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Everything posted by JPS

  1. While I don't follow all the 'square foot gardening' rules, I use a raised bed that's about 6' by 8'. Each year after growing season I cover it with straw for the winter, and each spring I dump a few bags of topsoil on top of any remaining straw and turn over the soil before planting. A couple of years ago I buried soaker hoses under the bed in an attempt to use less water and to get the moisture down to the roots - I would just hook up the garden hose, turn on the water, and leave it for an hour or so each day. Kinda had mixed results. The plants did ok, but I still had to top-water to keep them looking healthy. This spring I found the soaker hoses were falling apart, so I just pulled them out and will go back to just top-watering. It's amazing how much you can produce in a small space.
  2. Good luck then! What kind of tomatoes did you plant? This year I limited mine to three varieties - Brandywine (which I love, but find hard to grow), Parks Whopper, and Big Beef (last two on recommendation of garden nursery 'expert'.) Balance of garden real estate is filled with cilantro, chilies, cucumbers, and a new asparagus plant that I hope will survive for the few years it takes it to produce.
  3. I've had success with tomatoes - try planting your plants deeper (I'll put an 8-inch plant deep enough so that only 1-2 inches shows above ground) and put a tablespoon of garden lime (I bought mine from a nursery for $3 bag) at the bottom of the whole before planting. Then miracle-grow the sh*t out of them. Nice composter!
  4. Good job! It gets easier as you do a few. I waited until Tandy had some leather on sale, then bought a couple good-sized pieces - enough to last me for quite a while.
  5. That would be my preference.
  6. A few weeks ago I removed my jacket before going into Kroger, which left the Glock on my belt visible. (I typically conceal, but I've done this before on occasion, and no one has said anything or even noticed as far as I could tell.) While shopping, I saw my next-door-neighbor (of 12 years) a few times, but she didn't seem to see me, so I didn't say anything to her. Out in the parking lot, I heard my name called from a few cars away - it was her, and she said that she didn't want to say anything inside the store because I was wearing "THAT!", as she pointed to my gun. She wouldn't say why it bothered her, but during the conversation she did tell me that she would have her husband come speak with me about guns, since they've been burgled a couple of times, and he's been talking to her about buyng a weapon.
  7. +1. I applied for mine just after our current president was elected... About the time I received it 3 months later, ammo availablilty was dropping and prices were soaring. Not much sympathy here either.
  8. +1 for the Bianchi 82. I also use a pocket holster when I'm carrying my Kahr P380 (VERY easy to conceal) and a Miami Classic shoulder rig when practical (not often...). Best advice I have is the same as a lot of others - just relax and you'll get comfortable with it before you know it.
  9. Interesting... Does it work?
  10. All great advice - thanks guys! I'm going to do some more homework, then go shopping.
  11. I plan to get into reloading a little later this year, (waiting for a few nice days to make space in the garage) but want to go ahead and start picking up supplies in anticipation of the 'run' on reloading supplies and ammo that I believe is likely later this year. I'll mostly want to begin with .45 and 5.56 / .223. I have lots of brass, so I guess I'm looking for bullets, primers, and powder. Any suggestions about where to start and what to start with?
  12. I agree - I have a P380 and a PM45 and love both of them. P380 goes in a pocket when I can't carry anything else.
  13. Good looking gun! I like the grips!
  14. Glad to hear this! My 18 year old beagle had a stroke a few years ago, and letting her go was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Hope your friend is with you for a good while.
  15. JPS


    I often carry a G30SF in an OWB holster with a good cant to it - it conceals pretty well. Nothing beats a 45 for peace of mind (at least for me..).
  16. Cool - thanks! 801
  17. I have a 'NO GUNS Allowed' sign on my back door, so I don't have to worry about anyone coming in with a gun, right? I hear it works at resturants... Glock and flashlight on the nightstand, 12 ga nearby. Kids know (and practice) to roll off their beds and cover on command, and my oldest knows combo to gun safe in his room if I need backup. We're all on the second floor, and anyone coming up the stairs probably won't survive. The alarm system will be going off (LOUD), and my rotweiler will get any fleeing bad guys on the way out - if she didn't on the way in. (She's sneaky like that.)
  18. It's more expensive, but my son has a .22 Henry lever-action that is really a lot of fun to shoot.
  19. JPS

    i need a 1911

    Just tell your girlfriend that hot chicks like 1911s...
  20. I have a Glock 33 that I really like -I also find .357 sig to be a very accurate round. I practice with my G26 to keep ammo costs down.
  21. JPS

    Glock 1911????

    Now that's a thing of beauty right there..!
  22. Not my everyday carry, but definitely my favorite!
  23. JPS

    Whats your GRIP?

    I like the feel of rubber grips when shooting, but don't like carrying with them because my shirt sticks to them sometimes.. I stick with wood when I can.
  24. Para Warthog - really loved the looks, size, and capacity of the gun, but just couldn't get through a mag without some kind of malfunction. After it's second trip to the manufacturer I traded it.


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