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Everything posted by JPS

  1.   We're in the same neighborhood - best show is on Friday when they practice.  I think they line up on the cul-de-sac at the end of our street to make the run toward the airport.  It's pretty impressive to see them diving right at you, then level off over the rooftops at high speed.
  2. I don't think these guys work for Bloomberg - I just think they're dumb as a brick and love the attention.
  3. I used to have a baseball base hanging above my commode that said "Management requests those with short bats to please crowd the plate".
  4. I hit it..  Currently 57% yes and 43% no.
  5. Not only are they getting all the ammo, they're not even shooting it themselves...!   (I think the article needs a few more acronyms.)   http://www.dhs.gov/st-snapshot-virtual-shooter-technology-tests-ammo-and-saves-joints  
  6. JPS

    AR Pistol Build

    Sweet!  I avoided putting a Sig Brace on my AR pistol build, but I'm reconsidering....
  7. JPS

    Old Car tires

      I've done this in Oregon, so it should work in TN.  It's surprising how many potatoes you can get out of a few square feet of space.  Here's a link to an article that gives pretty good instructions: http://americanpreppersnetwork.com/2013/12/successfully-grow-potatoes-tires.html
  8. JPS

    Old Car tires

    Stack 'em up, fill 'em with dirt, and grow yourself some potatoes.  At harvest time, push 'em over, sort out the potatoes and repeat.   (Or, you could go with your plan.)
  9. Let me be the first to welcome you!
  10. JPS

    Ipad opinions

    I pretty much stopped using my iPad once I got an iPhone - it's a little harder to see with my old eyes, but it does all the same things and is much more convenient to carry and keep with me.  I do however read with a Kindle - I used to use my iPad for that, but it's impossible to read a book on iPhone.  I've tried most all e-readers (used to be in the book business) and believe the Kindle Paperwhite is the best dedicated reader available. 
  11.   I'm surprised this hasn't already been done, two birds with one stone and all...
  12. Looks great!   I bought a $10-$15 heat gun from harbor freight to use on kydex - works great, and you can spot-heat areas that need a little fixing without messing up the rest of the holster.
  13.   Cool.  That way I can rationalize checking this thread numerous times throughout the day.  Every day.  I can't believe I've gotten myself so excited about a knife.
  14. A HR Manager friend of mine told me that with all the resumes they receive (often hundreds) for each job opening, you have approximately 20-30 seconds of reading time to get the attention of the reviewer and convince them to talk to you about the job.  At first glance, they want to know if you have the skills/experience needed for this specific job, and not much else.  I have a very simple 1 page resume format that I update/customize EVERY time I send it out, using key words from the job description they provide to highlight appropriate skills and accomplishments.  It includes a bullet-point summary of qualifications, and dates of employment accompanied by a brief outline of responsibilites for each position.   I wouldn't pay someone to create a resume - there are plenty of templates etc. on-line to get you started, and it will be easier to update and stay on top of if you've put it together yourself.  Let me know if you'd like to see a copy of mine to get some ideas.   Job hunting in the current economic environment is brutal, even if you're looking while employed - I know that from experience...  Good luck!
  15. I picked up one of these to hold me over until my TGO group buy knife comes in - it is surprisingly sturdy and well-bulit, and I really like the way it looks.  The only problem I have with it is that I keep dropping it when I open it..  Guess it will take me a bit to get used to an automatic   http://www.bladehq.com/item--Schrade-Smedy-Automatic--2049
  16. This is great!    When I took my wife out to shoot for the first time, she tried .22, 38, and 9mm pistols and didn't like it/them at all.  She said she wanted to shoot my 1911 - ended up having to buy her a 1911 of her own so she would give back my Springfield. 
  17. Welcome - I like your avatar!
  18. I'm planning to go Saturday morning - how do I find David's booth?
  19. Payment for #11 sent via PayPal.   COOL - I'm excited!!!   Thanks for putting this together.
  20. Just curious - does the girl's father know about the 'alone-time'?  :squint:
  21. JPS


      Genius indeed!
  22. OK - I'm in.  Number 11 if it's still available. (Unless it gets up to number 70 so I can match my TGO lower.)
  23. If you're ever in Atlanta, check out Carlton's Rare Woods & Veneers - they have teak.  Be prepared to pay, as nothing they have is cheap.


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