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Im Neero

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Everything posted by Im Neero

  1. I was taught this with one subtle, but important difference. We were told to never say "I thought he was going to kill me," but instead say "He was going to kill me."
  2. I don't know about the law, but after an election people are going to expect random people to come around and collect political signs. I don't see how you could run in to trouble by just snagging a few from the side of the road.
  3. The death's head pumpkin is awesome.
  4. Can we agree on the constitution as the basic foundation of the US? Amendment III - Volunteers your house, with or without your consent, for the quartering of troops is congress decides to pass such a law. Amendments V, VI, and VII - All guarantee a right of trial by jury, which is a prime example of "forced volunteerism." The framers of the constitution thought this was so important that it was reiterated 3 times in the Bill of Rights even though it was already guaranteed by Article III, Section 2 in criminal cases. Amendment V - Also allows the government to "volunteer" your property, without your consent, as long as you are given fair market value for it. The United States also has a long history of conscription, which was a practice that was used in the Revolutionary War. I'm not sure what founding principle is violated by the notion that you have certain duties to your country that you can be compelled to perform. Not to say I support mandatory military duty, but one must be careful not to confuse one's own personal opinions with "the basic foundation of the US."
  5. Thanks for your response. I am currently re-evaluating my views on property rights. Before anyone says anything, I'm not a communist, nor am I endorsing any kind of "from each according to his ability" type doctrine, but I see a lot of situations where it looks like irresponsible lending on the part of a bank is ultimately hurting someone that did no wrong, in the case of responsible tenants. I have yet to come up with any sort of justification for letting the banks, who were in the wrong, evict the tenants, who did no wrong, other than the one you mentioned. I just don't know if this is compelling. Again, I'm not saying we shouldn't have property rights, or that we shouldn't give them great weight when making legal decisions, but it seems to me that there are certain principle of fairness that are more important than the legal reality at times. In addition, the harm done to the bank by making them allow the tenant to stay in his home seems to be disproportionate to the harm done to the tenant by evicting him. The bank can most likely work out a deal with the renter that will end up with the bank receiving as much, if not more, payment than they were getting previously, or will get by selling the house at auction. Contrarily, the renter is literally tossed out on the street with little notice, and put into a hard financial position in what is without a doubt the most trying economic times of my life, maybe since the Great Depression. So, what do you guys think? Is the ownership of a property a strong enough reason to outweigh all of the other concerns that I just mentioned?
  6. Seems like a pretty good reason to not vote for someone.
  7. :D I'm glad to see that some people can disagree with a certain decision someone makes without having to completely lose all respect for that person or assume that they made their decision on arbitrary and insulting grounds (because he's black.) I fear that the last nail was driven into McCain's coffin days ago though. Unless Obama really screws the pooch between now and election day I think we had better get used to hearing "President Obama."
  8. Can you provide any sort of justification for holding this opinion? I have trouble thinking of a reason that a responsible, rent paying tenant should be thrown out of their home without any sort of "fair" reason. I'm talking about a case where a tenant has met every one of their legal obligations to stay in their home.
  9. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/28/us/politics/28mccain.html?_r=2&ref=politics&oref=slogin&oref=slogin This is a funny election. Both parties are trying to accuse the other party of not being a citizen. It's a pretty stupid argument on both sides, I think.
  10. You should never wear a hoodie when you're drunk, because sooner or later you're going to think that someone is following you.
  11. I just got back from seeing W by Oliver Stone. It wasn't what I was expecting. Bush was definitely not portrayed positively, but he also wasn't portrayed as the evil maniac that I was expecting. Colin Powell came out smelling like roses. Cheney didn't do so hot. All in all it was an entertaining film.
  12. Say it ain't so!
  13. Hmm, what's a forward? I haven't picked up on this new fad yet.
  14. That's the longest text message I've ever seen.
  15. It doesn't matter who you vote for in Tennessee. McCain is going to win here.
  16. Carrying a gun a 8 o'clock as well as 4 o'clock should solve your problem. Don't carry middle of back.
  17. There's a track like that in Collierville. I still don't know how it works.
  18. Wal-Mart for me.
  19. Im Neero

    I Pod question

    iPod is absolutely the way to go. Don't listen to these other guys about Sansa, they're making this more complicated than it needs to be.
  20. Your negative consequences are all hypothetical. We know that there was the positive consequence of the entire night shift of the store being educated about the law and store policy, both of which help our cause. If you want to make hypothetical harms, then there is no limit, but admit that they are just that.
  21. I don't see how this situation fuels any fire. If anything, it helps our cause, because now the entire night shift at that Wal-Mart is aware that licensed individuals are allowed to carry a gun in that store. There may be negative consequences at times, but in this case it seems that the consequences were far more helpful to our cause than harmful.
  22. Dobermans? Shepherds? No good. This is the way to go. [ame] [/ame]
  23. Im Neero


    Has anyone heard of ChaCha? I have a friend that says he made about $100 bucks a week working for them, and this looks like it could be a good part-time job to supplement my main job of moving pianos. I won't go too far into what exactly ChaCha is without the go-ahead from a mod, I'm afraid it might look a little too much like spam if I do.
  24. Ha, I'm not sure if it's a law in Tennessee or not, but I thought there was a provision allowing people that have lost use of one arm to carry an auto knife.


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