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Everything posted by Capbyrd

  1. Alright. Below is a picture of the part. Below that is a link to the stl. Basically, I want to cut the nipple off the end and put a hole down the center to basically act as a pilot. I'm going to be drilling the center out and tapping it to put a swivel tip set screw in. I put a picture of the set screw below as well. https://cdn.thingiverse.com/assets/7c/0c/87/86/3e/Bolt_Jig_Screw_V5.stl
  2. Is there anyone here that could help me modify a 3D file for 3D printing? I want to modify a file that I got off of Thingiverse and I'm just not there yet.
  3. What you like to think and the facts don't always line up!
  4. If you decide to go folding, I don't think there are many better options than the Magpul MBUS Pro.
  5. Why?
  6. Possibly. But it isn't always mentioned if they do. Regardless, admin leave isn't enough when innocent people die.
  7. This story wasn't ignored because of media bias. Most murders don't make national news. The ones that do are typically mass murders or are murders committed by our governments. There isn't a ton of a story here. The boy was killed by a man that they had in custody within hours of the shooting. The stories that gain national media attention, at least recently are murders by cops where it takes a big push to even get the cop placed on administrative leave.
  8. after about 4 seconds it looks like she stops blinking as much.
  9. You still don't seem to be getting it so maybe we should just stop. He never said you couldn't comment on his post. He said that he was going to do what he felt necessary and if you didn't think a reload was necessary then you shouldn't carry one. You seemed to misunderstand what he was saying and said that he was defensive. He wasn't.
  10. Since Chuck won't correct you, I will. Chuck said you do you, not you do me. In other words, he is going to do what he feels is necessary for him, and has no problem with you doing whatever you feel is necessary. He wasn't being defensive.
  11. Not an a hole remark. I love my Marine friends (I capitalized the M so that you don't chastise me). But even they will admit from time to time that the mentality gets away from them. I know that they spend weeks in boot camp or basic training or whatever its called these days getting that mentality drilled into them. It's hard to turn that off sometimes. Coast Guard Army Navy Marines Air Force All of the above are great soldiers that make up America's military. Soldier - noun - one engaged in military service.
  12. Marines take themselves way too seriously and get butt hurt because the general public doesn't know their secret handshake bull crap that they were taught. Generally the public doesn't mean any disrespect but the Marines can't handle it and so have to correct you.
  13. As absolutely terrible as the NRA is, until we have a stronger GOA or other substitute, we need them. NRA President Carolyn Meadows released a statement. She isn't completely wrong.
  14. Well it does happen to black people. It happened recently and a kid ended up dead because of it. He was black and walking down the street. His blackness was so terrifying that a woman called the cops on him. Look up Elijah McClain. That's not an isolated incident. Laws and policies have been put into place in this country that target certain groups of people. If you want to draw a line and say that they target those below the poverty line, fine. But look at the demographics of who is below the poverty line. Black people may be 13 percent of the overall population but they make up 21% (the greatest percentage) of Americans living below the poverty line. Mandatory sentencing laws and plea bargains are examples of these.
  15. What are you sorry for? NOW we are supposed to listen and care about the opinions of celebrities because it aligns with your point of view? Come on now. Either we listen to celebrities all the time, or none of the time. You can't have both.
  16. MemphisMason posted that he is already well into the wait on his form 4. How does telling him to do a form 1 because it's quicker help anything. He didn't come here to say "I feel ya, man" or "that's the worst part but its so worth it." No, he came here to brag about his way being better. And if you get around enough NFA discussions you see it from that group all the time. Ever since solvent trap became a term, the Solvent Trap Mafia runs around telling everyone how their can is the best and quietest and fastest can on the market. There was no place for that in this discussion.
  17. There have also been some scientific breakthroughs because of what we have learned in space. Everything that we do up there relates in significant ways to life down here.
  18. Did anyone ever call the cops on you for simply existing? Did anyone ever pass laws that targeted your subculture with harsher penalties than another? White privilege exists but privilege might be a misnomer. I'd hesitate to call it systemic racism but our country definitely still suffers from systemic bias. And that bias makes it sometimes harder for certain groups of people to rise to the same levels as other groups of people.
  19. There is a lot to learn in space and the current Mars missions are going to dictate what we do in space in the future. Imagine being able to launch our deep space probes from Mars instead of from Earth. We have less atmosphere to overcome which means the fuel necessary for launch is less. We could use Mars as a relay station for extended communications. The possibilities are endless. And we aren't done with the Moon. Moon base is still on the horizon as well.
  20. The documentary instead paints as him a nut job. And since Marvin isn't with us to dispute anything that they say, they get away with it.
  21. What question is that?
  22. Nope. And the death toll isn't high enough given the amount of damage. Terror attack just doesn't add up. Government negligence and ineptitude makes all of the sense in the world.
  23. Why do all of you Form 1 junkies feel it necessary to crap on other people? You don't know his situation or setup. Maybe he doesn't have a trust and doesn't trust some fly by night internet lawyers to give solid legal counsel. Maybe he got a better deal on the YHM Mite than he could have possibly gotten on a Form 1 can. Just be happy for the man and move on. Go preach to someone else.
  24. Chuck, please feel free to reach out to me directly if you would like to go over the processes in detail. I live in Raleigh so I'm just over that pesky city line and I have completed a few in state transfers and have one pending right now.


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