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Everything posted by Chief07

  1. No it's not you or me that want to punch him. I'm afraid the line is way too long and we'll never get to the front.
  2. Good ole Joe. F-bombs, jokes that flop, stupid comments. He would be gone if he wasn't such a useful idiot.
  3. Welcome Aboard Fred. Thanks for your service to America!
  4. It's time to flush all of the Marxist crap out of Congress! Enough is Enough! Micky Mouse can do a better job than the Who*e in charge. A bunch of normal American citizens will do a better job then these Commiecrats! In November pull the lever and flush the crap out of our Capital.
  5. Will ALGORE just go away? What a horse's butt........................
  6. Well when the elected officials ignore the will of the people some people get frustrated and do extreame things. Hopefully that is all that happans.
  7. These commie scumbags are breaking into groups by other names. Idiot boy will not let them go broke. The Democraps will give them funding. He needs them for the 2012 election.
  8. Done! The fight has just begun. Time to throw the Marxists out!
  9. Great tips! I too have false walls, a hidden room for my "Stuff". Everyone may need it when "Wingnut ears" tries to circumvent the second ammendmant also.
  10. Well Chucky Schmucky Schumer wants to change the Constitution? I think it's time to change Chucky Schmuky out of office!
  11. Mass. "Commie-crats" They make me sick.
  12. Ok. I never heard of this before. I thought it was a law making the kids pull their pants up. I must be getting old.
  13. Real change starts in November! We need to vote ( purge the crap) from Congress. We can make Wing nut ears a lame duck for the next 3 years. Your vote counts now more than ever! See you at the polls!
  14. Keep calling, e-mailing and snail mailing. This phony health care bill needs to be stopped in it's tracks. Trying to repeal or sue for relief will take too long. Our great country will be reduced to a 3rd world banana republic. Pelosi ( the witch ) will use the Slaughter plan on cap and trade, immigration reform, and God knows what else. The Constitution must be upheld and preserved! I found out that 12,000 IRS agents will be hired to enforce the the penelties in the health care bill. Can you say Communism?
  15. Welcome Aboard Navy Gunner.
  16. Before you send it change Ben Nelsons state to Nebraska. aka "Corn husker kick back"
  17. Slaughter should be expelled from congress for devising this plan. And Obama needs to be Impeached for even supporting this. They will pay in November.
  18. I came across a flame proof paint locker. Lots of shelves and lots of room. Free is free! Works good for me.
  19. Geeezzzz. "He needed killin" is a defence?
  20. This will be tested. Wyoming put teeth in theirs. It states any federal agent that attempts to arrest, confiscate firearms or ammo stamped "Made in Wyoming" under the commerse clause will be subject to arrest and minimum 2 years jail time. The other states need to put language to that affect in their laws also. They did not get a reply for Washington yet. We will have to wait and see............
  21. Welcome Aboard Johnny and your wife.
  22. Welcome Aboard Chris.
  23. Yes Sir leroy. We all must vote in November if we want to save our country. 2010 will just be the start. We also need to purge the liberals from the Republican party too. McCain, Graham, Snowe, Collens, Hatch, and any other Republican that strays to the dark side.
  24. He is such a phony BS artist. They were pages, interns and help from the Capital. The propaganda-in-chief is a discrace. 2012 can't come fast enough for me.
  25. Interesting statment. The barn door is open now with Heller vs. DC. They can not ban owership but they can make it tough to obtain firearms. Some townships have an ordance that say's no discharging a firearm within the limits of the township. That bans hunting and firearm sports. Home protection will have to be tested.


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