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Everything posted by Capbyrd

  1. Looks like we are screwed. Trump is perfectly content to see them go. Biden actively wants them gone. Election doesn't matter.
  2. Turns out, Kyle works at Blade HQ.
  3. At least with our ranges here, those reloads are made by a company that holds a FFL for manufacturing ammunition, which would lead one to believe that they also have an insurance policy to cover liability. That is a much different animal than some random fellas home grown loads that he made with a "special recipe" to make them big fireballs!
  4. I saw it that time. I missed the cub the first time that I watched this. I don't know how.
  5. Do you have the video of that? The video I saw starts with him standing still and then backing up. Regardless, that was rough. At one point he asks, "where is my gun?" Obviously not where it needed to be.
  6. I honestly didn't even know that LVPO's came with those style covers. I've never seen a picture with those on it. Not that there is anything wrong with it. But if you aren't used to seeing it, and you don't immediately recognize those as covers, it looks like you have a regular scope mounted backwards.
  7. I like my participation trophies! Congrats AJ!
  8. Because you've never seen an LVPO with the elastic band covers on it before. Took me a second to realize it too.
  9. I use Flickr and it recognizes those fine. I've also noticed it from other sources.
  10. All ham bands don't require repeaters to achieve distance. HF commonly talks around the world transceiver to transceiver. UHF and VHF require conditions to be right to achieve any kind of distance to rival HF but it can be done. What you are talking about with the repeaters is your more local 2m guys. It's the entry level license and really allows a lot. Also, a lot of hams dabble in battery power for their setups. They have the equipment to just need a car battery for power.
  11. It's not that. He's hosting elsewhere. The problem is that the forum software isn't automatically recognizing his links as being to an image file.
  12. I just wish Mother Nature would have sent a meteor instead. I'm all about the big purge. I've said for years that Earth is overpopulated. Get em Momma Nature!
  13. they better pay me for my stock too
  14. So I've been reading in some places that SB Tactical is making this brace for Q. It is made by SB but is a Q product. Q never got an approval letter from the ATF for it but instead was just thinking that SB Tactical's existing approvals would suffice. SB never submitted this brace because it isn't one of their products. So because there was never any approval for the brace itself, there was never any approval for the "pistol" as a whole.
  15. If murdering 25 children didn't get them disbanded, nothing will.
  16. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a direct attempt at getting rid of braces.
  17. So I just gone done skimming the 1500 pages of the official agreements. Roundhill's bid is contingent on Vista being the successful bidder for the ammunition business. I also saw where Ruger's bid was 30 million for Marlin. I didn't see where any real estate was included in that sale but lots of machinery, tooling, parts and IP. The interesting part of the IP for me is this. Patent Numbers 10,254,063 and 10,718,584. Both patents are described as "ROTARY MAGAZINE WITH BOLT HOLD OPEN ASSEMBLY." Did Ruger just pay 30 million for those two patents?
  18. It wouldn't make sense for Ruger to spend money to build something that they already own.
  19. It doesn't apply to us because the ATF requires that it be updated every five years. Our HCPs have a number of things that don't allow us that exemption. 1. Underage HCP (18-20 year olds) 2. Lifetime HCP 3. 8 Year renewal And then of course, whether the state background check for HCP satisfies the requirements of federal background check is in the air. I don't believe that it currently does but I do not know.
  20. Capbyrd


    I'll be there weekend before Thanksgiving. But if it's 10/22 related, I can't guarantee that it won't get lost in transit.
  21. I love Bob's signature on there.


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