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Everything posted by creeky
LOL!! That's Great!!!
To be quite honest... I do not know what is in the Cor Bons. They were taken out of a confinscated gun off a felon. The gun was confiscated and with the trial over it went into the police dept.'s use. (a baby glock... and it shot GREAT! ) The dept. carries a certain kind and aren't allowed to carry any other ammo. So he gave me the rounds. Never heard of the Double Tap Ammo before. I'll look into it.
I carry (and always have) Speer Gold Dots in my pistol. Been pretty content. A friend recently gave me a handfull of .357 sig Cor Bon rounds. Cool! Free ammo. Free expensive ammo!The .357 sig is already a pretty peepy round. Very fast, very straight and pentetrates almost too well. So I am starting to second guess using this stuff for defense. I mean the Gold Dots should be plenty good enough for a threat. Not sure that going faster is really that much better. If I had a 9mm then I might be tempted to use Cor Bon. But with the .357 sig... uh... I don;t know. I may be over thinking this a bit. What does everyone else think?
So what would be the most heated TGO Thread? Benifits of OC'ing Glock .380's by Yeager?
I can't... I'm afraid they'll start laughing at me! LOL!! I guess I now change my postion. There is a vaild reason to qualify with another gun!!!!
hmmm... that means they still have me on file with a Interarms Firestar .45?!? Oh my! How embrassing....
Seems like I remember something about it being on the permit the first and maybe the second year. (Not sure though.) Like the requirement that you had to be bonded as well. It was all dropped pretty quickly. (That is if memory serves me.) The whole argument back then was that Police had to qualify with their weapon they carried. (Including backup weapons.) So it stood to reason that anyone else actively carring a handgun should have to show that they have a reasonable ability to control it. Then I remember some saying that permit holders should have to qualify once a year with their weapon. All kinds of things were disscussed at the time. It all basically fell apart in the end, with the argument that average people will use the firearm for personal protection, and theoritically the weapon will be employed less than the average police due to the fact the police man will find himself in harms way daily.
... and if you are both consenting adults.
I'm sure we will Tungsten. But it will be next year I'm afraid. Right now the holidays have my chestnuts roasting over an open fire!
A guy on the line had one in .45 but I was playing the SO at the time and when I got around to be able to actually do some shooting he had to leave. I need to give him a call and run a few mags through. I like the idea of the grip saftey... but I would like to see how it "feels". That guy hit well with it though. Heard good things about the M&P too.
This is what troubles me so. After picking a Glock 22 up for the first time, I was able to shoot pins just as quickly as with my H&K. Then I picked up the G33 (baby glock in .357 sig). I had read about how the recoil was very abrupt in them. To my surpirse not only was it very manageable, I was consistantly hiting pins with it. Granted... not as fast due to the muzzle flip. But it was very dishearting to hit that well with a pistol I had never fired before, versus my Hk which I have had for years, cost more, and have fired many, many rounds through. In honesty... after shooting the glocks... the first thing I noticed when I went back to my USP compact... was the weight. I still like it, and I'm not selling it... but it has made me think more about a used Glock in 40 or 357sig. It just shot well for me. I had always turned my nose up at glocks without trying them. They just never appealed to me. That was both ignorance and arrogance on my part. Sinc ethen I try not to hav epreconceived notions about any firearm until I can get some time behind the trigger.
In the winter I have a small bag with a few items in it. • Lighter • Tow rope • Peanut butter (smooth, that's how I roll.) • Flashlight • Candle • Old Pocket knife I don't carry extra ammo, extra magazines, or anything like that.
I do not carry an extra magazine. My current mags hold ten rounds. (Can't justify paying $39.99 for two extra rounds, when I can buy 3 - 10 rd mags from CDNN for the same amount... shipped.) When I travel out of state or long distances, I will usually carry one extra mag. Sometimes two. But not on my person. But that is just me.
I marked "other". I am in the Printing Industry... I herd cats. 90% of my work day is on the computer (macs) though.
It is really funny to see how people react to the suits. most love it. We do get a few double takes, and weird looks at the halloween craft show in Franklin sometimes. This year a couple of sweet old ladies came over to the boys and said "Look what fine young soldiers!" And then she looked at me and my wife and thanked us for dressing the boys as "Our brave young soldiers." I have to admit it kind of got me. She was very sweet and genuine. I thanked her and her friend and then me and my wife talked about it a lot on the way home. Glad you guys liked the picts.
A .38 special, and a .380 are two different calibers. If you sat them next to each other the .38 would be roughly twice as tall. Basically it travels faster and hits harder. Glazers explained (from a website) These look like Blue pencil erasers, big fat plastic coated bullets. The glaser slug is a copper cup filled with liquid teflon and lead shot, sealed with a plastic cap. When it hits the target the cut ruptures and the contents spill out. as the projectile is light it travels very fast, and when it hits it spills out and expands in a spherical shape. this allows almost perfect energy transfer and massive shock and wounds. This also means it can't ricochet or shoot through any target, making it a 'Safe' round. The website Box O Truth has done some testing of different calibers and Drywall. Simulating waht happens when bullets go through walls. This paticular link shows what A "Glazer" slug can do. (I had a snub nose .38 for quite a while and kept 'Glazers' in it while I had it at home.) I must admit I am very proud to see you learn so much, so quickly.
Isn't there a permit in Tn that covers "Impact Weapons". That is being able to carry legally a "Sap" and/or baton? Seems like I heard that somewhere. Or is that the same thing you guys are talking about?
LOL!!! "Good ole Boy Body Armor!"
Hello Sarah, Just wanted to say keep at it. Trying different types of guns in different calibers really is the best way to find what is right for you. You'll know by the feel of pistol and the recoil what feels best for you. I was lucky enough to have a few friends that have different pistols and calibers for my wife to try out. She has settled on a 9mm (but that is Her and not you.) after trying many and made the statement afterwards that the one she liked "felt" better in her hand than anything else she had shot. You seem to be honestly looking for what is best for you and willing to learn and educate yourself to achieve that end. I have no doubt that you will end up with what is perfect for you and your needs.
This comment by Tungsten got me to thinking. Instead of adding to an already HUGE thread form "Questions from a new girl" I thought I would address them here. Tungsten comment below... First off I agree completely. No Argument. I also think that .380 is not personally for "me" but I wouldn't completely discount it for another to use. But my observation is as follows... It's strange that calibers that were once thought "the norm", or "good for defense" fall by the way side as newer (and BETTER) calibers come out. I have been doing some reading on older handgun calibers recently. Mainly the 32 S&W, and the 32 S&W Long. At one time the 32 S&W was considered the bare minium for defense and considered a decent round. But when the .380 acp came along with roughly twice the speed, and power it quickly fell behind. Same with .380 and the 38 Special. Again an improvement and what became the norm for "minimal" calibers for self defense. Again fast forward to the early ninties (I think it was) 9mm comes on the scene and catches favour quickly. Now some think 9mm is better suited as the "minimum" in size. While this type of stuff has a lot to do with opinion, and it is hard to have an absolute answer to such things. It is interesting in how not only do we seek to continue to improve the cartridges, but we seem to be quick to leave behind older calibers as quickly as the new ones come out. Not saying that is bad, or anything just an observation. Or that a 32 S&W should be carried now a days either. Just that it's interesting to look back and see how these calibers have evolved and why. (Yes I realize that .45 acp has been around "forever". ) Can't say I wouldn't mind having one of these old pistols just to play and tinker with as well!
Oregon group wants to know who the HCP owners are
creeky replied to analog_kidd's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
The Tennessean did the same thing. It was up for just a few hours. They had it in a nice database that made it easy to look up holders by zip code and/or city. I must admit to have looked into my own city and was amazed at how many people I knew that also had permits. Small world. -
If I didn't have a carry gun, and was looking to get into one quickly and wanted a quality pistol at a good price... My first choice would be Molonlabetn's Sig 239 (if he still has it.) http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1459 (yeah i still look at it from time to time. ) Plus's include three mags, .357 sig (you can always buy another barrel for a little over hundred I think) Stainless, and a good holster all for $500 bucks. Second choice (If I was strapped for cash) would be a Taurus .38 with a concealed hammer. (used prefered to make it cheaper.) Some may not like them, but I had one maybe 12 years ago, and it was great. Should have never of sold it. Third... hee, hee... A Colt Detective Special. The later ones with the ejector rod enclosed. Yeah... I'm still lusting after one of these. I'll have to get one next year. ;P Awesome trigger pull, nice balance, "feels right" (at least to me), SIX shot and the size of a "j" frame smitty, the only draw backs is that it really isn't rated for the +p stuff. (You can shoot them through it, but everything I read said to have the gun checked when you approach the 2000 rd. mark in shooting the +Ps.) The other down side is you need to look good in a Fadora. I'm not sure your allowed to own them without at least having one at home.
I apologize "BerettaRacer". I didn't see an "edit" tag.