22. You are a good man and did the best you could. I have seen people do the same thing. It is terrible to watch.
  23. The one that seems to be the most valuable (bottom row, second from the left) I a Winchester from the late 1800's that belonged to my wife's grandfather. I gave it to our son to pass it down. The shiny one on the top row 8th from the left is a Linder Scout. The skinning knife with the antler handle, 3rd from the right, top row, is a Silver Stag. I gave it to a friend who hunts a lot. The double edge, bottom row 4th from the right is a Kershaw diver's knife I bought to go on my life jacket for whitewater kayaking. Until I heard about a guy on the Ocoee River bleeding out when one was used to cut away the rope pinning his legs. Double knives are a no no for swift water rescue.
  24. What a great buy! Good on you mate.


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