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Everything posted by extremescene

  1. I think Middle Tennessee vendors have really missed a good opportunity with this show. The venue has room for impressive amounts of vendors to spread out with nice displays and they blew it. It seemed to be promoted well enough, the place is nice enough, close enough to drive to, and TGO people, including myself, were definitely excited and waiting for this one. There are definitely cool things to see there but most of it is way out of my price range. I heard a few people at the show talking about a specific vendor bailing at the last minute (I won't name them). This vendor would have added a great table, based on their reputation and my experience with them. Perhaps others bailed as well, maybe it was out of their hands. There are people there willing to buy, just not a ton of people to buy from.
  2. I certainly mean no disrespect to any of the workers or good folks putting this on. For me, it was an hour and a half drive from Nashville and wasn't worth it in my opinion. I looked at the tables and prices. I was prepared to leave with any of the following, some commonly found at most shows and some obviously not... -economical pump shotgun - very few shotguns at this event and nothing below $400 -red dot sight or scope - Trijicon was the only table with any of these, way beyond my price range. No other red dots or scopes that I could find at the entire show. -mosin rifle - only one found, was $599 with scope... enough said? -mauser rifle - one m48 found but it wasn't for me, priced reasonable at $149 though. -22LR AR Conversion mags - none to be found, cmmg nor black dog. -Sub $100 stripped AR lower - none to be found, none even in the low $100's that I could find. -sig p6/p225 mags - none to be found -standard AR sling - none to be found, only gimmick slings. -misc SKS parts or accessories - none to be found There were plenty of high-end $1500-3000 ARs there but I didn't see a single one that was below $1000.
  3. Sorry but not worth drive from nashville. Not many gun tables.
  4. Walmart at Harding Place/Nolensville Rd has plenty of Federal 9mm, 40, and .45. Also a few boxes of Federal 550 bulk 22LR as of about 30 min ago.
  5. Got mine yesterday... took about 9 weeks total.
  6. Guns and Leather has a crate open that you can pick from... I was in there last Friday and they had about half a crate left. They all looked excellent and were all hex receivers from what I could tell.
  7. My girlfriend and I were shooting my new Sig 522 AR style rifle, my 1911, and she was also shooting her phoenix hp22. We are by no means great shots and didn't stay too long, it was a bit cold.
  8. I was there at the same time! Great group of RSOs today in general... makes the whole experience better for everybody!
  9. Wow! I got a great deal on the new Sig 522 rifle from our friends at Guns and Leather. I managed to get it out to the range today and it was amazingly fun! I shot 50-75 mini mags and a few hundred federal bulk without a single malfunction. It took only a few rounds to get the cheap Truglo red dot sighted in and it worked great, very accurate! I didn't want to spend much money on sights, considering the overall low price of the rifle. The trigger is awesome and is much smoother than another brand I tried. It feels like a classic sig trigger! The Sig overall feels a bit heavier than the competition and barely moves when shot. I've got some black dog all-black magazines on the way shortly... the look of the clear Sig magazine doesn't thrill me. I highly recommend Guns and Leather... they are great to buy from and seem to have the latest and greatest in stock most of the time. They had 10 of these when I first asked Daniel about them and were down to 7 when I left Friday night. Everybody else seems to be out of stock on these... and priced significantly higher. They also had an opened crate of hex receiver Mosins that I'm gonna go back and pick one out of... they all looked excellent!
  10. it would be a shorter list for you to tell me the similarities rather than me explain the differences.
  11. sks and AK are different beasts in my opinion. Not much similar, for better or worse, except the caliber. everyone should probably own both eventually!
  12. I've heard the turnaround with sig is pretty fast right now, definitely the way to go. I fired one at owl hallow last week and had zero issues... someone let me shoot his and I didn't ask what ammo was using, but he has had no issues. There is also a safety recall on certain serial numbers that you should look into... they can hopefully fix both at the same time.
  13. sounds scary... I'd be curious to know how "ruined" it is after a trip to the range.
  14. and still I never have enough! it's like ammo.
  15. The OP's original intent was "good images yet doesn't cost an arm and a leg." I agree that resolution is mainly a marketing scam and doesn't do a thing to relate to sharpness, color depth, etc... But a 4490 for less than $200 will suit most photographer's needs whether printing the images or for online viewing. Here is a refurbished one for $109... Epson Perfection 4490 PHOTO - Refurbished, Overview - Product Information - Epson America, Inc. A general search of flickr and you will find excellent scans made with the 4490... and a very loyal following. epson 4490 - Flickr: Search
  16. I'd be interested in a Saturday session... any word on what time of day the session would be held?
  17. I agree... the safest option is to purchase a replacement made for that model. Hopefully you can find a 3rd party that will work, I've run into proprietary power connectors before. One minor mistake and you could end up frying your entire laptop or at the least, the battery, as stated above... very expensive!
  18. I've never used AGFA photographic film, but have had much experience with their audio recording tape they used to make. It was awful and deteriorates much faster than other brands of the era. Just this year I transferred some old John Hartford recordings that used this tape and we are lucky they survived at all. Ilford is generally my chosen film for traditional black and white. I've had great results with the Kodak c-41 black and white as well, but you most likely won't be developing that at home. Back to the scanner... the Epson 4490 is basically your "standard" for flatbed film scanning. Cost goes up very fast if you need higher speed or quality, but this machine will give you fantastic and very professional results. The resolution will surpass the resolution of the film grain in most cases.
  19. Epson 4490 is your best economical choice... I scan my negatives and slides with it and it is excellent. I didn't make my decision lightly and did much research before I made my purchase. Aside from this, you would be looking into getting a much more expensive dedicated film scanner. Many of my scans are posted at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/collinpeterson/tags/film/ On a side note... DO NOT USE DIGITAL ICE or any other correction, as it is unpredictable and can create funny things in your scans that you may not notice until later. The clone tool in photoshop is your friend here.
  20. what about your wedding anniversary, valentines day, or some other special occasion? Stay home and boycott?
  21. My relationship with my fiance (very pro-gun) wouldn't last too long if I deprived her of restaurants such as Chiles, O'Charley's, Red Lobster, the Melting Pot, Ellendales, etc. just because I can't carry there... every date place that exists serves alcohol. Although it's not preferred, or "fair," I can tolerate being unarmed for a few hours... most wives and girlfriends won't tolerate never being taken on a date to nice restaurant, even if they claim to be OK with it. If you are the exception, great... you will save lots of money in your future by dining at Shoneys and Cracker Barrel. Perhaps my date and I will wait 4% less than we used to at nice restaurants. edit: she also wouldn't allow my 1911 to sit on the dinner table during supper, the waistband is a different story, but on the table would be a no go!
  22. Where do you get that HCP holders have more disposable income? More income than who... everybody else who doesn't carry a weapon? Seems like quite an assumption. We carry a weapon so we must have more money... BS!!!
  23. maybe not thug tactics as we generally think of them, but a scorched earth boycott is definitely reckless and while I feel the entire thing would go largely or entirely unnoticed, the intent is to harm many innocent businesses that did nothing to hurt our culture or restrict our privileges in their establishments. I'm just as frustrated as anyone, but this entire argument is ridiculous and shows severe lack of rational thought.
  24. All a boycott will do is prevent you from eating the food that you and your family enjoy. You will feel like you are making a huge statement but you won't be. How would these restaurant even know you skipped them... you would have to call and tell them you're at cracker barrel instead. Absurd. I understand the frustration, but you really have to step back and think about how such an idea could even possibly work. It will only inconvenience you! I agree with the early reply that states that the effort would be better spent contacting legislators.
  25. Doesn't matter if it's posted, they serve alcohol and are not qualified as a restaurant so carrying is not legal.


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