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Everything posted by Im Neero
That's it, I quit. Memphis is dead to me, I am official only going to identify myself as a suburbanite. Alright, that's all from me, if you can't say something nice . . .
Don't worry Reaper, you'll never get flamed for wanting a 1911. If you were asking a question about Glocks, however . . . Does anyone know about the availability of holsters for the Revolution? Do they fit in the standard 1911 holster with the squared off slider?
21 is good for me.
I have an ancient RCBS JR-2 that my grandfather bought in 1957. It's a great press and still does it job, but I sure would like to move up to a progressive for reloading pistol. I suppose it's partly because I'm still new to reloading but it takes me about an hour to load 50 rounds, and I normally shoot at least 100 each time I shoot.
I'm taking a trip for work this weekend. The trip will take me through 7 states, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. I've got a lot of researching to do on where I can carry and what the rules are in each state, but it looks like my old faithful packing.org is dead. Can anyone suggest a new site for this purpose?
Sounds like fun. Count me probably.
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Im Neero replied to MCFooter's topic in Feedback and Support
I like it too. -
It's a common sense of living in Memphis. Since we're always in the top ten worst cities for crime it's easy to forget that other places have crime too. Pretty much everywhere else is comparatively better.
The concept of public education is in the Communist Manifesto. The idea of strong protected borders was a huge part of Hitler's plan. Iran pumps oil from the ground.Just because our enemies do something, that doesn't make it wrong. I do not believe in executions as revenge. I do believe in executions as punishment. It is culling the herd. If you choose to violate societies most sacrosanct precepts, you also forgo any protection afforded by society and forefeit your right to exist in said society. I do not believe that one who does these things should be a burden upon society, so I do not believe that prison is a good solution. This leaves two options, banishment from society and death. I would be perfectly happy if we could exil anyone guilty of a capital offense to an island with no way off. There they could form their own society with their own rules. Unfortunately this is not an implementable solution since I doubt any sovereign nation will be willing to part with territory to create this prison colony. The British did it with Australia, the Russians did it with Siberia, but I do not think it could work today. This only leaves one solution to the problem of how to eliminate someone from society. In a perfect world it would not be necessary, but that is not the world we live in. If there is a problem with my view, feel free to point it out, I am very open minded.
You mean larceny, not robbery. Good luck catching the guy. I'm surprised to hear this coming from Chattanooga, I guess it's not the haven that I thought it was.
I haven't been reloading for a long time, but from what I've read anywhere from 6-12 times. .45acp is a low-pressure round so it's easy on brass. You can buy 1000 rounds of once fired brass for $63.99 from midway. If you assume 8 reloads per piece of brass then the brass costs .79 cents per firing.
Do people argue that?
It costs more in the beginning if you factor in the cost of a press. If you keep at it though, the press will pay for itself and the more you buy when you buy components, the more you save. I'm not sure of the current price of factory loaded .45acp, but here's a break down on cost of 230grain fmj reloads (although unless you shoot primarily indoors there's absolutely nothing wrong with 200grain lead semi-wadcutters. That perfect hole in the target sure is satisfying, and they still go where you point the gun.) primer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.49 cents 5.3 grains of 231 . . . . . . .1.325 cents hornady 230 grain fmj . . . 13.79 total cost per round . . . . . 17.605 cents I didn't factor in the cost of the brass because instead of buying brass, I just buy factory ammo and collect the brass, so if you want to factor that in feel free. If you go with the lead semi wadcutters you can get bullets for about 5 cents a piece.
Welcome to the forum!
I started reloading because of the last price hike and as long as you pay attention (very important!) it's so easy it feels like cheating. With 200gr lead semi-wadcutters I reload .45 for around 8 cents a round. Last time I checked WWB at Wal-Mart it was 29 cents a round, and that was before the price increase.
I think he's talking about 7.62x51, but I could be mistaken.
If you do decide you want the XD send me a PM. I have one that I've been thinking about unloading for another 1911 .45, preferably one in stainless. I think it's possible that we could work something out if you decided to go the way of the XD. That being said, as for impartial advice, I'm trying to get rid of my XD9 for a 1911, so I guess actions speak louder than words
Hooray! I got my first handgun, now where can I shoot it?
Im Neero replied to analog_kidd's topic in Handguns
If I may be so bold as to offer unsolicited advice, I'd say you should take the class sooner than later. The class has a lot of great information for beginner shooters, and trust me, you're already good enough to pass the shooting test (I think my dog is.) A trained instructor can probably give you a few pointers that will help stop any bad habits you may be forming. That's my $.02, take it for what it's worth. -
I hunt with a ruger model 77 in 30-06. It's a great gun. The action isn't as smooth as my Remington 700 though.
My friend bough a tube guitar amp off the internet once. It was shipped from England, and the tubes were shipped outside of the amp in a seperate box so they could be padded better. We put the tubes in and turned the amp on, no sound. We spend the next 3 hours taking tubes out, putting them back in, trying different cables, different cabs, different guitars and anything else we could think of. We finally gave up and I left. My friend called me an hour later. We had forgotten to turn the volume up.
I went to the University of Memphis for 3 years. In those years there were 4 cases of serial criminals victimizing the campus for roughly a month each time. One time it was a man that was assaulting females as they walked to their cars. I believe that there were at least 3 victims, more if memory serves. Two seperate semesters there was a rash of armed robberies commited by a pair of men, one of whom carried a sawed off shotgun (how many laws aren't helping in that situation.) The last one was the same as the previous, but it was a pistol instead of a shotgun. It's been a little while, but I don' recall any of the perpetrators ever being caugh. No one ever got shot as the victims gave up their money readily, but there were some assaults tied in with these crimes. I plan to go back to UofM next semester to finish my degree. I sincerely hope that by that time there is a law allowing licensed individuals to carry on a college campus. I for one refuse to be a victim of some scumbag that preys on the fearful in a place that a criminal knows he can find unarmed victims that are taught not to fight back. It would be nice if there was a law allowing me to do that with a handgun.
I have been reloading .45 ACP for a couple of months now on an RCBS single stage press. I want to start reloading for rifle, .308 in particular. I plan to do only target shooting at ranges up to 500 yards. Does anyone have any advice on where to start with bullet weight/type and powder type/load? Thanks ahead of time. J
Ramifications of an old DUI
Im Neero replied to analog_kidd's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
My good friend has 2 (old) DUIs and about 25 guns and a carry permit.