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Everything posted by creeky

  1. HAhahaha!! See! Their everywhere! I bet no one even heard them move in until it was too late. LOL!!
  2. I never game them much of a thought till this past weekend. First real chance I've had to spend with them and shoot different sizes and calibers. Can't really say I see much wornng with them myself. The Glock 22 I picked up I had never fired before, and was amazed at how well I could knock the pins over. Just as quick as my HK Compact that I practice with. I see them as "Semi-Auto" revolvers... if that makes any sense. Am I off to sell my HK? Nope. Will I ever own a Glock? Probably a used one some day I'm sure. Would I try and talk someone out of buying one? Naw... but I would restate not to shoot lead or reloads through the thing. Other than that... enjoy.
  3. Yeah! I'm wondering if all of them were made wih that good of a trigger pull. I'm hoping all will go well after the first of the year, if so I'll have to keep an eye out for one. It was just great fun to shoot.
  4. Last Saturday I got the pleasure of shooting a confiscated Colt Detective. Little Blue, 2" snubby that held 6 rounds of .38 Special. It had some minor pitting on it but OH MAN was it a sweet shooting little thing! It was the first time I had ever shot one of those. It was a joy. The trigger was amazing. I wondered if it had some trigger work done to it. Hard to say since the previous owner is a little hard to get a hold of now. The single action pull was awesome and the DA pull was like Butt'ah! So I'm wondering... do all Colt Detectives have such good triggers? Or had this one been worked on a bit? In any event... I'm going to have to put this on my "Keep on a look out" list.
  5. I have some similar to those listed above by "nsnate02". From Academy Sports, plastic loop with the ear buds builton. About 4 bucks. The only down side is that when you move your head you can hear the plastic rubbing your shirt echoing through the buds. A little distracting at first, but don't even hear it now. They're light, and I can leave them hanging on my neck while talking or messing with something.
  6. Seems a Chinese diesel-electric sub poped up next to the Kitty Hawk, undetected! During naval execises. Some links... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id=492804&in_page_id=1811 Defense Tech's Comment on it... http://www.defensetech.org/archives/cat_eye_on_china.html
  7. I shot a Glock 33 (.357 sig) this weekend as well. Really surprised how well I hit with the little thing. I was thinking the recoil would be a little hard to manage, but it wasn't. I would have prefered a fingerrest on the mag or something so it would fit better. Also shot a glock 22 (.40) as well. REALLY surprised at it. Walked right through eight bowling pins with ease. In fact we had about 3-4 shooters that had never shot a Glock (or many handguns at all) able to hit the pins 80% of the time. It has really changed my opinion of them. I wish I could have had the opertunity to have shot a Glock 32... but no one had one.
  8. That's the very one I was thinking about!
  9. Okay... This is a tad bit closer but is not the one I am thinking of. http://gunracks.tylerrose.com/ (Why can't I find it! Ugh!)
  10. I know what you are talking about. It's a bar that wounts to the studs in your wall. It holds rifles, shotguns and even pistols... Can't seem to find the link though. This is close, but exspensive and not what I am talking about. http://www.letargets.com/html/storage2.html
  11. That is one heck of a bag!
  12. I ran into the bag yesterday. Canvas and leather. Hadn't ever heard of it before, but I thought it looked pretty good. No padded sides for a laptop, but I think you could rig something in there that would work. http://www.crossbreedholsters.com/ohai.html Site takes some time to load though... but cool. Be sure to look at the larger picts.
  13. If you compete actively, or take serveral pistols to the range... or even have some of those high dollar race guns I could see the "investment" in a more expensive bag. But even the more exspensive bags can be overloaded. For me, my little cheapo bag does fine. Seldom do I take more than three or four pistols out at a time. If I did... I hate to say it... but I would probably buy another fishing bag to haul the others. If you have the money, and want something nicer I say go for it. For me I just try to do what i can with what I have.
  14. creeky


    LOL!! Og my "Disney"! Thant's gold man!!!
  15. I looked into it a while back and came up with nothing. At one time a few classes were offered at the Bellevue Jewish Community Center. But they aren't anymore. (This was years ago.) I think it was just a limited time thing. Gentiles were welcomed to attend the glasses there.
  16. I had a Taurus 17 years ago. Kept it for about three years. Blue, 5 shot .38, hammerless. It was light, and fun to shoot. Carried it everywhere. Finish was great on it. Everyone told me not to get a "Taurus" back then. They had just had the "Liftime warrenty" thing going on for a couple of years. Everone I showed it to was impressed with the quality. Sold it, and I regreted it ever since. I'll own another one, one day. I just have other things infront of it. I would only assume that the quality is either the same or has even gotten better. (Just my two cents.)
  17. Must you mock me so? ... Have you know soul man?!? ;P
  18. I was at Guns & Leather this past Saturday, they had a Vector Arms VL-53 (A clone of the HK-53 series.) for $1500 bucks. I fonled it for a little while. My friends assured me that it didn't make my butt look big... if I had the money I might have bought the thing for all the wrong reasons. I was daydreaming about SBRing that thing. On the drive home as I thought more about it, the mags are expensive, additional stocks and forearms are really high... and for less money I could have walked out with an OLY AR in 9mm that took glock mags, or three other different ARs in .223. It just didn't make any sense the more I thought about it. I mean basically they both are doing the same thing... throwing a 55 gr (or 62) piece of lead down range. Something about those H&Ks though. They do catch my eye. I fear it will be my down fall!
  19. You can always try the HKpro forum... http://www.hkpro.com/forum/index.php Things seem to pop up there pretty often. They also seem to get bought quickly as well. I'm an HK guy as well... or rather I have a HK Compact. Other than that I don't think I can afford to get any deeper into the HK world. LOL!!! Welcome!
  20. .22 for small game and plinking... .223 for knocking pins over and basically just having fun... .308 (My bolt gun.) for longer shots (deer and bowling pins manily)
  21. Most range bags I looked at a few years ago seemed a little steep for me. I looked in the fishing section of Sports Acadmey a few years ago and they had some tackle bags on sale. I got this one for about 16 bucks. It came with some plastic tackle box stuff as well. (Gave them away.) While looking at it the sales guy was trying to help me and asked what kind of fishing I did. I told him I didn't fish and he said "Ahhhh.. your a shooter huh?" Turns out he said sees a few guys coming in and buying these for range bags. Works good for me. Shoulder strap and double sewn handles, the main compartment has the heavy duty zippers that you can put a small lock on (only good for keeping kids out), the two sides can hold eight 50rd boxes in each side, plus about three pistols in the middle compartment plus my other junk. (Strap comes in handy when fully loaded.) It doesn't have the cool mag holders and stuff like that.... but suits me well. Also it doesn't "look" like a range bag. That is something that I like too. (I also use an old portable diaper changing mat that folds up small as a pistol rug. )
  22. I must confess I was very ignorant of IL and Chicago. I have to travel there from time to time through the year. I was in Elgin and decided to take a littleride around and went through Dundee. WOW! Farm land! Rolling hills! Woo Hoo! LOL!! It was really nice there. Older style houses, looked like a few old small farms. I couldn't imagine living there and having gun ownership so restricted. The people i talk to up there said that pretty much Chicago sets the rules for the whole state.
  23. Chicago should be it's own little state. (IMHO)
  24. Man that's COOL!! we had a "trunk or treat" at Church last night. kids had a ball.
  25. 1. Purchased 2 AKs on consecutive days. - Not Illegal 2. Purchased body armor. - Not Illegal 3. Purchased a third AK. - Not Illegal 4. Purchased a taser. - Not Illegal 5. Purchased a tactical helmet. - Not Illegal 6. Purchased a shotgun. - Not Illegal 7. Purchased "clear out grenades". - Don't know the legality. 8. Wore body armor to school. - Not Illegal 9. Had been arrested in the past for carrying a concealed weapon. - No Guilty and if he was under 18 then sealed. 10. Having trouble dealing with his mothers death. - Not Illegal Worth looking into? Yeah... I think so. But that is just me.


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