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Everything posted by Spiffy

  1. I got a first gen PSA PA-10 because there was a sign on the door at the little country store. Went home got the cash and made Dad ride over to the dudes house with me. Honestly outside of being heavy there really isn't anything I do that I couldn't just use it for. They grow on you quick.
  2. I have no idea bout Nashville but if you look around for some small stores you might find one that has some stuff. There is a shop here in town that has some AR repair kits. Mostly pins and springs and #### I lose if I take one that far apart. Usually just get my nick-nack pieces from PSA.
  3. Bump. Open to trades for Gen 3 9mms.
  4. Thats what I did. Its really more of a spacer that I got,
  5. You grind the posts on the slide down.
  6. I went with adapter plate on mine. If I had to do it over I think i'd just grind em off. Remember one screw needs to be short for the plunger side.
  7. I looked at one of those a time or 2. The modern feel to it turned me off for some reason in my hands but they are beautiful guns.
  8. I was wanting some cigar boxes to put little stuff in the safes. I got a pack of 30 different ones off Amazon. That one sits on top of the safe because it's a good place to put my gun oil and stuff. It was just handy to have something to lean against.
  9. I failed at keeping it clean. I really wanted to put a light on it because all my "go to" guns have lights. Enjoy my failing.
  10. I was told years ago "if you don't have a chronograph you're just guessing". It is as important a tool as the press, powder measurer, or case gauge.
  11. I got to looking around and I'd need a powder funnel and a die. I could probably adjust the handle to make it work but that Franklin Armory measurer/scale/trickle meter magically jumped in my cart and I bought it. Seemed to be more "work" than it would be worth when said and done.
  12. Usually that means they are set to meet.
  13. Can you use the Dillon Powder Measurer on a Single Stage press? Going to start loading for 45-70 govt on a Franklin Armory M-Press. If I use Lee dies the 4 die sets comes with a thru powder die. Can I just put one of my Dillon measurers on there and use that?
  14. Had that conversation with someone on Reddit and FAL Files.


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