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Everything posted by Capbyrd

  1. im currently working at Watkins and 51 and the streets in Frayser absolutely iced up. Our parking lot was frozen solid. Raleigh streets looked dry. It was weird
  2. This may have been changed. I can't find the code now so maybe it was rewritten. My mistake.
  3. If you do not have a permit, you cannot carry in restaurants that serve alcohol. If you do not have a permit, you cannot carry in parks. If you do not have a permit, reciprocity does not apply to you. That's as simple as I can make it. There is more but that covers the major differences that people care about.
  4. I don’t have to ask. They volunteer it the information. They are proud of it. Sure, they work a lot of hours. They also have a ton of time off. More than I do.
  5. I was without for about 24 hours and came back online this evening. I was lucky. MLGW had to wait for the work crews to clear damaged trees before they could get started. Now that they have, the numbers have been dropping all afternoon. I think it peaked around 136k out and it’s currently around 96k.
  6. show me a W2. I admitted that is the advertised base salary in my area. I also said that there isn’t a single officer in that department with that number on his w2. Keep ignoring me all you want. You won’t change my mind until you show me a w2. Then I’ll eat my words. Every last one.
  7. Nope, that's a whole tree. Rough.
  8. Yes. If he joins the military, he can get an Enhanced Carry Permit if he is either active duty or has an honorable discharge.
  9. I wasn't able to sleep last night. My power finally gave up (it had flickered all day long) at 8:45 last night for good. It went off for a few hours at 3:40 but came back on for an hour or so before going back out. We've been without since. Dealing with the cold isn't terrible. The inability to sleep is. To be honest though, I'd rather they get power back on to everyone that really needs it though before they deal with my sleeping machine.
  10. Again, that’s base salary and nowhere close to the number on their W2 at the end of the year. I will never concede that they are just woefully underpaid as to be poor. Sorry. That’s not the world that I live in.
  11. Cops always complain about how much they make but they are never honest about it. Most of the cops around here that I know have routinely received w2s for six figures. They make better money than the majority of the city does. I'm sorry, but I'm tired of hearing how underpaid they are. They aren't. They volunteered themselves to do that exact job usually for less money than they currently make. They aren't victims when it comes to money. If you want to have an honest conversation about what they are tasked with daily, lets do that. But money doesn't need to be involved in that conversation.
  12. I don’t think there is a single cop in this city that makes only 45k a year. They are paid better than that.
  13. There is some truth to that but it's an oversimplification. There is some wisdom to be gleaned from the "hard times create tough men, tough men create good times and good times create weak men" statement. That's part of what you are saying. The other side is that we have a better understanding of mental illness and how it affects people. A great example of this is the female orgasm. At one point, that was considered hysteria and an affliction. But science advanced and we developed a better understanding of things. This doesn't discount the problems with society like dependencies on meds and dietary issues and stuff like that. Just pointing out that it isn't as simple as saying people today lack toughness.
  14. does this apply to the men who dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  15. Yes. Some mental illnesses manifest themselves that way. Mental illness doesn't always require a person to be incoherent or rocking back and forth. He could be schizophrenic and under the impression that he was working for the government (i.e. John Nash, subject of the film "A Beautiful Mind").
  16. https://hkparts.net/product/magazine-complete-15-round-9mm-hk-hk-vp9-hk-p30-p305.htm/
  17. I don't know about everywhere but at least here in Memphis, the club based repeaters not only have back up power available but we also have backup repeater sites.
  18. Couldn’t tell you.
  19. Mentally ill person engaged in an interaction with the police. “Consuming” police services.
  20. A lot of the conversation in this group seems to be about a very specific group of mental consumers. Not all mental consumers are dangerous or a threat to society. Some of them absolutely are. But what about the case in Florida a few years back? An autistic man was playing with a car in the street. His caregiver was laying on his back with his arms raised and the cops shot him? I believe that when people talk about educating cops to deal with mental consumers, they are referring more to situations like this. The dangerous people are a different story. But an inability to follow a cop’s command does not make you dangerous.
  21. Jesse is well known for licensing or stealing designs and claiming them as his own. He is a pretty crappy human being. I'm not crazy about HAVING to skirt the law, but I wouldn't mind owning one of the fightlite setups just for the originality. https://fightlite.com/rifles/scr
  22. Maybe it's just me that loves the odd, unusual, crappy, strange stuff out there.
  23. Sar makes one without a thumb safety, I just don’t think anyone has imported it yet.
  24. Personal preference only, we are past thumb safeties. None of my other pistols have one (with few exceptions) and I don’t see a need for any modern striker fired pistol to have one. But again, personal preference only.
  25. If you watch closely, the ones that shoot forward towards 2 o'clock are deflected. The rest miss the shell deflector.


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