I took my wife to the range for the first time recently - she started out with a Walther P22, then moved on to a Glock 26. She didn't like either of them, and wasn't able to get all her shots on paper, even at pretty close range. She asked to try my Springfield Champion .45, and I (reluctantly) agreed...
She was hooked from the first shot, and put 7 holes in about a 2-3 inch circle in the middle of the same target. She says wants to go along to the range with me every time now, but she's not interested in shooting anything smaller than a .45. I had to trade the walther for an ATI 1911 Titan for her at the last gun show to keep her from claiming my Springfield.
I agree about extra ear protection - she was very uncomfortable with the noise until we doubled-up with plugs and ear muffs.