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Everything posted by Chief07

  1. Geee............... How can that be? Chicago has the toughest anti gun laws in the country. What a bunch of fools.
  2. I second that. And take that idiot Corker with him. Tennessee deserves better than these two jacka$$es.
  3. But he is doing such a great job! Isn't he the Messiah? The One? Smartest man in the room?   What a horses butt! This jerk needs to go.respects the U.S. anymore. What an embarrassment. When is America going to impeach this jerk!  :yuck:   No wonder no one 
  4. Yes. We had a bill of rights. This administration is going far beyond what the original Patriot act under Bush stated. (That was flawed to begin with). This occupier of the oval office doesn't care what the Constitution says. He tramples on the bill of rights.This is all about power and control.He is using the power of government to go after anyone who isn't in lock step with him and his ideology He doesn't care about the 10th amendment which protects states rights.  The reason for all this gun control is to disarm the people and control them It has nothing to do with safety. The NSA will use all the info they collect to go after their perceived "enemies" whether it is true or not.  Don't be surprised if they are monitoring all of us gun owners and our correspondence.  We need to get involved and rid our Government of these un-American individuals.Vote the bums out. Starting with Corker and Alexander!
  5. If this is true, and I don't doubt it, This is a conflict of interest and is illegal. But this is the Huti-Senator from San Francisco. She can get away with it.
  6. Well good rid-dins. He was so crooked they will have to screw him into the ground when they bury him. He was so anti-2nd amendment I could care less about him. Another Commie-crate gone!
  7. AMEN Sister! The liberal Commie-crats in NJ are out of control. She should run for Governor in the June Primary! :up:  
  8. Hey Blooming idiot, Hows that gun control working out for you? You don't care, you fly to your Caribbean Island on the weekends. 27 Billion dollar net worth. I guess you are above the common people.
  9. It;s a circus in Trenton, The Democrap controlled Senate pushed through 16 anti-gun and anti-sportsman bills. Fatboy is expected to sign them. New Jersey is screwed. The old saying goes - "New Jersey is a good place to be from". :cool:
  10. I know how 3-D printing works. I have samples on my desk and I don't see how it can stand the pressure. There has to be more metal parts than just the firing pin. There has to be a lot more to it than the plastic.
  11. It will be interesting to watch. What if the majority of the states did the same thing? Hey Oblamo ignores the Constitution and laws, how is he and his little puppet going to enforce their will against all the states? They ignore the 10th amendment which is illegal and unconstitutional. The left uses "civil disobedience" all the time. Hey why not?
  12. He has got to go...............
  13. I've been following NJ. Christie will run as Hilary's VP.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:   He ain't no Conservative. He is a fake, a phony, and a fraud! 
  14. :squint: Give the liberals time. Knives are next.
  15. Until the school system stops teaching this progressive clap trap nothing will change. Until they put God back in the school nothing will change. Until these urban punks stop idolizing these phony so called rap artists and stop trying to be like them nothing will change. Until the families of these kids teach them right from wrong, nothing will change. And until this country embraces Conservative values we will not live in the America we grew up in.
  16. Oh my God how will I pressure can beans?   :rofl: My wife's pressure caner must be a semi-auto..... She does one batch after another.......................................... Next on the ban list.
  17. DUH!  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
  18. Jimmy Carter lost his ranking. Oblamo is a negative 44
  19. What guns?  :cool:
  20. After watching the operation, WOW! They did what they needed to do under the circumstances I wonder if the guy gets a new boat? It doesn't look too sea worthy now.  :pleased:
  21. Malloy = Idiot  :rofl:   He must be taking lessons from Biden.  
  22. Another brain trust. Is everyone in her district as nuts as her?  :screwy: 
  23. 12 Million dollars down the drain. Hey King Bloomberg, why don't you buy an island? You can call it Bloombursha and rule yourself. Then you can ban what ever you want!  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


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