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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Well done. This argument came up last week with some friends of mine - my response was very similar.
  2. I'll be interested in seeing responses to this - I recently picked up a Bear compound bow at a yard sale for $20, and am planning to keep it handy with my bug-out bag.
  3. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352218788' post='840038'] I wonder how many of those soldiers won't get their vote counted this year. - OS [/quote] If voting by e-mail or fax works for New Jersey residents because of Hurricane Sandy, why wouldn't it work for our military? At least the ones who have Internet access..
  4. That's great!
  5. Voting for a third party candidate for president is like betting on the worst team in the NFL to win the super bowl - they may be your favorite team, but they won't win; you know it, and you wouldn't waste your money. Go ahead and root for your candidate, but don't waste your vote on them. As for the Tea Party - my hope is that as the election cycle continues they become more and more integrated into the republican party, and that the party reflects their values instead of continuing towards a moderate or centrist philosophy. As someone rightly said in an earlier post, we need to worry as much about our local and state elections as we do for the presidential race.
  6. Thanks - I'm planning to take another class and the General test in October. Has anyone considered creating a 'survival net' for TGO hams?
  7. Just got my Tech license - KK4LNX. My 12 year old son and I took a free class offered through the Nashville Amateur Radio Club, and passed the test easily. With a little prep and practice, anyone can get a basic ticket - no reason not to do it right and be able to learn and enjoy all the things you can do with a radio. I'm planning to listen for a couple of weeks before I start chiming in, but I hope I get the chance to talk to a few of you guys.
  8. I owned a Beretta PX4 Storm in 9mm - It really looks cool and seems well-made, but I found it to be a mediocre shooter and too fat for good concealed carry. My Springfield XD on the other hand, was much easier to conceal, and a pretty good shooter. There were also a lot more holster options for the XD than there were for the Beretta.
  9. I bought/built a CVA Kentucky Rifle kit years ago, and went deer hunting with a friend who has a 'modern' black powder rifle. It was a hoot to shoot, and we seemed to be pretty evenly matched for accuracy and firepower. I haven't shot it in a while, but I keep it oiled and stashed away with bullets, caps, and black powder for teotwawki.
  10. I have one of these for my Kahr P380. I don't know if its the same brand or not, but they look the same. I tried and tried to get comfortable with it, but found that while practicing pulling it out of my pocket (unloaded of course), I had a hard time avoiding the trigger. I could pull it from my pocket with a two-fingered grip, but then had to use my other hand to hold it and get it into a shooting grip. I never actually pulled the trigger during a draw, but came close enough to make me not want to carry with it. I also tried shooting with it at the range, and found that it throws your grip off enough to really screw with your accuracy. It now resides in my holster-drawer, with a couple of other 'gimmicky' experiments. I use a Desantis pocket holster, and it works much better both in front or rear pockets.
  11. The tomatoes, chilis, and asparagus in my garden all look great, but not the cucumbers - they're kinda limp and yellow. Any ideas? I've been trying to keep them watered, and they're growing ok and don't taste bad, but they are just not right.
  12. Hobby Lobby sells beeswax for candle making, but it's $14.99 on their website for 1 pound block, so it would probably be a similar price in the store.
  13. Welcome to TGO - what'dya get for a first handgun?
  14. I took my boys to the shoot on Friday - not bad.. I hope more vendors turned up on Saturday, as there wasn't much to see on Friday, but it was still a good way to spend a couple of hours after a pretty drive over from Nashville. We had a baby with us, so we didn't get too close to the machine gun shoot, but the boys enjoyed what they saw. Didn't buy anything at the show, but got a good deal on a weed-wacker from a parking lot tool sale on the way home.
  15. I've owned lots of different waders through the years for fly fishing - they're great except for the hassle of lugging them around and getting them on and off. My advice is that if you're spending more time in the water than out of it, waders would be the choice. If you're out more than in, go with the boots.
  16. Very cool!
  17. The weekend flea market on 231 about half-way to Lebanon from Murfreesboro had quite a few available a few weeks ago. (I only noticed the avian variety, but wouldn't be surprised if there were other varieties available there.)
  18. I'm working in a (government) facility that does not allow any weapons, and don't worry about incidents once I'm at work since it's pretty secure. Of course, the rules also state that I can't even keep a weapon locked in a lockbox secured with a steel cable to the frame under the left side of my rear seat completely out of sight for the commute to and from work, so I don't.
  19. We have code words set up for our kids - one for them to hide, one to barricade in their rooms, and one to get out of the house quickly and quietly. Their rooms are set up to be barricaded quickly and easily, and would keep all but extremely well-equipped bad guys from getting anywhere near them while they call 911. They have a coded response so I know where they are if I need to use my weapon. As for being confronted and not having my gun, when my pretty wife hears "Sh*t, I don't have my f***ing gun!" she knows to come running with hers.
  20. +1 - I have several of these, and really like them. They carry close and tight, and the retention is easily engaged and disengaged.
  21. I hate you guys a little right now... I'm stuck here in Nashville, with dust on my fly rod.
  22. Wow. I was sitting in my back yard in La Vergne this weekend watching the Blue Angels fly over for the airshow - thinking about the weapons and technology the US can bring to a conflict. You'd think that just the thought of something like this cannon or the sound of an F18 coming in with you as a target would scare the sh*t out of them.
  23. Warm weather - Glock 26 in a Bianchi 82 when I can cover it, and a Kahr P380 in a pocket holster when I can't. I just picked up a Beretta Nano and ordered a Split Decision holster for it - that will probably replace the Kahr most of the time.
  24. Statistically there may not be many cases where this was an issue, but I sure don't want to be the 'lucky' guy to beat the odds. Stock, off-the-shelf personal defense ammo is all that goes into my carry guns. I will also NOT be carrying Zombie rounds, or putting Punisher grips on my 1911 - for the same reasons. (I REALLY wanted a Batman back-plate for my Glock, but I passed that up too.)
  25. I made a press with a couple pieces of plywood (about 12" square) and cut-up sections of a foam sleeping bag mat (blue, about $4-$5 at Walmart). I rubber-cemented the foam pcs together and onto the plywood (4-5 sections thick on each plywood half if I remember right). I seal the gun in a heavy-duty ziploc bag, lay the damp leather under/on the gun, then c-clamp on all four sides and clamp the heck out of it. (Wetter leather results in more 'boning' - it took me a while to get that right.) I also made a wooden 'arch' that I can lay under the gun/leather to give it a little curve for a more 'body-hugging' shape. After it sits for about a half hour, I remove the clamps and let it dry. The press also works with Kydex, but you have to be really quick to get it clamped before the Kydex cools off.


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