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About Chief07

  • Birthday 08/22/1956

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  • Location
    Little farm in the valley.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Shooting, reloading, hunting, fishing, Harley Riding
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
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  1. It's not hard to find a safe place to shoot here in east Tennessee with all the hills and mountains. I love to shoot on my property. My neighbors aren't really close. Not like where I used to live in the commie state of Jersey. I love Tennessee.
  2. We will see.
  3. Been working and haven't had time to watch the news. 7 days a week 14-16 hours a day. You know how life works.
  4. Dicks and Walmart need to grow a pair and stop cowering to the snowflakes on the left. I'll take my business else where. Mahoneys, Cabelas, Bass Pro, and small gun shops.
  5. My first gun was a Sears J,C Higgins model 20 12 gauge pump shotgun. Still have it and taught my kids how to shoot with it. It still looks good and shoots fine.
  6. Another leftist that doesn't understand what "Shall not be infringed" means. And why is it the left wants to disarm the citizens of the U.S. but they have armed body guards. The Bill of rights protects us from the government!
  7. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Another brain washed libtard.
  8. True, But until we get rid of these "progressives" aka communists they will keep bringing this back again and again. Elections have consequences. There are 40 + Democraps that are avowed communists in congress. Until they are voted out of office and replaced with true patriotic politicians that have the U.S. best interest in mind it will only get worse.   I'm not happy with the brain dead establishment Republicans ether. Does anyone elected to office have the best interest of the country first?   We need a big change and fast!  :usa:
  9. You won't hear the NBA and idiotberg mention that some of their players carry illegally and still hang out with their gang banger buddies.
  10. These politicians are clueless. They would be better served by protecting our borders  and doing the job they were elected to do, They keep forgetting they work for us. :rant:
  11. Yes he knows exactly what he is doing. Today he is asking the Governors to enact gun control by executive decision. Connecticut already agreed.   Write Haslem and tell him not to go along with O's back door plan. This is getting out of control now. 
  12. I'm not sure how old this article is, I just came across it. My point about this is, Most of these anti-gun politicians are hypocrites. It's ok for them to protect themselves but you and I can't. They are granted special access, but you and I are denied. What makes their life any more important than yours or mine. Politicians can get concealed carry but the average Joe can't. Especially in jurisdictions that deny our basic 2nd amendment rights.  This is my major complaint. Especially this nit-wit in the Whitehorse and these nit-wits in Congress..
  13. They preach gun control for you and me. BUT............... Democratic senator, R.C. Soles (D-NC) used a gun to defend himself from two home invaders. One person was shot, reportedly sustaining non-life threatening injuries. This is an interesting turn of events, as the Senator has a long history of being pro-gun control. The State Bureau of Investigation and Columbus County Sheriff’s Department are investigating the shooting, Gore said. Soles, who was not arrested,declined to discuss the incident Sunday evening. “I am not in a position to talk to you,” Soles said by telephone. “I’m right in the middle of an investigation.” The Senator, who has made a career of being against gun ownership for the general public, didn’t hesitate to defend himself with his own gun when he believed he was in immediate danger and he was the victim. By his strong anti-gun stance, one would think the good senator would have done exactly what he expected the rest of us American’s to do — which is call 911 and wait patiently for the police to arrive and handle the situation. Actions speak louder than words, and Senator Soles’ actions speak volumes. By being unavailable for comment, his actions speak even louder. Are We The People once again supposed to follow along like docile sheep, chanting the mantra “Do as I say, not as I do”? Had the senator responded otherwise to a request for an interview, one might be led to think there was hope that he would change his stance on gun control. However, his refusal leads one to believe he will continue with his lofty belief that his life matters — but not yours or mine.
  14. That was dumb. That is like the the rioters. "We'll show them, we will burn our own neighborhood down" Haa, Haa


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