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Im Neero

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Everything posted by Im Neero

  1. I won't comment as to whether or not I will or have already voted until later, but thanks! Don't worry about the censored part, it really had nothing to do with you, I appreciate your input greatly
  2. Yea, but only that part really answered my original question as framed. I wasn't trying to be a dirty post****er or anything.
  4. Good points for thought, Astra. If Thomas Jefferson saw the way things are going today, I doubt he'd be thinking about voting.
  5. Suntzu, all good reasons to vote in general. Thank you for taking the time to actually answer my question. I still don't know if they provide a reason to vote tomorrow, but they're better than most of the attempts so far (which mostly amount to "'cuz ur dum if u dont.")
  6. That's exactly the point in question. Just because you have a right to do something doesn't give you a GOOD reason to do it. You agree with this, if not you'd be out burning flags (your right), protesting military recruiters (your right), and attending Obama rallies (your right.) Repeating your position is not an argument, nor does capitalizing the word GOOD make it so.
  7. What did you tell your son? Also, what have I said that makes you think that I haven't found out about the issues and come to a logical opinion?
  8. It is your right, but why post an idea on a discussion forum that you're not willing to back up? I think one of the biggest problems with society is peoples' tendency to accept things as truth without ever thinking about it.
  9. Disparaging words coming from someone that cannot articulate a position on why someone should vote.
  10. I guess we'll see whether or not that happens tomorrow, but I have a lot of empirical evidence that has convinced me that it won't.
  11. That is a good reason, but do you really believe that enough McCain supporters would do that tomorrow to turn the tide in Tennessee? If they do, then it will be an excellent reason to have voted and you can all ridicule me tomorrow evening.
  12. I'm not sure if anything more can be said about voting for president tomorrow no matter how one votes (in Tennessee, that is). I'd like for someone to prove me wrong, though.
  13. I'm not trolling for a reaction, I am seriously fascinated by the "responsibility to vote." If this were Ohio, it would be different, but its not. We all know that McCain will win Tennessee tomorrow whether or not we go out and vote. It's not quite as sure of a thing in Kentucky, so you're in a slightly different boat.
  14. Excellent reasons. They still don't address why one should vote for president, but if you're at the polling place already, why not? Can anyone give me another reason? The only good one so far is "you're already there voting in elections that do matter, so why not?"
  15. That goes without saying, but there ARE plenty of reasons not to vote. I just want to know if there is a strong position in favor of voting in an election in which the outcome is a foregone conclusion.
  16. I didn't say no soldier has given his life for "freedoms" (I still don't think anyone's ever died for mine in particular.) It's awful nice of you to die for me, considering you told me to shoot myself just a minute ago To clarify my position again, I'm not asking about voting in general, or the democratic process, or truth, justice, and the American way. I'm talking about voting for president in Tennessee tomorrow. You'll have to excuse me if I don't believe you'd die just for my right to vote tomorrow. Like someone shows up, points a gun at your head and says "we're going to kill you so J can vote tomorrow." "Just J?" you say, "yup", they say "everyone else gets to vote." You then ask "You just going to take away his right to vote this once?" "Yea, and we're not even sure if he's going to vote or not anyways." You would die for that? If so, I'm truly flattered. I don't think I'd even die for your right to free speech. Free speech in general, maybe, but definitely not just yours. Thanks for the commitment.
  17. Tell me how this is not the case and I will abandon my position.
  18. Mike, I appreciate your response, and I think you see what I'm getting at. For the record, I never said that I'm not going to vote, I never said that I haven't voted already. That does not change the fact that I cannot come up with one good reason for a single person reason not to vote. And as far as the "what if everyone else thought that way argument" goes, if that was the case I would have a great reason to vote. If no one else voted, mine might actually count, as it stands, though, whether you support Obama or McCain, your vote in Tennessee isn't going to make a difference.
  19. No one ever died for my right to vote. No one ever held a gun to a service member's head and said "we're going to kill you so J can vote, you ok with that?" Men and Women have given their lives for a lot of ideological reasons that have to do with the way our country is run, but not one has given their life for my right to vote tomorrow. Verbal, you were in the military. Would you die so I could vote tomorrow?
  20. I should clarify that I'm not talking about voting in general. I'm asking why a Tennessee voter should vote for president tomorrow.
  21. Not voting is nothing like relying on the police to provide security. I also don't see why I would leave this country:confused:, I like it here alright. Sure it's my right, and yours too. Its also your right to burn the American Flag and protest Marine Recruiters in Berklee. I'm not saying voting is the same as either of those, but just that merely having the right to do something is not a reason to actually do it.
  22. Do you actually think Obama stands a chance of winning in Tennessee? Honestly? Have you been watching the polls?
  23. Can anyone give me one good reason to go vote? To weed out some of the obvious responses, I won't accept "duty" or "responsibility" without further justification. I've noticed that people tend to use the word "duty" only when there is no good reason for you to do something that they want you to. Also, I won't accept the "if you don't vote you have no right to complain" argument unless you can convince me that it's true. Don't simply say it, tell me why, because I was never issued a "right to complain" card, nor can I find it in the Constitution mentioned as being contingent to voting. I'm not trying to be a troll or anything, I just can't think of a single good reason to vote tomorrow, and you guys are all pretty sharp. Any ideas?
  24. You can't wear campaign buttons at the polling place?


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