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Everything posted by Chief07
I love it! Makes my heart melt. My girls are grown up now but they love deer meat. Enjoy your girls while they are little. They grow up way too fast. Glad I taught them young. I can't keep deer jerky in the house. They come home and find it. My wife has some awsome venison recipes. I'm a lucky man!
If I was 30 years younger!! Great videos on CMT and GAC. Blake Shelton is a lucky man.
The 1911 is one of the best handguns ever made. I got a Springfield Amory 1911 stock. Back in 82. To "help it out" due to the 8lb trigger out of the box, I put a vendicki adjustable trigger 3.5 lb pull, Polished the ramp so I can shoot combat target rounds, and milled the ejection port. I have more fun with this gun than you can imangine. It was fairy inexpensive and for a hundred more it is just as good as high priced guns. If you are looking for a competition type gun, expect to pay 1k plus. Just a few ideas if you are on a budget.
My first hand gun is a Springfield amory 1911 Used it in the Navy and loved it. S&W 686 6-inch in stainless - Had to have it Taurus PT-99 - Good deal Raven .25 Free gun for joining range .44 colt old army in black powder 12 inch barrel. Looked like fun Rugar single six in .22 my Dads gun Iver Johnson in .32 my Dads gun Yup. Love to shoot these hand guns.
Welcome! Glad you found us. Look around and enjoy.
Welcome! Lots of good information and experiance. Enjoy the site.
Best materials for home when disaster strikes?
Chief07 replied to a topic in Survival and Preparedness
I like the list that db99wj had.That is a good start. And yes...lots of ammo -
Unbelivable.If she wants to be a victim that's her business.Not me or my family!
What did you say?Huh?My wife says I have selective deafness.
Interesting. I am thinking a dual purpose shelter.I need a root celler for tatters, apples and other fruit.A storm shelter is always a good idea.You never know
Wow! Crimson Trace could not have said it better. I don't think I can add much more to that. God Bless America!
Glad to have you here. Enjoy
Well.................... You started it about Obama Obama gets on a plane Obama was seated next to a little girl on the airplane when he turned to her and said, "Let's talk. I've heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger." The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said to the president, "What would you like to talk about?" "Oh, I don't know," he said. "How about Health Care?" and he smiles. " OK", she said... "That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff........grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?" Obama, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence, thinks about it and says, "Hmmm, I have no idea...." To which the little girl replies, " How do you feel qualified to discuss Health Care when you don't know ****?"
I would not trust them. Who knows how legitimate they are and how old the stuff they are selling is. Wallmart seems to have very reasonable prices for genarics. If you can buy perscription drugs on line without a doctors script......... I would stay away. Chief
Go to the NRA web site and check out the NY gun laws. Better to be safe then sorry. They have strange laws with loop holes and knowing Bloomberg, He would love to put both of you in jail. NY,NJ,CT,Mass, gun laws suck!
John Wayne said life is tough.Being stupid makes it tougher.DUH!What was he thinking?
Bloomberg is a ego nutjob who is the 14? richest man in the world.His anti-gun agenda was exposed last week in using NYC officials on NYC payroll topush his sick anti-gun agenda.He is not used to not getting his way. (A** Hole).He also funds Sara Brady, Cease fire NY, NJ, and PA.He owns the NYC political system and his cronies voted to allow him to change he rulesand let him run for a 3rd term. It is sick, idioligy driven out of control politicians like him that undermind our Constitution and bill of rights.Idiots like him need to be driven out of office and into obscurity.
Hopefully the next election will purge the crap from office.And give us elected officials that serve "US".Politicians forget they work for us!
Disagree with Obama? You're obviously a racist!
Chief07 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Quote:Hyaloid said:If you cannot attack the issues without attacking one another, we'll stop the topic all together. In that light, let me compliment our current White House and the Congress. They do provide us with an almost endless supply of issues to attack. Not to mention the comedy relief!Nobody would believe that the Congress of the United States could be this ignorant, stupid, petty, uninformed, outragious, braindead, bunch of nitwits that God ever streached a patch of skin across would be in charge of the greatest nation on the face of the earth. Or that Americans would even vote them into office.Thanks or letting me vent. I feel better now. -
maybe came across the wrong moonshine still Hey you never know. Tennessee ain't the liberal northeast.
Idiot boy does not understand or follow the Constitution. He needs to but out! He thinks he is a dictator. Time for him to go back to Keyna.
Well..................... He's doing a great job of turning our great country into a Marxist, corrupt, broke, government dependant, unemployed, no product producing, welfare, 3rd world country. Other than that........................ 2010 we will get real CHANGE! Chief
Serious, To give yourself a fighting chance on the road take a safety course. Previous posters are right. Cars don't see a motorcycle. You are invisible! Just a few tips if you would like to listen: * Intersections are the most dangerous place for motorcycles. * Lefthand turns accross traffic will kill over 40% a year. * Most single vehicle accidents happen in curves. The rider gets in too hot and over shoots and crosses the line or hits the guard rail or on coming traffic. * Head and eyes! Where ever you look, that's where your bike goes. ( Don't look at what you want to miss)! * 4 wheels will win over 2 wheels every time! don't challange cars or trucks! let it go. it's better to tell stories over a beer than from a hospital bed. * Don't ride above your ability or experiance. As Darrell Waltrip says "He ran out of talent" Don't do that it could hurt! Stay safe when you are riding the open road! Ray