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About DMark

  • Birthday October 31

Profile Information

  • Location
    Middle Tennessee
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Driving, Flying, Riding, Shooting
  • Occupation
    Gentleman Farmer, U.S. Army (Ret)


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Colt LW Commander
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Smith & Wesson Model 37

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Prolific Contributor (4/5)



  1. Which Reticle, VHR or VPR? MIL or MOA? Thanks, Mark
  2. What is the Name of the Holster Maker?
  3. Must give this a bump after the Great TGO Server Failure of 17 Sep 2023.
  4. More Proof that the Internet is Forever! BTW..., Welcome to TGO.
  5. Thanks. Do you have the Novak Build Sheet?
  6. Do you know what year this work was done at Novak?
  7. M4 Waffle Stock. Brand new, perfect condition. Fits a milspec buffer tube. MSRP is $50, asking $25 shipped. I'll Take This. PM sent.
  8. Colt USGI Issue Front Sling, Side Swivel Mount. This model solidly clamps around the barrel, usually near the gas block. MSRP is $40, asking $15 shipped. I Will Take This.
  9. I'll claim tagging this as "Tanker's Revenge" nearly 7 years ago. One of the MODs later added to the title. Might be the only Forever & Forever thing I'll do on the internet..., now that all my Tiny Pic stuff is gone!
  10. TGO GROUP BUY!!!!!!! It is sort of a Tennessee 1911 now.
  11. I used an Old School Tag back back in 2013 and then coined the phrase "TankerHC's Revenge" back in 2014. Yea..., guess you could say I'm "IN!"
  12. DMark

    CZ Scorpion Pistol

    The H&K FanBoys will cry, but your comments at 10:54 in regard to the MP5 are spot-on!
  13. DB, I agree. The new Rear Switch Option on the -7A makes this a much better weapon light. The side switches on the original -7 were hard to reach for folks with small hands.


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