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Everything posted by lil*pup
Tennessee Senators vote FOR Cloture on Gun Bill
lil*pup replied to Worriedman's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
This statement from Corker's email yesterday: "I believe in safeguarding the rights of law-abiding American citizens, and the right to own firearms for shooting, hunting, and self-protection is important to me as a Tennessean and as an American. Should legislation dealing with our Second Amendment rights come before the Senate, I will certainly take your concerns into consideration. I also wanted to share the steps I have taken to protect our Second Amendment rights in the attached "Policy Points" document. " NEWS FLASH: all those "policy points" mean nothing today. What a hypocrite. What a sell out. I never thought Tennessee would be representing the left on a gun rights issue. This thing was 9 votes shy of stopping and we, yes we, voted 100% to move forward. What a slap in the face. -
Weak response from Senator Jim Cooper
lil*pup replied to lil*pup's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I got the same letter today. I am disappointed. In his most recent letter to us, he has no mention of mag limitations. I'll take that obvious omission to mean that he will support laws against magazines if they come up, but he will avoid the stance until he is forced to vote. It is pretty safe to say he is for mucking up private transfers. This whole letter lacks any positive identification of his position. Where are his principles and his backbone? I would respect him more if he would just come out and say what he felt instead of waiting until the laws come up for votes. This is just as weak as the first letter he put out. And what happened to the "proposal that will keep our children safe" as was aforementioned in his first letter? The real issue has kind of died off hasn't it? He says he will support the constitution. I don't understand how the words "shall not be infringed" can be reinterpreted. We should be discussing overturning laws that infringe on that clear right, not discussing new laws that infringe more. Jim, you are going to have to do better if you want our votes! Aaron -
This is my letter our Governor and My STATE Legislators
lil*pup replied to lil*pup's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
January 31, 2013 Dear Aaron: Thank you for contacting me regarding the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Listening to and learning from Tennesseans is very important to me, and I appreciate that you thought to share this with me. I support our Constitution, including the Second Amendment. Recently, the president signed twenty-three executive orders on gun control. This level of unilateral action bypassing Congress on an issue this important is unprecedented and concerning. We are continuing to review the orders to see if there are any limitations placed on Second Amendment rights. It appears right now that the president put his major efforts to limit the Second Amendment into proposals that must be voted on by Congress. This is important because the House of Representatives can amend, accept or reject these proposals. We will be watching this situation closely, and I know you will also. Again, thank you for taking the time to write. I look forward to working with you and all Tennesseans to make our great state an even better place to live, work, and raise a family. Warmest regards, Bill Haslam BH:sj -
Link to Biden's 33 min. fireside chat on gun control.
lil*pup replied to lil*pup's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I listened to it. The whole thing. They had five or so people ask him questions. Some a little tougher than others. Like most politicians, he has a gift for dancing around the issues. He is a very creative man. In the chat, he admits that assault weapons play a fractional part in gun crime and homicides. He states that this issue is more of police being outgunned. I find it kind of ironic that police teams have access to class 3 equipment and still be outgunned by thug gangsters. I don't buy it. Furthermore, I've seen some of those thugs try and shoot. In my opinion, a 30 round mag is a fair handicap. If we can just save the life of one child, the cost of the entire American society will be justified. NO. NO.NO. Sometimes you bunt and take one for the team, but the goal is never to throw the whole team under the bus. Aaron -
This is my letter our Governor and My STATE Legislators
lil*pup replied to lil*pup's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Thanks for the positive notes. I am working on my spelling. The bit about "being a servant" is an attempt to placate to the potential egomaniacs I write letters to. I'm not saying they are full of themselves. I don't know them on a personal level. But I my preference is to approach this humbly and with respect. I wish public service was just that, but the truth is that these people are part of the ELITE in our nation. That is why Duchess Feinstein's new legislation does not apply to those in congress in the much the same way "Hussein OBama Care" does not apply to them either. These laws are for the commoners. I've been getting the same letter from Corker. At least our national representation has drafted some sort of reply. My local reps on the state level are sending the sound of crickets my way. -
This is my letter our Governor and My STATE Legislators
lil*pup replied to lil*pup's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Still no reply from any of them. I'm going to contact my reps again to support that feller's proposal to not use any state money or resources to enforce 2nd amendment infringements. His bill pretty much addresses my concerns. -
Whos going to the state capital on the 19th?
lil*pup replied to reed1285's topic in Events and Gatherings
Not a bad turnout for an event organized so quickly. I was kinda of surprised that there weren't more media crews there. Local talk radio didn't seem willing to give it much air time leading up to the event. If people like Phil Valentine don't pick up the event, there isn't any hope for massive turnouts. I am most pleased with the peaceful display and courtesy of the attendees. Good job people! -
Whos going to the state capital on the 19th?
lil*pup replied to reed1285's topic in Events and Gatherings
I heard about this on the radio this morning.... I guess we better bring 2 signs. Rep. Chris Smith (R) NJ will be the keynote speaker for the upcoming Rally for Life in Nashville sponsored by TN Right to Life. The event will take place on Saturday, January 19th on the steps of the Capitol in Nashville beginning at 2:00 PM. -
I heard about this on the radio this morning.... I guess we better bring 2 signs. Rep. Chris Smith (R) NJ will be the keynote speaker for the upcoming Rally for Life in Nashville sponsored by TN Right to Life. The event will take place on Saturday, January 19th on the steps of the Capitol in Nashville beginning at 2:00 PM.
I heard about this on the radio this morning.... I guess we better bring 2 signs. Rep. Chris Smith (R) NJ will be the keynote speaker for the upcoming Rally for Life in Nashville sponsored by TN Right to Life. The event will take place on Saturday, January 19th on the steps of the Capitol in Nashville beginning at 2:00 PM.
Why all the duplicate posts on the classifieds?
lil*pup replied to 221 Fireball's topic in Feedback and Support
My BAD!!!! I already apologized to the person who commented directly on one of my multiple post. In my reply to him, I said I didn't know where to post the message. I wasn't trying to cause any trouble. I just wanted this crap to be heard to people who are interested in the second amendment and people who are interested in current legislation. Are these second amendment issues or legislation issues? Please guide me as to which place is more appropriate for my post on current legislative issues regarding the second amendment. Their appears to be plenty of confusion on this matter. I see much over lapping of content in these two separate topics by others as well. I feel my confusion is more a symptom of the problem. It alludes to the root issue. I have a suggestion for the people who make the decisions around here. Politics and Legislation Discussion and friendly debate about State and National political and legislative issues unrelated to the second amendment. Adding those last five words may avoid this confusion. I had no intention of trying to make a point with multiple posts.But, since it has been brought up, this is why I didn't know where to post. Thanks, Aaron Reply Report Edit -
Dear Mr. Schroer: Thank you for contacting me about H.R. 35, the Safe Schools Act of 2013. I am happy to respond. This bill would repeal legal provisions preventing the possession of firearms in school zones. December's horrific school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut left twenty innocent children and six brave adults dead. This tragedy has rightly focused our attention on what we can do to prevent violence like this in the future, and I am willing to consider any proposal that will keep our children safe, regardless of politics. Nothing is more important. President Obama has appointed the Vice President to lead a task force charged with proposing "concrete solutions" to curb gun violence. The Vice President announced its recommendations will be presented to the President no later than Tuesday, January 15 th . I look forward to carefully reviewing its proposals, and will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind going forward. I encourage you to keep in touch on this issue as proposals evolve in the coming months. H.R. 35 has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. While I am not a member of this Committee, I will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind should this bill come to the House floor for a vote. Thanks for getting in touch with me. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me again with any other questions or concerns. Sincerely, Jim Cooper Member of Congress
Lamar Alexander's Response. A Bit Better
lil*pup replied to lil*pup's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I didn't know where to put it..... 2nd amendment and legislative issues are the same at this point in time. Sorry.... Just a little bent out of shape. -
Will Tennessee Participate??? http://youtu.be/MUAfft7l4wQ Published on Jan 9, 2013 WE ARE MARCHING ON THE STATE CAPITOLS ON JAN 19 2013 AT NOON LOCAL TIME. Watch video for details and check out www.guncontrolmorecrime.com. This is another in a series of many Calls to Action (CTAs) here in TNP as we work as a unified team to defeat anti-self defense gun legislation in 2013. The proposed AWB seeks to criminalize millions of good Americans is a power grabbing, Marxist attempt at people control. We stand and be counted NOW, not cower in our houses hoping for the best and ranting anonymously on the internet about crap that doesn't matter. Time to nut up or shut up.
NutinFancy Puts " CALL TO ACTION: WalMart Campaign by TNP http://youtu.be/eCefEixHqaQ Published on Jan 9, 2013 Another vid in a series of Calls to Action (CTAs) for gun owners as we work as a unified team here in TNP to defeat anti-self defense gun legislation in 2013. The proposed AWB seeks to criminalize millions of good Americans is a power grabbing, Marxist attempt at people control. We stand and be counted NOW, not cower in our houses hoping for the best and ranting anonymously on the internet about crap that doesn't matter. Time to nut up or shut up. Watch video for details and keep this one going until advised in annotation please.////////////////////////////////CONTACT INFORMATION: Michael Terry Duke, Chief Exec. Officer, Pres, Charles M. Holley Jr., Chief Financial Officer and Exec. VP, C. Douglas McMillon, Exec. VP, William S. Simon, Chief Exec. Officer of Walmart U S and Pres of Walmart U S//////////////// Walmart Corporate Office Headquarters in the USA////////////////WALMART NUMBERS: Corp HQ for LETTERS, 702 SW 8th Street, Bentonville, Arkansas 72716-8611, Corporate Phone Number: 1-800-925-6278 or 1-479-273-4000, Corporate Fax Number: 1-479-277-1830, Corporate Email: info@wal-mart.com/////////////////////////FAX SUGGESTION FOLLOWS: FAX ON GUN SELLING AT WALMART: KEEP SELLING GUNS OR BOYCOTT COMING! Dear Michael Terry Duke, I understand that the Obama Administration is pressuring you to support his gun legislation, whether it's a so-called Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) or similar registration and subsequent confiscation of American guns. I am urging you to categorically REJECT any support of the AWB, in any form by any sponsor. I thank you for your outstanding support of American firearms freedoms in the past. I have purchased guns, accessories, camping gear, supplies of all sorts, food, clothing, and all types of merchandise for this support. Your past stance in this area, despite misguided public pressure, is commendable and true the vision of Sam Walton. He believed in the freedoms of America. However if Walmart capitulates and in any signs on with the Obama Administration in their gun control agenda, I will boycott you forever. Moreover I will take advantage of powerful and wide reaching social media to encourage the same. We have many retail avenues for our items such as tax free Amazon.com and many department stores. We will give our business to them. I hope it does not come to that and you will again REJECT all attempts to destroy, limit, curtail, or weaken the 2nd Amendment of the United States. If you do that we will continue to support you 100% and accept my sincere gratitude for standing strong. Thank you for you time
Dear Aaron, Thank you for sharing your feelings regarding the tragic shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. I was horrified by this attack that left twenty-eight dead. My thoughts and prayers are for the victims and those who now live with their loss. As we learn more about the tragedy in Newtown, I think we must look closely at the behavior of isolated young men who develop an obsession with violence. We should ask the leaders of the entertainment industry whether they would want their children--or those who might harm their children--to watch the increasingly violent video games and movies that they pour into our culture. This is not the only cause of violence in our society but it is one important cause. Connecticut has strong gun laws. The problem is not with the gun but with the person pulling the trigger. This is a terrible event for our nation and we must find appropriate ways to respond. I’m grateful you’ve shared your reactions with me and will keep them in mind as we move forward. Sincerely, Lamar
Dear Aaron, Thank you for sharing your feelings regarding the tragic shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. I was horrified by this attack that left twenty-eight dead. My thoughts and prayers are for the victims and those who now live with their loss. As we learn more about the tragedy in Newtown, I think we must look closely at the behavior of isolated young men who develop an obsession with violence. We should ask the leaders of the entertainment industry whether they would want their children--or those who might harm their children--to watch the increasingly violent video games and movies that they pour into our culture. This is not the only cause of violence in our society but it is one important cause. Connecticut has strong gun laws. The problem is not with the gun but with the person pulling the trigger. This is a terrible event for our nation and we must find appropriate ways to respond. I’m grateful you’ve shared your reactions with me and will keep them in mind as we move forward. Sincerely, Lamar
This is the letter I sent to my State Lawmakers and the Governor. I hope and suggest you do the same. Find their email addresses at this link http://www.capitol.tn.gov/legislators/ "Dear Governor Haslem, The Second Amendment is under ATTACK. This nation NEEDS the leadership of Tennessee. Tennesseans need your outspoken support of the Second Amendment. As a state, we can set a model for other states to fallow. I urge you to encourage our State Lawmakers to enact legislation that clearly states, "under no uncertain terms will the State of Tennessee allow the Federal Government to infringe on the Constitution and the accompanying Bill of Rights that this State agreed to in 1796." We should not recognize or attempt to enforce any unconstitutional laws that infringe on the second amendment. Gun control is the easiest scapegoat to slaughter in an attempt to settle the fragile emotions of Americans. The repercussions of such legislation will be far reaching and not easy to undo. To strip the Bill of Rights and weaken the ability of our citizens to protect this Nation is ill-advised. We are your servants and you were elected to be ours. I ask you to represent our interest and take a stand with the second amendment. Someone needs to remind this nation what the second amendment is about and that it does not allude to hunting or shooting sports. Tennessee can be this someone. Other States will fallow our lead."
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Dear Mr. Schroer: Thank you for contacting me about legislation to ban certain types of firearms and ammunition. I appreciate hearing your perspective and am happy to respond. December's horrific school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut left twenty innocent children and six brave adults dead. This tragedy has rightly focused our attention on what we can do to prevent violence like this in the future, and I am willing to consider any proposal that will keep our children safe, regardless of politics. Nothing is more important. President Obama has appointed the Vice President to lead a task force charged with proposing "concrete solutions" to curb gun violence. The Vice President announced its recommendations will be presented to the President no later than Tuesday, January 15 th . I look forward to carefully reviewing its proposals, and will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind going forward. I encourage you to keep in touch on this issue as proposals evolve in the coming months. Thanks for sharing your views with me. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me again with any other questions or concerns. Sincerely, Jim Cooper Member of Congress
Dear Mr. Schroer: Thank you for contacting me about legislation to ban certain types of firearms and ammunition. I appreciate hearing your perspective and am happy to respond. December's horrific school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut left twenty innocent children and six brave adults dead. This tragedy has rightly focused our attention on what we can do to prevent violence like this in the future, and I am willing to consider any proposal that will keep our children safe, regardless of politics. Nothing is more important. President Obama has appointed the Vice President to lead a task force charged with proposing "concrete solutions" to curb gun violence. The Vice President announced its recommendations will be presented to the President no later than Tuesday, January 15 th . I look forward to carefully reviewing its proposals, and will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind going forward. I encourage you to keep in touch on this issue as proposals evolve in the coming months. Thanks for sharing your views with me. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me again with any other questions or concerns. Sincerely, Jim Cooper Member of Congress I am disappointed with this....... Aaron
This is the letter I sent to my State Lawmakers and the Governor. I hope and suggest you do the same. Find their email addresses at this link http://www.capitol.tn.gov/legislators/ "Dear Governor Haslem, The Second Amendment is under ATTACK. This nation NEEDS the leadership of Tennessee. Tennesseans need your outspoken support of the Second Amendment. As a state, we can set a model for other states to fallow. I urge you to encourage our State Lawmakers to enact legislation that clearly states, "under no uncertain terms will the State of Tennessee allow the Federal Government to infringe on the Constitution and the accompanying Bill of Rights that this State agreed to in 1796." We should not recognize or attempt to enforce any unconstitutional laws that infringe on the second amendment. Gun control is the easiest scapegoat to slaughter in an attempt to settle the fragile emotions of Americans. The repercussions of such legislation will be far reaching and not easy to undo. To strip the Bill of Rights and weaken the ability of our citizens to protect this Nation is ill-advised. We are your servants and you were elected to be ours. I ask you to represent our interest and take a stand with the second amendment. Someone needs to remind this nation what the second amendment is about and that it does not allude to hunting or shooting sports. Tennessee can be this someone. Other States will fallow our lead."
I want them. PM inbound. Pay it forward with a Medium-Regular ACU Coat