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Everything posted by JPS

  1. JPS

    Taurus PT1911

    My first 1911 was (and is) a PT1911 I bought from an older gentleman at a gun show. Never had any kind of problem with it, and it's a fine shooter. (Even made the grips myself.)
  2. Sorry OP - I don't think you wanted to start a debate.. BUT, why buy a Glock and install a safety, when you could buy a gun with one installed in the first place?
  3. Congrats! Feels good, doesn't it? It's amazing what a pound or two of steel and lead will do for your sense of security and well-being.
  4. And I love my Vaquero!
  5. Ooooooh.. That's nice! Have you shot it yet?
  6. I have a Glock 26 and a XD40sc - I tend to carry the Glock much more, mostly because it just feels better to me. I've never used the rail on my XD for anything, so I don't miss it on the baby Glock.
  7. Nice moniker! Welcome aboard.
  8. I was pulled over recently by a Nashville Metro officer - after handing him my license I informed him that I had a carry permit and was carrying. He politely asked me where the gun was located, then requested I keep my hands on the wheel while he went back to his car and checked things. After coming back and suggesting that I slow down a little (rightly so), he took a moment to specifically thank me for letting him know that I was carrying. He said that he and other officers really appreciate when someone tells them up front about it rather than waiting for them to find out during the license check and wonder why they didn't say anything. I don't know if letting him know was the only reason I didn't get a ticket, but it sure helped.
  9. How about Central TN RAZOR..? Rapid Anti-Zombie Organized Response. Of course, we'd be the BLADE - Busy Loading Ammo to Defend Everything Too serious? How does WAZOO sound? Well Armed Zombie Obliteration Organization or ZITS - Zombie Infestation Tactical Squad or COOZE - Covert Operations Organization for Zombie Eradication? (Nah - probably better stay away from that one..!)
  10. I'm in (on approval, of course). I'm in La Vergne - well-armed and connected to Metro's emergency response network.
  11. JPS

    My first baby

    Yep - start them young. My boys could safely and properly field-strip a 1911 at ages 8 and 10, and either is a better shot than me. My wife didn't like the guns much, until I got her to the range with me and bought her a nice pistol of her own - maybe you should give that a try.
  12. Ain't gonna happen.
  13. Nice work!
  14. I find it a lot easier to conceal my Kahr P380 than my Ruger LCR - the flat shape is just easier to hide. If I have a jacket pocket to hide it in, the LCR will work, but if I'm carrying in my pocket the Kahr gets the duty.
  15. JPS


    I have a clipdraw on my Kahr .380, and I remove the small allen screws and take the clip off any time I want to use a holster - works great, and I'm still using the first of my 3-4 glue strips that came with the Clipdraw.
  16. Nice looking gun - thanks for the report. My son wants one of these, so I've been keeping my eye out for one - never seen a used one for sale, so I guess folks really like them. Nice shooting too!
  17. I have one and love it. I've never been one to pocket carry, but this is one pistol that I can comfortably keep in a pocket or wallet holster and carry when nothing else is small enough. I ordered a wallet holster from e-bay (look for the ones with the well-endowed woman holding the holster - great marketing!) that is an interesting idea and seems to work well - I carry it in my back pocket opposite my 'real' wallet, and forget its there most of the time. I also use a Clipdraw without a holster in my front pocket with jeans/t-shirt, or a homemade OWB if I can cover it up. It shoots comfortably enough that my 11 year old likes to shoot with it, and is amazingly accurate for such a small weapon. Typical smooth Kahr trigger, and it's fired everything that I've put through it without problems EXCEPT some steel-cased cheap stuff that I picked up at WalMart - didn't like that at all. Bottom line - as far as I'm concerned its a great back-up or gun to carry when you really need something small.
  18. Welcome to the forum!
  19. JPS

    Walther PPS .40

    Just sold mine a month or so ago.. Nice gun, great for concealed carry due to being so thin, but just didn't fit in my hand right.
  20. I carry concealed. Like a lot of others I don't want to give away any advantage and I don't want to be targeted because I carry.
  21. Wow.. This thread just took an interesting turn.
  22. Now yer talkin!
  23. I really like the color too! I have the .40 SC, and really like shooting it.
  24. Really nice! I may have to give him a call - I have a Para 1911 stainless that is looking pretty used and could do with a bit of polish.
  25. Nice! I have the ATI Titan and love it - bet you'll do the same with the FX45.


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