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Everything posted by Chief07

  1. Chief07


    I would recommend getting a used bike first. Something like a 400 - 750 Kawasaki or suzuki. That way if you dump it, no problem. Take a motorcycle safety course. Some provide a bike to take the course on. I teach motorcycle safety for my HOG (Harley owners group) chapter. A safety course is the best way to learn properly. I was riding for over 20 years and didn't realize how many bad habits I picked up until I was properly trained. I have taken refresher classes every 2 years. (7 so far) You can never learn too much on motorcycle safety.I have members that have been riding for 20-30 years and will still not take a class. One was killed last year by making a rookie mistake". He was 57. Good luck! Ride safe
  2. You are missing the point. Why should we as Americans subsidize others through our taxes pay for someone elses new car?
  3. He is another nitwit that is a total idiot without "Teddy the teleprompter" Can't wait till Chris Matthews goes on the show. ;-)
  4. Yup, make all the illegal’s legal. That will overload the system and send America into financial ruin. Saul Alynsky taught wing nut ears well. Many historians and I have been saying for years that the Marxists, Communists can take over our country without firing a shot. They will do it with our own laws, political correctness and “compassion” and take over America from within. Good God, Americans better wake up and kick all these politicians out that don’t follow the constitution. This is the document that binds us together and gives us our liberty, freedom, and enforces our “GOD given rights”. The left calls it a “living and breathing document”. That is BULL! The constitution is a social contract. It protects us from a overburdening government. Don’t forget to vote on Election Day. We must take our country back. Ray
  5. How many is too many? If your gun safe is full........................ Get a bigger safe! You can never have too may.
  6. Wingnut boy has assembled the biggest assortment of communists, nutjobs, wacko's, and anti-American idiots ever imagined. time for a big "Change" in Washington! What the heck is happaning to my country? Hope and change starts in 2010!
  7. I read in the Tennessee code the term "intent to go armed" What is the exact defination of that? I inturrpert it to mean you intend to do harm? Or you are up to an unlawful purpose? Can anyone clear this term up for me? Thanks
  8. You vant flied lice with that? Sweet and sour chicken? Will they have to move the KFC from across the street? We are in trouble.
  9. Good GOD! What is next? I can't take it. What is happaning to my country? Who authorized this? Looks like the commies have friends on the inside.
  10. Alyson understands self defense. More and more woman are taking their personal protection seriously. My sister-in-law (can't choose your reletives)was anti-gun, anti-second ammendment as could be. She would not even allow her husband to bring a gun into the house! Well, her daughter talked her into going shooting at the "womans day a the range". Guess what? After she got a safety briefing, fired 4-5 differant hand guns and a few rifles, she is hooked! She is going back. ( her targets which she is proud of) looked real good! My niece is buying a pistol! Her husband is now "allowed" to buy one too! We need more positive coverage on firearm ownership. Alyson's two co-hosts are kinda wussy anyway. Ray;-)
  11. Welcome to the most invigorating sport you will ever do. Remember: SAFETY FIRST! Have fun ! Heed the 4 rules that HEXHEAD wrote. Enjoy.......................
  12. More propaganda to indocternate the youth of America. Keep your kid home that day. I'll bet he is using our tax money to put this on. This nut job has to go. (can you say Hugo Chevaz)?
  13. Excellent! Thanks
  14. Stay safe young man. Come home to your friends and family. You are an American Patriot. Ray HTC USN Retired
  15. On the news, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said that Obama aka (wing nut ears) is 2 Trillion dollars short on the "Government run" health care costs. Imagine that............. More deception. The Obama Administration "revamped" it's numbers. "OH our mistake" Gee............ up to 9 TRILLION now. Good GOD stop this clown before it is too late. Your vote is a powerful tool! USE IT!
  16. I can not believe the deception and disinformation being spread by this far left party. I think it is clear now that the communists, Marxisits, statists,and other unamerican malcontents have taken over the Democrat party and plan to change OUR country into something that we have never known. As Americans we need to call all of our Senators and Congressman and tell them to STOP NOW! Is anyone aware that there is wording in the bill that makes it illegel to repeal the bill once it is voted into law by congress? Obama and the Apollo Alliance (communist group) wrote this bill. Not congress. They are putting on a "dog and pony show". There is bills attached to this that are bearly referanced. Some include restrictions from health care if you have "Dangerous"sports. Including fire arms! This is the biggest threat to the Constitution an the bill of rights in the history of America! Get involved before it is too late! Ray ;-)
  17. He doesn't know how to govern. He is just a snake oil salesman. I figure if he keeps going around the world appoligizing for America, He will be too busy to screw anything else up. One could hope........................
  18. Yes, if you do not have a permit and are at a range, in your back yard, at Grandma's house etc and an LEO asks you to present a permit you don't have to because you don't have one. I have one so I would have to. We are agreed. Having a permit means more responsibilities which I hope is considered prior to getting one. Thank you for clearing that up. Ray ;-)
  19. It's amazing, normal everyday Americans voicing their opposition to the Government and their free speech is stopped. In the last 8 months since wingnut ears took office he has run the national debt up by 9 trillion, took over GM and Crysler, nationalized the banks, appointed 34 "Czars" who are accountable to no one but him, is trying to push this phoney CAP and TRADE which is nothing more than the largest energy tax this country will ever see, Government run health care which will hurt senior citizens, cost trillions more and ration our heath care. And when Americans are prevented from voicing our opposition, hell yea we got a problem. And makes us mad as hell. Thanks for letting me vent. PS Ted Kennedy is still dead. Ray;-)
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by saintsfanbrian Is Al Gore going to sell it to him? There is no way this would be able to pass. Our country does not own the internet. I do not see how it would be possible for him to "shut it down" to non-government networks. Originally Posted by saintsfanbrian Is Al Gore going to sell it to him? There is no way this would be able to pass. Our country does not own the internet. I do not see how it would be possible for him to "shut it down" to non-government networks. He will do it through his communication Czar.(who controls the FCC) (His 41 Czars are accountable to no one but wing nut boy). They hae NO congressional oversight. The plan is to call a cyber attack "crisis" and declare martial law. The guy is dangerous. He needs to be a 1 term President.
  21. I read this on Newsmax. We will just have to wait and see. The whole gun control issue has nothing to do with public safety or crime. It is about population control. If the far left can keep chipping away at the constitution and the bill of rights they will get the communist agenda through. Look at he Obama cabinet. He has communists, socialists, statists, enviro- nutjobs and a whole host of malcontents on board. Ray
  22. Thanks, I am missing some manuals. Ray:-)
  23. "I have heard of" "a secret compartment" in a closet. The inside of the closet is 3/16 finished plywood. The plywood is cut on an angle in a square shape and framed behind it so the plywood won't fall in. It is perfect for a few hand guns and clips. Put a screw into the removable panel as a handle. Your gun is in the ready position and the kids or grandkids will not find it. And if your house gets broken into the crook won't find it. Ray ;-) Click here to add cool Smileys to this website for FREE!
  24. Not only is Waxman a bafoon, he is also a useful idiot. This is nothing but smoke and mirrors to take our attention off of the health care issue. "Look at this hand, pay no attention to me stealing from you with the other" Just like Holder with this phony investigation on the CIA interogations. Another distraction. Saul Alynski thought them well. Confuse the issues and pass the real bills when no one is looking.
  25. Idiot Politicians that think they know what is good for us. They have never ran or managed anything. And they are telling me how to run MY life............... NOT


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