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Will Carry

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Everything posted by Will Carry

  1.    My Taurus model 85 ultra light had problems out of the box. The cylinder was not machined well. One chamber locked up well, two chambers were a little sloppy and two chambers were real sloppy. The gun fired OK for 200 rounds or so, then one day the cylinder locked up so tight I had to use a wooden mallet to get it open. I tried it again with different ammo and it locked up again. I sent it back to Taurus and they kept it for 5 months, then they sent it back saying that there wasn't anything wrong with the gun. I shot it 11 more times when it jammed again. I freed it up and polished it up and sold it, I told the buyer of all the problems.   I know people who swear by Taurus revolvers. A couple of years ago the CEO of Taurus pledged to have better quality control. Since they have a lifetime warranty, they didn't need any quality control, they sent the good guns out with the bad and let the customer send them back if they were bad. Today's Taurus is better but a reputation is hard to live down.
  2. Since the Obama Boom in gun sales, Bud's has made millions. They are a Gun Dynasty. I don't think they would conspire to do anything underhanded. They already have the business they just need to keep their customers happy.  The apology e-mail they sent was too long. They should have made it short and to the point.
  3. and don't serve me Turkey bacon. There is no such thing......and why do they try to make TOFU sausage or vegetarian hamburgers? You want to eat Tofu and vegetables fine. If you want to pretend like you are eating REAL sausage and REAL hamburger, then you are in denial! You are not a real vegetarian if you try to imitate meat!!!! Have you ever seen a VEGAN that didn't look hungry? 
  4. No but it make their Richards feel big.  At my age, I think I'll put up my Glock 19 and start carrying my XD-45. 
  5. The only reason I carry one in the pipe is that I can't carry two in the pipe.
  6. Will Munny: It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna have. The Schofield Kid: Yeah, well, I guess they had it coming. Will Munny: We all got it coming, kid.
  7. The 3 inches will propel the bullet 100 miles per hour faster than a 2 inch, or 150fps. That's a big plus.
  8.     You did the right thing.  If he wants to think of the 45acp as a death ray, that's OK with me.
  9. I went to an ACC football game this week Duke vs UNC. Two football powerhouses :waiting:  facing off on the grid iron. Has the SEC stooped to this low?   "I guess Football just isn't exiting enough for todays soave and sophisticated crowd. Now they have to blast rap music over the loud speakers whenever the ball is not in play. Am I the only one who is annoyed by this? I first noticed this at a Hurricane's hockey game. Hockey cannot stand on it's own merit so we are going to dazzle you with bright lights and blast you with a fog horn until your ears bleed! People today seem to need a constant barrage of dazzling lights and noise to make themselves feel whole. If you took one Turkey hunting where they had to sit still of a few hours, their heads would exploded! When I go to a football game I want to study the game, analyze the offensive and defensive lines, study the backfield, critique the linebackers. I DON'T WANT TO BE BLASTED WITH RAP MUSIC! It's like a football game is a big party that keeps getting interrupted by.......a football game."
  10. I prefer a handgun for up close work. My shotguns and rifle are locked in a safe.
  11. The 22 magnum is a rifle round. A shot through a rifle yields impressive ballistics for a rimfire.  I cannot understand why people have been trying to market the 22mag as a pistol round? I don't understand it but.............................It is so impressive!  Huge fireball! Great penetration. If I had but a PMR I would not feel undergunned but it would be my last choice, if I had one.
  12.   That's what I'm talkin' bout! :up: Reliable accurate.
  13.       I wish they would start making double action revolvers again, or double stack 1911s. Colt just hasn't been progressing and innovating until recently with their Mustang 380 and Defender series. They are counting on their singles action revolvers, which will never make much money for Colt and their 1911, which every gun manufacturer in the world makes. If Colt fails it is not due to poor quality but poor management.  
  14. I have never read about this exploding ammo. It looks devastating. Imagine if they had used those in an MG42. Or maybe they did.
  15.    Several years ago, when Taurus first came out with their 1911, I went to a gun show to buy a Taurus. I found a new Taurus 1911 with all the "features" you would expect on a much more expensive pistol. (How does drilling holes in a trigger make it better?)  I picked up the Taurus and noticed that the bluing was flawed. Right next to Taurus was a Government model SS Colt 1991 series 80. I looked at the Colt, then the Taurus. It was a no brainer. I paid the extra money and got the Colt. I know people talk trash about the series 80 because when they first came out they had problems with the firing pin. Those problems were fixed quickly. My 1991A is 100% reliable after all these years and is as accurate as any pistol I own. It is a pleasure to shoot and easy to carry. There are a lot of 1911 clones out there but only one that has a pony on the slide. I had a guy shoot my Colt 1991 and then sell his Kimber so he could buy a Colt. Yes I believe my Colt does have a plastic main spring housing, I have heard that complaint before, but after all these years it has not affected the guns performance at all. I am no expert on 1911s but 100% reliability and excellent accuracy speaks for itself.
  16. Monty Python's Lumberjack Song.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZa26_esLBE
  17. I have a canvas and fleece vest that has a great pocket for concealing a small handgun.  By carrying in a vest I can still draw the weapon while seated. 
  18. Welcome Oregonean.  I can understand why stoned people should not pump there own gas. :). This is a real good forum. We always welcome input from knowledgeable people like yourself.
  19. I was just kidding about the ugly men but I wasn't about the women. They are beautiful women up there.   Here is a page from a book called "A History of Lumsden's Battery CSA." it was written using diaries and letters from surviving members of the battery. This from when they were in Cumberland Gap:   "At camp Dick Robinson, we buried some cannon in an apple orchard inscribed with Spanish to prevent Yankees from getting them. Here were 4000 barrels of pork, that had been collected from the country and a good many barrels of whiskey, for which there was no transportation, so they were burned."             I just wonder it those cannon were ever found. The Rebs never came back to Cumberland Gap.  I think Camp Dick Robison was up in Kentucky.
  20. For TacoBubba and everyone interested in American History. Madison County is in the heart of the Appalachians. It is where the Laurel Massacre  memorial is located.  I have spent many a night at Hot Springs or camping on Mountain Island. Catching Smallmouth Bass by the dozen.   Company A, 64th NC. Madison County. What a history these boys could tell.     <a href="http://familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/64th_Regiment,_North_Carolina_Infantry_(Allen" data-ipb="nomediaparse" s"="" data-cke-saved-href="http://familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/64th_Regiment,_North_Carolina_Infantry_(Allen">http://familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/64th_Regiment,_North_Carolina_Infantry_(Allen's)
  21. The Shelton Laurel Massacre is a complex story. Let me tell you the version I know, it may not be accurate.  This happened in the heart of the Appalachians. The city folk were all about the Confederacy. The mountain folk could have cared less. They just wanted to be left alone. The city folk always looked down on these mountain people as being "backwards" so the relationship was not very good even before the war.  When the war started the city folk wanted all the mountain people to join the Confederate Army and fight for the cause.  When they didn't, the city folk decided not to sell the Mountain folk any salt. If you can't salt your meat, you won't make it through the winter. Well the Mountain people got their rifles and went into town and got their salt and gave a little lead back in return. This started a big feud. The feud went on the whole war. The Mountain folk around Shelton Laurel were Pro-Union and they would harass any Confederate unit deployed to the area. They would bushwack, ambush and snipe at the Confederates, then disappear into the woods. The Rebs couldn't catch'em. Finally Col. Keith had had enough and began visiting the homes of these people and torturing the women, trying to get information. This ended when the Rebs rounded up a dozen or so local men, from the age of 14 on up, lined them up and shot them dead. The Confederate governor of North Carolina was going to arrest Kieth and hold him for trial but the war ended and things were so chaotic that nothing was ever done. If you drive up Big Laurel Creek near Hot Springs NC, there is a memorial to the victims. It's on private property but they will give you permission to go there if you ask.         Those Mountain Folk are tough as tree bark. They spawn the ugliest men in Tennessee or North Carolina, but their women are the most beautiful women in the south. The mountains are also the home of many of our countries great writers and scientists. It hurts my head to think about it.
  22. Hey TacoBubba. Where did your ancestor fight? You never know.......   My great grandfather was Pvt Isaac Mason. He lied about his age and joined the Confederate Army at 15, as a Tuscaloosa Volunteer. He was with Lumsden's Battery, 2nd Alabama Light Artillery, Army of Tennessee.  He surrendered in Meridian Mississippi after the fall of Fort Blakely.  I have a copy of a pay receipt he got in 1865 for 14 dollars. His discharge paper used to hang on the wall in the "old Home Place" but was stolen by a cousin. I have traced his path as he fought with the Army of Tennessee. It is a hobby of mine. I am not a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans but could be I recon.
  23. I have never been on Faceplant.  I have many reasons. There are others out there like me. If my family wants to contact me, they can call me on the phone or write me a letter.
  24. I have a sack full of IWB holsters. I really like my N82. It's so darned comfortable. I also have some Crossbreeds I like. I must confess that I still use my Uncle MIkes sometimes for my Chief's Special. I'm no holster snob but a fine handcrafted leather holster is the supreme IWB to me.


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