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Everything posted by Chief07

  1. SWEET! I'm in :usa:  :up:  :up:
  2. Bryant Gumbel is a big leftist turd. Have you ever noticed the "celebrities" that complain the most about us, the NRA, GOA, and other pro 2nd amendment groups, have there own armed security? :rant:  :rant:
  3. Another phony Bloomberg front group.  Misinformed, emotional clap trap, propaganda. Let them waste their money. Eventually they will go away. :screwy:  :screwy:  :screwy:  :screwy:  :screwy:  :screwy:
  4. If you have to travel through the communist state of Maryland, Just comply with the "Interstate transportation of firearms  act and you should be ok. Keep your gun in a locked box in the trunk or in your camper. They are a bunch of gun grabbing commies but hey, Maryland is a small state. You cold always go around it. West Va., Va. and Pa are gun friendly.  :pleased:
  5. I Love Moonpies! :up:
  6. Im with you. After 1 or 2 terms, they usually become part of the problem.
  7. AMEN Brother!
  8. I watched it on Cam & Co. What a double talk shuffle. Typical lying politician. :squint: Of course being from Colorado, he can always blame it on the dope.  :rofl: .
  9. I got one free for joining a indoor range 20 years ago. I still have it. It's a novelty now. I wouldn't trust it in a pinch. Still have the original box and spare magazine. They offered 2 different ones. One that was blued with wood grips, I got the chrome with genuine imitation plastic pearl grips. (I was styling then).  :cool:
  10. I wasn't planning too but I wanted to hear what the enemy was saying. I wanted to puke. I kept yelling "LAIR" to the TV. There is a old saying in Tennessee.  "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining" (Hope I don't get flagged for that) But come on Mr........................... Do you think all Americans are stupid?
  11. These people get it! Obama has been a failure and a BS artist. Now if the rest of the people he BS't will realize it and protest and wake up and vote conservative people in, not Republicans, we can get this country back on track. Government can't create jobs! The private sector with less regulations will!
  12. I get so tired of these gun grabbers use the term "common sense" Who do they think they are fooling? They ignore their own statistics on crime reduction. These "COMMUNISTS" yes I said it, just want to control the population. Until we vote these anti-Americans out, the propaganda and flat out lies will not stop. It is time to clean house in Washington.
  13. Exactly! The lies get bigger & bigger. Americans are waking up and the left knows it. Sooner or later it catches up.
  14. Yup. Time for this phony to go. And his "sister" Lamar also.  :rant:  :rant:  :rant:
  15. This marxist is destroying our country. And the so-called public servants are folding like cheap lawn chairs I guess we know what the next step is.........................
  16. I dumped mine years ago when I found out. What happened to total disclosure?
  17. I saw the piece on Cam and Co. I was glad gun owners are standing up. Bloomberg wasted 350 k trying to buy the votes. The anti-gun crowd lost credibility and the average American is getting tired of them trying to buy votes.Its time we took our country  and constitution back! Keep fighting!
  18. Gee. What is wrong with this picture? And the Democrats get their talking points from who? That's what happens when the Communists, Socialists, Marxists and other malcontents take over a party and want to destroy our country. 
  19. No surprise there. New York is screwing themselves with the "Safe act"  Too many liberal "Commiecrats" in charge. Bloomberg is a rich spoiled narcissist who has more money then brains.. 
  20. Don't be surprised if he runs as a Democrap in 2016.
  21. She is part of the shadow government. All the Marxist's, Communists, and other malcontents that wing nut ear boy  surrounds himself with are dangerous and are destroying our country from within. The sooner we get rid of this crowd the better.
  22. McCain is going senile. He needs to go home and drive his wife's beer truck. I lost all respect for him as a Senator. I respect his service but it's time for him to go home.   And that "goober" Lindsey Graham..... He is a disgrace. South Carolina, get rid of this boob.   Good Grief................................. :stunned:
  23. The propagandist -in-chief. He makes me sick . I can't even listen to him. :puke:  :puke:  :puke:  :puke:  :puke:  :puke:  :puke:  :puke:  :puke:  :puke:  :puke:  :puke:
  24. New Jersey is out of control. What a shame.


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