I have one and love it. I've never been one to pocket carry, but this is one pistol that I can comfortably keep in a pocket or wallet holster and carry when nothing else is small enough. I ordered a wallet holster from e-bay (look for the ones with the well-endowed woman holding the holster - great marketing!) that is an interesting idea and seems to work well - I carry it in my back pocket opposite my 'real' wallet, and forget its there most of the time. I also use a Clipdraw without a holster in my front pocket with jeans/t-shirt, or a homemade OWB if I can cover it up.
It shoots comfortably enough that my 11 year old likes to shoot with it, and is amazingly accurate for such a small weapon. Typical smooth Kahr trigger, and it's fired everything that I've put through it without problems EXCEPT some steel-cased cheap stuff that I picked up at WalMart - didn't like that at all.
Bottom line - as far as I'm concerned its a great back-up or gun to carry when you really need something small.