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Everything posted by Capbyrd

  1. That looks less like they are providing protection than ensuring he does what they tell him to do. Generally providing protection requires looking AWAY from your protectee.
  2. Oh I absolutely understand. But we are talking about 5-20 mph for usually less than a couple miles. I’d take that chance to keep the bike from overheating or myself from getting smashed by inattentive drivers. Tires are cheap. Engines and hospital bills are not.
  3. I stopped by the shop Tuesday and ordered a new front tire. I haven’t ridden mine enough cause it was dry rotted and cracked all over the sidewall. Hope to have it installed next week. Admittedly I haven’t ridden as much I want to.
  4. The shoulder bill was limited to interstate and highways. And it was only under very specific circumstances. And you couldn’t go more than 5 mph faster than traffic, and only to the next exit. In my mind, it was a perfect bill to protect us and our bikes.
  5. A few years ago they had a bill to allow us to use the shoulder on the interstate in cases of traffic Jams. It failed but I liked the bill.
  6. They will be doing traffic stops on the interstate but unlike scorpion, I do not believe they roll as a unit. And no, they weren’t recently deactivated. It’s been several years at least.
  7. STEU is not Scorpion Unit. All Scorpion officers were reassigned to OCU. STEU is the cars that you used to see with the flip up yellow arrow on the roof. They are supposed to deal with incidents on the expressway and assist with traffic control during critical accident investigations.
  8. I had a high tower years ago and the trigger was awful. I used an excessive amount of electrical tape to take up some of the slack in it but it was still pretty bad.
  9. https://www.maxpedition.com/collections/legacy Maxpedition legacy series all on a buy one get one free sale.
  10. Guns are bad. But as long as the bad guys (whoever that may be to you) have guns, Imma have mine.
  11. Some people are gay. Some are gayer than others. Walking Dead had a gay couple. A couple actually. Who cares. As long as they don’t make me participate, be gay mane!
  12. Not the first time that sentence has been uttered and won’t be the last time this week.
  13. Your money would be better spent on a dinner for your local elected reps.
  14. Todd is one of the few in Nashville I trust to get this stuff right.
  15. Haha. Definitely possible. The truck didn’t exactly have a lot of go.
  16. I haven’t watched it so I don’t know what you’re referring to. But Offerman is a pretty liberal leaning guy. And if you are familiar with his standup, you’ll see that.
  17. Speaking of apocalypse shows, Jericho was good but very short lived.
  18. So you don't have to pay taxes any longer?
  19. Just need a motion sensing turret. Also, claymores should be strategically placed outside the door so they have to get past those first.
  20. Got any pics of the CRXs? My first car was a 85 CRX. I had an 88 that I was building into a track car but a friend flipped his 89 hatch so I gave him the CRX shell so he could get back on the road. Also, I miss MMP so much and it's only been less than a year. So sad.
  21. I actually don't care about the Montana storyline at all. I'm really enjoying the Spencer story and would love to see more of him. The Alex character has been okay but I'd love more Spencer prior to Alex. Teonna Rainwater has also been an interesting storyline. But the ranch part is just more of the same, set 100 years prior to Yellowstone. Not really interesting to me.
  22. I’m pretty excited to celebrate his death too!
  23. I’ve never been a fan. I’ve always thought they’d be more dangerous. But I’m generally wary of steel cable in any form. And I have been since I saw Die Hard with a Vengeance.


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