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Everything posted by Capbyrd

  1. Oh. That sucks then. I’ve had good luck but not usually at the end of the month.
  2. Sorry to hear. Have you tried the Austin Peay location? It’s the one I use and I think my wait last month was about 30 minutes.
  3. She was. I’m not sure it matters though. It ain’t like she is on the front line taking money and passing out tags.
  4. Nah. I’m not using a full face. It only covers my nose but it covers my nose. Not like yours that just sits under the nose. Are you willing to ship? this is what I’m using. https://www.noinsurancemedicalsupplies.com/resmed-mirage-activa-lt-nasal-masks-with-headgear/
  5. I’ve been using one that covers my nose and my mouth stays closed fine. But I get some leaks occasionally if I roll wrong.
  6. How do these work for you? And how do you sleep? I’m a side sleeper and worry about leaks with a mask like this.
  7. This is a great rifle.
  8. I prefer the Hemi Gremmie.
  9. Yes it was and yes it is again. They claim it’s to catch up with the backlog.
  10. I know, I know. But I’m hoping someone is sitting on a few thousand and is willing to help a newbie out. I’m just getting started and I want to load a few to learn but I cannot find any primers. I have everything else at the house ready for me to figure out what I’m doing. If you have a 100pk or even a partial pack that you’d be willing to let go of, please let me know. I’d prefer large rifle but I do have a few cases with small rifle pockets so that would work too. thanks for the consideration!!! got some. Thanks TGO
  11. This would be better if it was belted.
  12. What kind of range are you getting?
  13. That sounds about right. Dang. I can’t wait for the two days of fall this year.
  14. And when does that start again?
  15. Yup. Hasn’t been the same since W pushed his way in. I never worried about filling up my tank prior to his term. Yep! Thanks Brandon. I can finally fill up for for less than 40 bucks. Please keep doing whatever you are doing. Make it drop further.
  16. Maybe wait a little longer on that full power mode…I don’t know how much power it has but it looks light and I’d imagine that torque can get away from you quickly.
  17. Shadow systems MR920.
  18. Other than the chrome, looks nice. I like the first gen refresh body style (I guess technically second gen) Escape styling. They still looked rugged back then. It was the next to last year for that body style so they everything figured out. I think it will serve you well.
  19. I thought this was a well known fact.
  20. yeah but I’d be looking at replacing every part anyway for a muscle truck build. Basically just using the frame and suspension pickup points. I’d even lose the 4.6 mod motor, if not immediately, eventually.
  21. And the only one I’m interested in following. I’ve never understood following people’s private lives that I don’t know. Hell, there are people I know and am close to that I don’t know as much about as some of y’all know about the queen. I don’t even understand the Royal family’s purpose.
  22. I’ve had two Grand Marquis. I love those cars. The first was a 1989 and the second was a 2010. I’d like to have a Marauder one day but those are hard to find and if they are affordable, they are ragged out. I’ve been thinking about picking up a crown Vic from a PD to use for a muscle truck build. But even the PD auction crown Vic’s are going up in price now.
  23. And some beautiful machines in that shop too. Including the coolest Bridgeport I’ve ever seen.
  24. Yup. Although some of us are morons and choose that vehicle that requires constant checking as a daily. I know I did for the longest and would even today if I could afford half the cars I want.


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